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Author: Don9of11
Richard this is awesome. I was able to locate the copyright info in Google books.  Copyright Info How much would your friend charge to make a piano/organ arrangement?  Don
I found an image of the front cover of the Medium Voice arrangement. Unfortunately, it looks like this particular printed copy was sold in 2020.
This is quite a challenge. I searched and have not found sheet music. As you probably discovered, Perry Como's recording is here on YouTube: Apparently, you have the composer's name correctly as Joseph J. Leahy. The info provided in the YouTube description has his last name spelled incorrectly. Act Of Contrition · Perry Como Greatest Gospel Songs Provided to YouTube by RCA Records Label ℗ 2000 BMG Music Composer: Joseph J. Lacey...
Author: ronsue
I uploaded a new recording that is slightly different from the previous version
Author: ronsue
From Vatican ll document Gaudium et Spes it teaches: " Certainly, the Christian is faced with the necessity, and the duty, of fighting against evil through many trials, and of undergoing death. But by entering into the paschal mystery and being made like Christ in death, he will look forward, strong in hope, to the resurrection." Speaking out against an evil is part of our witness as Catholics. 
Our hearts deapest desire was mentioned in the second reading of the Office of Readings today.  Also that line about crypto is so good.  It is the translation of the eternal in the now; calling out the evil in every generation.  No fear. Flash crash and fade crazy crypto and all deceptions.


Author: ronsue
This is a classic catholic hymn(tune) that is worthy to have lyrics added to the original lyrics. Thanks Pa
Nice picking
It is a tradition to take a tune and make many lyrics for it.  This is a wonderful thing to do.  I think you did that here right? Thank you in Christ Happy Feast of Don Bosco  
So soothing and reassuring. Sung and played with great devotion to our Creator. Thank you for sharing. Barbados is fortunate to have you there, in person at Mass, to lift hearts and souls heavenward.
I appreciate your kind note. I forgot to give this song a bump back in December 2024 during the Christmas season. We actually first published it back in May of 2017. Dan Vi and I were hopeful that OCP (Oregon Catholic Press) would accpet it into their library. But that did not happen.
Author: ronsue
The collaboration and current final version is wonderful. It is testimony of grace - of the Holy Spirit working in the body of  Christ to work together for the glory of God and our joy. Thanks for sharing this wonderful collaboration. Ron  
Author: ronsue
Thanks for sharing this wonderful new version of a Christmas classic.  The Herald angels are singing with you! Have a blessed new Year.
I like it! Well written and played. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year.
Author: ronsue
Fr. Jeremy sent me the new lyrics and song you made recently of Hark the Herald Angels  You gave it a wonderful guitar and vocal rendition. Why don't you upload it here and share with us on top catholic  songs Ron
Author: ronsue
Good to hear from you. May you and your family and friends have a blessed upcoming year.   May your work at EWTN bear much fruit. Susan and I have been so blest by the good Lord. Adios Ron and Sue
Author: ckelley
Nice work Ron!    Your Christmas Joy shines through this heralding of Christ's coming - well done! Deacon Chuck
Author: Don9of11
Thank You Richard.    I hope that this small memorial to my friends in the choir will encourage or inspire musicians both young and old to make their music ministry more holy, sacred, and not limit their repertoire to what is found in the parish missalette or pew missals.
A heartfelt story about your "extended family" with organist Mary Leary and organist/choir director Ralph Jordan. "The day the music died" was a sad day indeed. Thank you for sharing this. 
You are welcome. I did this a long time ago with Dave Gómez but thought it could use a remastering in Logic Pro and with Steinberg WaveLab.
Author: ronsue
Thanks for collaborating and producing a good song. Ron St Martin
Author: ronsue
Your music composition and voice capture the hauntingly deep yearning we have in our hearts for the Lord's return. Thanks for sharing your inspiration! Keep on seeking and sharing your gifts with us. Adios Ron St Martin
You light the darkness with the news of the light of Christ. Your lead voice is expressive and intimate. I like the contrapuntal vocal overlays. The sparseness of the guitar arpeggio is perfect for this proclamation. Well done.
