Recent comments

Thanks, Alex, for sharing your lyrics. Looking forward to your recordings! Have a blessed Christmas with your dear ones.
Alex, good to see you working those words of affirmation. It will be interesting to see how you deliver these words over a Hip Hop beat. I know your conviction and passion will flow. God bless. – Richard
Alex, I had heard about Kanye West's embrace of Christianity but have not yet heard his album. Sounds like a good thing! Looking forward to your own Hip Hop album. Best always. – Richard
I realize "prosody" is a challenge – matching stressed and unstressed syllables to the music. How about this? And may the Spirit cover us, Filling our hearts with peace for evermore... or May wings of the Spirit cover us, Filling our hearts with peace for evermore... I see that in Chorus Two you wrote "he" but meant to write "his." I recommend dropping the pronoun. How about this? "hold us in peace" can easily be sung in proper rhythm as even...
Author: Steve Byrne
Thanks very much Richard.  I think your suggestions are beautifully expressive.  I may have to change the synopation of the tune slightly to fit, but always a nice challnege!  Thank you very much for the recommendations.  Steve
Theresa Moorcroft contacted me by email with the following information: "Mary, My Mother" was written by my Uncle Barry, Father Warren Smithbower.  It was a dedication to his Mother, Lucinda Barry.  We sang it at her funeral.   Cheers, Theresa Moorcroft
Steve, a very fine song. What a vibrant expression of faith. I can understand how some would prefer a gender neutral Holy Spirit. Here are some possibilities: Chorus one: We sing a song of peace, we sing a song to share A peace bestowed by jesus, to show us how to care. And may the Spirit hover over us, Filling our hearts with peace for evermore to bring us always closer to the Lord Chorus one: We sing a song of peace, we sing a song to share A peace bestowed by jesus, to show us how to care...
I really like "Christ In You, The Hope Of Glory." I like the chord progressions. I like how the soundscape "opens up wide" at "Christ in you". Really good. I think I'll sing it!
A gathering of grace. Thanks for sharing!
Brendan, this sounds and "feels" good. You sing and play earnestly, beseeching God's help and giving thankful praise. Thanks for sharing this! Now you have me interested in the Chord Pro app! I briefly demoed it a few years ago.
Amen. We live in the presence of God and earnestly hope that generations to come will honor the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Well written, played and sung. Nice upbeat song. 
Author: BrendanDelumpa
Richard, I will be posting more in the near future. I'm working on a new project - of which Ephesians is part - that is a collection of songs based on scripture. But more pointedly, they're hymns meant to be played at Mass so they'll all be singable. I really don't want to go the pop music route with these. Thanks! Brendan
Brendan, thanks for sharing your song. I like it. It is infused with Christ-energy. I would love to hear more of your songs. God bless.
Author: msmith
Thank you. Margo
Author: asiansa09
Voices so soft and gentle.
Author: msmith
Hello iMwaba, Thank you for your comment. Please check your email messages on this website. I sent you a message about receiving the song. Thank you. Margo
Author: iMwaba
Wonderful song. Kindly provide a download link
Joey: Yes, you may use it. You have direct permission from the music composer, Matilda Jane Kraemer. Let us know how it goes! 
Author: Joey Ibarra
hi there I would like to ask permission to sing Psalm for this Sunday's mass, Psalm 67, we have CCLI copyright in our parish, is that enough? Thanks for your help. Joey  
Thank you for sharing this very prayerful music for the Divine Mercy Chaplet. May it draw many closer to the herat of Christ.
Author: msmith
Thank you, Richard. God is good! He is very generous with His grace, especially on this Divine Mercy Sunday.
Margo, this is a very well written, recorded and produced song. Very meaningful words about the mercy of God. You weave together several vocal and instrumental elements with clarity and balance. Bravo.
Author: msmith
Will do!
It's good to hear from you again after a long hiatus. Keep in touch!
Caleb, these songs are excellent! Meaningful words artfully delivered. Your voice is very good. I could use you on my Hungry For Heaven project!