Thanks for providing info about the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. The Corpus Christi Watershed link you gave reminded me that I probably downloaded that Sunday School Hymn Book from Jeff Ostrowski's website a few years ago.
Author: Don9of11
Richard Although the names are similar, the Sisters of Notre Dame are a different congregation from the School Sisters of Notre Dame. The Sisters of Notre Dame that I refer to in my write-up are the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. There are actually quite a few congregations with Notre Dame in the title.  Whenever you see S.N.D., in the music score or hymn this is refering to the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Whereas, S.S.N.D., would represent the School Sisters of Notre Dame....
Thank you, Don, for your excellent in-depth exploration of this beautiful hymn. The descant in the audio file is wonderful. You have drawn from a vast collection of historic Catholic hymnals. I am particularly interested in the 1920 and 1948 editions of "Hymns Used by Pupils of Sisters of Notre Dame". In Saint Paul, Minnesota, I was taught by the "School Sisters of Notre Dame" (based in Mankato, MN). Not sure if this order was affiliated with the Boston order that created...
I thank Alexander John for writing the lyrics which I adapted. He has written a lot about his conversion journey. Thank you for your kind words.
Author: ronsue
Very good conversion song that I and I'm sure many others can identify with. You have a good affective voice . Thanks for sharing Ron St Martin
Author: ronsue
I posted the comment on the wrong song I meant to post it on your song God is on the scene.  I was using a kindle tablet, and had difficulty posting my comment. I'll try to fix it tonight Ron
Author: ronsue
I posted the comment on the wrong song I meant to post it on your song God is on the scene.  I was using  a kindle tablet, and was having difficulty posting my comment. I'll try to fix it tonight Ron
Ron, you have written good verses about humankind's ability to praise God with song. This would sound good with light piano, organ or guitar accompaniment, along with choral ahs or ohs. Thanks for sharing.
Ron, is your comment meant for someone else? Your comment appeared under your own song. God bless. – Richard
Author: ronsue
Very good conversion song that I and I'm sure many others can identify with. You have a good affective voice .Thanks for sharing Ron St Martin
Ron, thanks for your comments. I agree, More like this! Check out this one – another collab with Alexander John: God Is on the Scene.
Author: ronsue
Wonderful lyrics good country ballad song. Thanks for writing and sharing. You should do more like songs like this. Ron 
Author: ronsue
I changed a few lyrics after receiving some constructive critique. Thank You.
Author: ronsue
I suspected that Google Sites would not be able to support all the options you offer on top catholic songs, Rebuilding the whole site, at this point, would be a huge undertaking. Thank God that the site works well and thank you for keeping it up and running. Ron 
Your website is actually (you missed the s in your comment above). It looks good. Lots of beautiful Catholic art. Google Sites would not be a good alternative because it does not allow hosting of a Drupal CMS installation. Moving to Google hosting would mean rebuilding this site completely from scratch. The same would apply if I wanted to use WordPress CMS for this site. Here's a comparison of Google Sites and Drupal:
Author: ronsue
Maybe this is an answer to prayer. My website,, is on Google Sites and is free. It has never had any downtime, that I know of.  Attached are two images from this site. Again thanks for all your work on this site and all your other endeavors.
I wish more people would take advantage of this opportunity to post their original songs of faith. This website, hosted by InMotion Hosting, had been going offline for anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes at a time, daily, for the past few months. InMotion switched me to a different web server but that had the same downtime issue. Last week they migrated my websites to a third web server and that seems to be more stable now. Fingers crossed. InMotion is one of the few web hosting companies that...
Author: ronsue
Thank you Richard  for developing, maintaining, contributing to, and funding this website  May the Good Lord bless you in all your work. Ron St Martin
Thanks, Ron, for your heartfelt arrangement of this psalm of yearning for God. May God save us all and bring tranquility to the world.
Reminiscent of 60s-70s folk ballads. Articulately and beautifully sung. I love the guitar arpeggio. Simple yet rich in the spirit of rejoicing. Good ambience.
A most appropriate approach to reflecting on the goodness of the Lord. Your sung melody and guitar accompaniment soothe the weary soul and direct our thoughts to the God of Creation. Thank you for sharing.
This has a prayerful, peaceful and calming feeling. Beautiful singing. Another psalm well done. 
Author: ronsue
The good Lord always seeks his beloved lost sheep and asks us to help him to seek and bring him to him.  
Author: ronsue
Yes, many saints have reminded us throughout salvation history of the presence of the angels in personal and social contexts.  The Angel of Portugal appeared and prepared the children at Fatima for the coming of Mary, queen of angels. St Padre Pio often spoke of angels and the important work they do in our behalf Ron St Martin
Author: ronsue
Your comments are part of our yearning to see the good Lord in his   radiant glory! Congratulations on your new archbishop Richard Henning!  
Help us now! That great day is coming ever closer.  This song helps ster in us the hope for our own salvation and glorification. That will be a great and ever new glorious song. And even our bodies will be saved! To be carried will be great.  No more trying and striving. Thank you!
It is so important to think of the Angels. We read about them throught the Bible and we refer to them in detail in the Mass. So many of us forget that we are not fighting the battle on our own. There are armies of angels fighting along with us. The bad angels are doomed. Did you know that we know about the Chiors of angels from ancient science?  It is hard to imagine but they are part of ancient Greek metaphisics.   It is similar to how modern science is discovers invisible...
It is so comforting. The melody and the voice is both strong and gentle, old and new. It makes you want to look up to God in a way that is pleasing and acceptable to him. God is good.  
Author: ronsue
Thanks for all your contributions to us on this site and your offer to provide resources to inspire us to new hymns. Ron St Martin
Author: Don9of11
A number of Catholic hymns honoring our Guardian angels appeared in Catholic hymn books over the years. However, by the 1960s, most had been removed from Catholic hymnals.  Here is a sample of hymns: Dear Angel! Ever at my side, How loving must thou be How kind it is of you to come, Bright angel from yon starry home Tho' awake or sleeping, Thou art at my side Hark! Hark! My Soul, angelic songs are swelling Guardian angel, From heav'n so bright. Ye Cherubim and Seraphim, Around my Maker's...
Author: ronsue
This hymn was in the office of readings in the liturgy of the hours a week or so ago. The name of the hymn is YE Holy Angels Bright. This is the link to the lyrics of that song.  Thanks for the comment.
What is the Richard Baxter reference material?  It would be interesting to see.  How did you come aross it? Again, sorry for any mispellings.
below is # 165 from the compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  I would study that to see an example of how we are to capitalize things.  You made a mistake in there a few times in that regard and I am sure you would want to clean it up as your product is so good and worthy of aclaim. Sorry I can't spell but this is just a comment and of little worth. 165. In what way is the Church holy? 823-829  867 The Church is holy insofar as the Most Holy God is her...
I would consult with the Poet Susan St. Martin to understand the art of capitalization better.  She is a trustworthy source and a kind helper indeed. It doesn't look at all right to me and is almost irreverent captitalization.  It is at least confusing. If you don't know what I am refering to please consult with Susan St. Martin. In Christ, Jeremy
Author: ronsue
Recorded with some new lyrics.
That is great!
Author: ronsue
Having the lyrics helps us who have some hearing loss. Rhanks Ron Adioz
Author: ronsue
What does do a cover mean? Thanks for the comment.
I think Deacon Chuck should do a cover as should Mr. Ricci.