Author: msmith
Richard, thank you for providing a place for songwriters to share their music and for all of the music you share. Alleluia, Jesus is risen! Margo
Margo, this Easter song of affirmation and hope is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing it. I hope you are well. Please encourage other previous CAM members to post their songs here. "Let the Good News of our Savior spread."  Richard
Author: msmith
This is a beautiful song. Thank you for sharing your talent. Blessings. Margo
Author: asiansa09
Don't worry that we don't get it for acceptance our songs at OCP.  But it is the path for next generation to find the way to enter into credible publishers.  Maybe our family members and relatives can do better than us, and that they will find their way through in music industry.  I think they need to go to colleges/university to get their work for publications.  
I hope that you find helpful in understanding how church music is licensed. I hope you can get your songs accepted and licensed by a major Catholic music publisher. Having all three of our songs rejected by OCP was a disappointment. I wish that OCP had suggested how we might improve our songs. My big frustration here at TCS is not being allowed to show lyrics or scripture texts for copyrighted songs and psalms that are managed by ONE LICENSE. If I were to pay for licensing that...
Author: asiansa09 Thanks Richard for sharing this websites.  It is open up the door of opportunity for me and others for our next generation to dream and pursue the hope to get publishing our work.  Be courage!
Yes, I will adjust words as necessary to make good sense and to make the singing flow. That is what I did with our other collaborations.
Author: asiansa09
It might be helpful for you to lookup the vocabulary of the words in the song for clarification before you write up the song for it.  I just write it from my own understand and I use "big words" that it might need to clarify in the song context.
I will try to create a song with your lyric ideas. Thanks. Paul Inwood wrote a very nice song in 1985 called "Center of My Life." I sing this a few times every year at church. Chris Brunelle sings it very nicely in the YouTube video below. Click on the YouTube Description to see the lyrics. Dan, I think I can create a very nice song for you which incorporates many of the Christocentric points you have noted in your beginning lyrics. 
Author: asiansa09
Hi Richard, Lately, I took the class Cathechesis 101, and I feel so inspire of the concept in Christ that I try to pull out some important concept to write the song lyric.  Let see if you can gather your thought to write up a song for it.  
Here's another shout-out to site members and visitors. I welcome comments here about your experiences and hopes concerning promotion of new Catholic music. Are there some brilliant initiatives you've seen? Have you encountered roadblocks similar to what Benjamin Brekke describes in his lead post above? Does your heart gravitate more toward contemporary Christian music, hard rock, acoustic folk styling, multi-voice hymnody or simple traditional chant? What apps or devices do you use...
This is the video Dan vi Nguyen posted at
I used Cubase for a short while but then settled back in with Apple Logic Pro X. Let me know if you are interested in some quick Logic Pro tutorials on how I mix and master various songs I have posted here at TCS.
Unfortunately, this song was not accepted by OCP (Oregon Catholic Press). I hope they reconsider. Dan vi Nguyen and I also submitted two other songs we co-wrote and they were also rejected. She and I had great expectations.
Author: Guest (not verified)
Interesting song. I never heard the word Enchristment but I sure understand it in the context of this song. Well done.
Dear Holy Chorus, I just noticed that your YouTube video of Holy Flame is gone. Have you re-recorded and re-posted it? Best, Richard.
Steve, I appreciate your comment. I tried to do a balanced presentation here of original "unsigned" music by independent Catholic music composers alongside established music published in major Catholic hymnals. Let's just say that licensing is COMPLICATED! Composers do deserve to get royalties. I do want to make my just contribution to those composers whose music I have sung at church for so many years. It's just that I have not figured out how to monetize this site. I really don't want to do...
Author: Steve Byrne
Your may not have received any funds through creating this support network, Richard, but your ministry here through this website is highly valued!  God bless,  Steve
Alex, may you likewise be blessed in this season of hope and good will.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard,                    Just wanted to wish your family and yourself a Merry Christmas. Hope you also have a happy and safe new year too. God bless. Alex. 
Author: asiansa09
It is very interesting to write song lyrics about sainthood and his/her work. It is a big topic.