Feels like a royal march.  I love the fitting strength of positivity!   "All praise and Glory" has an amazing high note that you really make ring.  Again on the word "heven" there is that high note.  Wow.  
This is great.  God is good.  Good to have in the wake of Corpus Crisiti.
Author: ronsue
Recorded anew because of changed lyrics


This would be good for my deaf friends as well.  Lyrics?
Author: ronsue
Could you please post the lyrics THanks Ron ​​​​​​
Author: ronsue
Thanks for posting. The lyrics are good for reflection and the guitar work is smooth and the musical arrangements complement the atmosphere of the lyrics. Keep the songs coming. Adios Ron
"The Lord had offered a piece of bread". Oh how we all need to realize this. and accept spiritual nourishment. Nice song. Good lyrics. Good instrumentation. Love that slide guitar.
Author: ronsue
Thanks for the critique. I didn't notice one misspelling.  Adieu Ron
Fr. Jeremy: No, it's not ready yet. But thanks for asking. I should be able to carve out some time this week. I just finished making changes to the piano-voice-guitar arrangement of "When We Go to Mass" – a song for faith formation for kids. Look for it soon!
This is amazing.  Is the new song ready yet?
This reminds me of the psalm (I think it is a psalm) that talks about how a thousand fall at my right 10 thousand on my right but it will (the army) not aproach with you at my side as my buckler and shield.   That concept of putting trust in nothing except God is so great.  Even if an army is set up agains me I will not feer if God is with me. Your song is so good for pointing out all the fauls hopes we have in so many ways and how we should trust in the Lord alone. Thank you...
Author: ronsue
Thanks for all you are doing. Ron
I am working on some ideas. Back in a few days,.
Author: ronsue
Yes, that would be good. You can do whatever you judge to improve the song. Thanks, Ron.
With your permission, I would like to rework this song. I believe it has possibilities. Let me know. I think it would be more engaging with a traditional verse-chorus structure to keep it from being monotonous. There are some good words in there based on John 16: 33.
Dan Vi, I am happy for you. Keep writing about the goodness of God as you dwell in the Spirit. Good to hear from you.
Author: asiansa09
Thank God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Family in sainthood's direction, for two years as I am living a peaceful life in the house of God.
Fr. Martin, your page link is better than the one I gave from the very same website. It has all the prayers given in full. I posted: You posted: Hey, I am not trying to be critical. I am critiquing. Big difference. I think the main bone of contention, as Ron pointed out, is whether to capitalize deity pronouns. I don't think anyone is in favor of using lowercase for terms like...
Here is an interesting website:
The website?   I would imagine the the Lord the words and not in English. Who has the translation authority into English in our own day and age. If these are the Lord's own words these questions are not unimportant. If we want others to come to believe we need to take the care, not of a pharasee, but of and artist. In Christ, Fr. St. Martin  
I can't spell so please don't read if you can't stand misspellings. Yes.  Thank you for saying that we are all sinners and in need of his mercy.  It is just a big temptation to think of "them" and "us" and not really be thinking we are proud pharasies. Jesus was a pharsee.  Is God proud? The pharsees who were critizied by Christ were religious leaders who had real athority, knowledge of scripturre, observed religiuous precepts, honored the...
Author: ckelley
2-True! Thank you Ron for the distinction - you are spot-on. As one of my favorite pastors used to say; "there is nothing new under the sun"...    the brokeness of humanity and associated faults & failings are well represented in each of us who also have the digntity of the human person, made in the image and likeness of God, all of which needs mercy! Will be praying for y'all - and myself this Divine Mercy Sunday! Pax Christi.  Deacon Chuck
Correct spelling is "pharisaically". "Bad spellers of the world.... untie!"  – Love it! Use a spell checker! I do when I write emails and compose lyrics and other text. I usually run a spell check after I am done typing. Realtime spell checking is OK, too, but can sometimes break my "flow" when typing. When writing poetry or lyrics, good formatting is essential. It makes you look more professional. I recommend that members of this website prepare...
Author: ronsue
The prayer does not accuse or condemn a pharisee. The pharisee tries to live out with precise devotion the Torah.  St  Paul was such a pharisee the good Lord had mercy on him - his intentions. The Lord contrasts the PROUD pharisee praying in the temple with the poor sinner asking for mercy. The divine mercy prayer calls for mercy on ALL of us - we are all sinners falling short in one way or another to some degree or another of the pure Love of Christ.  That is why The good Lord...
Author: ckelley
"hypocrite"   "pharisee"  "accusatory"   Bad spellers of the world....    untie!  
Great to have consistancy with the Holy Mother the Church when it comes to Capitalization.  It may be that I or you want different but what does that mater.  We become the pharazise if we think we know better than the proper authorities. About the calling of people pharasitical, it just doesn't come across to me as self acusatory.  There is a desire for some people to be called out as pharasees. Becareful of that attitude.  In a way the Pharasees called out Christ as a...
It's not "wrong" to use lower case. There are some bibles and lectionaries that use this convention. For example, the Gloria from the current English Roman Missal: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the...
Author: ronsue
I went to a website (I believe it may have been one that Richard pointed out) to get the exact words of the chaplet prayer. The personal pronouns for the Lord were capitalized and in expanding the prayer I used lowercase. I am trying to use all lowercase as you pointed that the church is using all lowercase.  I didn't call you or anyone else in particular in this expanded version of the chaplet. I just asked for mercy and for the heavenly Father to send the Holy Spirit on anyone of US...
Fr. Jeremy, I assume that this is a question for Ron. You and I discussed this in an email exchange a couple months ago. There are two camps in Catholic and Christian circles: those that use reverential capitalization and those who do not. It's generally regarded as a matter of personal preference. Personally, I prefer reverential capitalization. For the Divine Mercy Chaplet, both USCCB and the Vatican use reverential capitalization:
I noticed that you used reverential capitalization at times and at other times you did not us reverential capitalization.  I hope I am not becoming pharisiticaly proud in asking this question.  It is important to me that the word of God be praised and the truth of Jesus be proclaimed in not uncertain terms.  If those who claim to love the Lord don't even care about reverential language when it concerns the Lord how can we expect salvation never mind attract others to the Lord?...
Ron, you may have noticed Dan Vi's original post. Check out the comments to see the progression of our collaboration: I am not sure if the "messages from Christ to Sr. Faustina" that Dan Vi posted are exact or if she paraphrased them slightly. I used Dan Vi's stanzas with a few minor modifications to create my chant version with dulcimer. Then I heavily reworked the "messages from Christ" to create my rhyming song...
Author: ronsue
In listening to them I gathered the lyrics were inspired from the messages of our Lord to St Faustina and to us. Ron 
I should clarify that the two songs that Dan Vi and I did are based on messages from Christ to St. Faustina. They are not based on the Divine Mercy Chaplet written by St. Faustina. That explains the big difference in the words. 
Author: ronsue
Thanks for posting these variations on the divine mercy chaplet
Thanks for posting this Divine Mercy Chaplet. I reposted my two collaborative songs (right under this story) that were done with Dan Vi Nguyen a few years ago. It is nice to hear various songs and chants based on the good words of Sr. Faustina.
Congratulations. This is great news. Your psalms are resplendent with artistry and grace. They are food for the hungry soul. I hope you find a way to get the psalm settings engraved as sheet music for voice, piano and guitar (plus some with violin).
Author: ronsue
Yes we have to do it again and again and again unto the fullness of life in heavenly glory
Eternally Timely.  It is a new song.  You have fullfilled the comand to sing a new song unto the Lord.  Imposible for nothing is new under the son. However it means do it again.  Even if we try to do it exactly the same way we can't help but do it in a new way.  This is always the case and so all things under the son are always new and eternal in the fact that they always grow up to the invinite source.  
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