Author: asiansa09
Song Lyric:  TABLE OF THE KING 12/02/2018 By:  Dan Vi Nguyen CHORUS Come, come to the table of the king Come, come to the table of the king   VERSE Come to the table of the king We all share the food and water we have In thankful for God provides us with breads   CHORUS Come, come to the table of the king Come, come to the table of the king   VERSE Come to the table of the king We offer thankful for his meals To nourish our body mind and spiritual life...
Author: asiansa09 There is a history behind the song lyric "Table of the King" from Blessed Gamilin Emilie that you can read about it on wiki linked above.
Thanks for the co-writing invitation. I'll try to get to this soon. God bless.
Author: asiansa09
Hi Richard: Will you co-write the song with me and write lead sheet for the song. I really like this song to have a lead sheet for the song lyric, so that we can sing it at the associate members meeting.  
Well, really great vocals and a very able audio tech/mixer.  This Top Catholic Songs site was run by others from 2007 to late 2013. The early emphasis was promoting songs written by a select group of performing artists – all members of the Catholic Association of Music (founded by John Michael Talbot). I took over TCS in January of 2014, cleaned up the spam and outdated Drupal modules, and expanded the mission of the site to embrace the entire range of Catholic music old to new – simple...
Author: Steve Byrne
Thanks again, Richard, for your encouragement. They are my vocals (albeit a good few years back) in an audio-savvy friends bedroom! How have I only discovered this site recently? What a great idea to share music and experience of faith! Hope you’re well and singing on!  God bless, Steve (Surrey, UK).
Author: Alexander John
The whole video was really really great Richard. When I find some time I would like to do some more writing. At my local library there is a ton of books on how to write songs. I would like to step outside the hip hop structure and teach myself other ways to write different genres which I may have mentioned to you a while ago. Hope you are doing well. All the best. Alex. 
Alex: And all the best to you and your wife. Thanks for telling me about your listening session after mass. You inspired me – we are both smiling. Drop back in when you get some time and inclination. I'll leave the pot of coffee on.
Steve, this is absolutely stunning as far as being "in and with Christ" and top drawer as far as production. Is that  you singing? I am in awe of your group's ability to create beautiful, inspiring music.
Author: Steve Byrne
What a great idea to have a songwriters forum such as the MAS.  Haven’t seen any similar opportunities here in the UK.  You sing with a lot of passion and conviction, Richard, and I went to listen for a couple of minutes before realising I was watching the YouTube clips for over half an hour!  Very well done indeed.  ‘Every blessing. 
Great, Steve. Thanks for linking us up with your sheet music. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry  Christmas to you and your group. 
Author: Steve Byrne
Dear Richard, Thank you so much for your feedback and kind words of encouragement.  Very much appreciated! Very happy to supply the sheet music for the song - different versions available here for anyone to use. Thanks again,  My prayers go with you. Steve  
Aurora, thank you for shedding more light on this song. If you can find all the lyrics, would you be so kind as to post them here?
Author: Aurora
Hello!  I graduated from Poveda Learning Centre (class of 1980), originally called Institucion Teresiana in Manila Philippines. We had annual Marian song competitions and I am told this version, which Povedans call "As the Rain Rushes Down" was composed by an earlier class.  I think it has one verse as Maria sings it.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard,                     Yesterday when my wife and I got back from church I checked in on this site for the first time in quite a while and saw the link you posted. We watched it together and it was a great line up of tracks and it was pretty cool to see our two at the end. Well done and thanks for using a couple of ours. Hope you have been well and I plan to come back to this site a bit more often, just life has been messy lately....
Hi, Alex. Good to hear from you. Did you see the YouTube of my half-hour show which includes two of our song collaborations?
Author: asiansa09
This song is also an inspiration from being an associate member of Sisters of Providence with the mission of Blessed Gamelin Emilly "Table of the King." Pictures of Blessed Gamelin Emilly at Portland Providence Health & Services, Portland, OR, USA.
Author: asiansa09
Lately, I have to take my daddy to the Providence hospital for medical reasons.  They always take pulse of his heart beat for each visit.  I realize that it is very important that we all start with heart beat.
Author: asiansa09
I don't have melogy for this song yet. I try to write the song lyric with 8 counts and 4 beats. And also the chorus repeats 2 times or 4 times. It is difficult to write 8 words per line for 8 counts, because English is my second languages.   Maybe Richard can co-write the song for better lyric of the song.
I am glad you saw this post with our song "Our World So Beautiful." I was hoping you would. You have inspired several good songs and I thank you for that. Let's keep collaborating!
Dan, thanks for sharing your song about the sanctity of life from the moment of conception. We must all respeact human heart beats – even the tiniest ones!
Dan, thanks for sharing this song inspired by God's providence. Do you have a melody yet?
Author: asiansa09
Big dinner with Turkey for thanksgiving!
Author: asiansa09
I am thinking of writing a song lyric with 8 counts and 4 beats. Chorus repeats 2 or 4 times. This is just trial for song lyrics that I come up with, feel free to collaborate and edit.
Author: asiansa09
I am glad to see my song lyrics that I collaborate with you on here.  
Steve, welcome to our TCS community. I only have to listen to this song video to know that you and your group have much to bring to the table! Very fine songwriting, recording and imagery. A full spectrum of sound and very earnest song-praying. I sure am looking forward to additional songs – both for the Mass and for the masses (as inspirational faith songs). Bravo. Good to see that this one has the bishop's approval. Is sheet music available for Table of the Lord?
Author: stevdrak
Absolutely! Thanks again. Audra
Yes, I embedded the player. I saw that your permissions at SoundCloud allowed me to do that. I think it helps to give site visitors immediate access to the music – otherwise they might move on to the next article! They can always click your links for more info. I hope that's OK with you. - Richard
Author: stevdrak
Thank you for the positive feedback Richard, I will certainly pass it on to the rest of the group.  Was it you who also went ahead and embedded the player?  If so, Thank You!  God Bless.  Please keep up your good work in music. Audra ​COLOR
"The Joyful Mysteries, sung in entirety to contemporary Caribbean style music." Nicely done. Very easy to listen to and easy to understand. I like the alternating between female soloists, male soloists and the choral voices. Thank you for sharing this. I hope it will bless many. Looking forward to the other Mysteries of the Rosary. You can embed the SoundCloud player here. Contact me if you would like help doing that. 
Author: jbeyrooti
Thank you for the compliments.  I appreciate it.
Very nicely written, played and sung. Thanks for sharing.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, I think I'm starting to recover and thank you for having me in your prayers. I'm about to check out the new project you have done with Anthony Moran. I think this website is really cool the way people can network and collaborate for the glory of GOD. Great job running it! All the best. Alex.
Alex, sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope and pray for your full recovery. Glad to hear about the couples group you are joining at church. May you be blessed by others and by God. I apologize for my long silence. I'm trying to stay afloat with graphic design jobs, family activities and church singing. Check out my new project with Anthony Moran:
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, sorry I haven't been in touch lately, I've been quite ill but just wanted to check in and say hi and hope your doing well. My wife and I are looking at joining s couples church group so that's pretty exciting for us. Anyway hope you and everyone here is well. Blessings. Alex.
Author: Holy Chorus
Thanks so much Richard for taking time to do what you did. I listened and have no complains whatsoever. Agree that everyone's ears are different but thanks to today's digital technology one is able to easily tailor preferences. Blessings!
To Brin, Mich, Sola, Denzil, Shey, Shen and Hiru, Thanks for your appreciation and encouragement. I do what I can with limited time and resources, and welcome those who can provide or suggest good content for TCS. Keep up the good resonance for Christ. – Richard
Listen closely to the MP3 file I uploaded (the one in the rectangular MP3 player). I reduced the top end. I think the high frequencies in your original upload were way too "bright." I applied equalization to the MP3 to balance it out and bring out the mids and lows. I'd be most interested in what you think. Of course, everyone's ears are different!
Author: Holy Chorus
Thank you Richard. It sounded OK when checked soon after upload, but you know best. Also, thanks so much for the appreciation. The upload was virtually hot off the press, so TCS had it almost before anyone. As always, it feels good to have a positive comment from someone such as you. Blessings Brin and the rest of the Holy Chorus.
Author: Holy Chorus
Thanks so much Richard. Although primarily done for the greater glory of God, it feels so good to have a comment - and its special when from you. Hopefully we will be able to share a more live video of this soon. Thanks for your great work with this site and prayers and blessings for achieving greater heights, with all you do. Brin, Mich, Sola, Denzil, Shey, Shen and Hiru 
A very devout song. Nicely written and sung. The visuals support the song very well. Thanks for sharing this.
Thanks for sharing this song. Sounds good. Sorry about the flaky MP3 player. It doesn't always start. Sometimes have to refresh the page. I uploaded your song to our alternate MP3 player. A SoundCloud embed works much better. – TCS editor Richard Schletty
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, Thankyou for helping me with so much info. Basically I was thinking of getting a half decent usb microphone as I have a pretty fast laptop running Windows 7. Also thankyou for all your suggestions. I think I will look into buying Cubase Elements for $99. Also I do have a smartphone (iphone 6) so I could try doing what you recomended. I am not a student or teacher so I won't be eligable for those discounts but what I'm thinking is a $200 usb mic and spend $99 on Cubase. I really...
OK. Then I think we're set on this number. I'll try to get it "hiphoperated" (recorded) this week. Peace.
Author: Alexander John
Thanks for the suggestions Richard. I really like this line you suggested: Let's be the people who bring love and light.      
Instead of this for the last line... We are people that with love comes light. about one of these? When we love each other, we bring the light. or  Let's be the people who bring love and light.  
Alex, I recommend starting with this free DAW (digital audio workstation): T6 DAW (by Tracktion) There are newer versions of Tracktion that cost money (Waveform or T7) but you should start with T6 to see if you like it. Get it installed and then drop me a line. Next question: Do you have a good smartphone? I get very good voice recordings on my iPhone 6s Plus. I email myself a voice or guitar recording and then bring it into Apple Logic X for...
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, I have a laptop with Windows 7 but my budget is very small (about $500) and I'm not sure if that will cover the cost of a basic setup. I was thinking of going to a cheap studio to record it but I'm not sure how to go about it. I recorded non-catholic songs when I was much younger on friends setups but I don't speak with them anymore. Any tips or advice would mean a great deal as I'm also not that tech savvy. Cheers Richard.
Hi, Alex. I can try to help you decide what to get for basic recording hardware and software but a lot depends on your budget as well as whether you have a Mac or Windows computer. So, let's start with your computer. Let me know what it is. I have had a busy year. Sorry that I've been offline so much. I promised I'd voice a couple more of your hip hop narratives.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard,                    Hope you have been well. I am looking at recording my mixtape soon as I have just finished all 14 tracks in written form. I don't own any equiptment and was just wondering if you have any recomendations for a cheap basic setup? Hope your well and it's pretty cold here down under but hey that's Melbourne for you. Hope to talk soon. GOD Bless. Alex.
I found two recordings of this song. Hail Mary, Queen of flowers by Magpalacir Choir with lyrics HAIL MARY QUEEN OF FLOWERS at Calape, Bohol Hail Mary, Queen of Flowers, to you we offer our love song filled with colors with so much splendor. Your beauty, it lingers. God's blessings please shower unto us. Hail Mary, Queen of Flowers, you're sweet as roses, red roses, pink and yellow, white and scented....
Glad you took a second pass at this. Now I will voice it. Talk soon. 
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard,                     I just edited this track. I didn't realise how rushed this one felt until going back over it. Thankyou for your suggestions, definatly needed a bit of tweeking. I hope this version reads easier. Thanks for taking the time to help me with editing suggestions. God Bless. Alex.  1st Verse:    I try not to judge    But still cry when I love...
Hi, Alex. I tried recording your hip-hop poem but got stuck at the last two lines: Let's phase out evil cos it's dynamite  To the people I hope in your lives there's light. I am not sure what that means and how to speak it. Evil is dynamite? Evil is dynamite to the people? To say something is "dynamite" can mean explosive or destructive. In other contexts "dynamite" can mean good or attractive. "Your speech was dynamite." "Your dress looks dynamite." Thanks for looking at this...
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