Recent comments

Yep, I can lay a bead on this. Soon.
Very good. I see your lyrics are back up. Onward. 
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, I just took the tracks down for a little while as I needed to edit and change them a little. Look forward to hearing you bring the words to life. GOD Bless. 
Author: Maria7Steps
Wow 7 children - indeed they are blessings from above! True inspirations for song writing.  Thank you for sharing!  
Thank you for your kind and awesome reply! So good to know the details of your music ministry. I hope and pray your words will be an inspiration to others. What a blessing to have 6 children. We have 7 children – and 6 grandkids! We sacrifice much for them but receive much in return. Our concern for their welfare as well as our rejoicing in their "moments of achievement and goodness" are often the inspiration for our original songs. And as you rightly noted, God is the prime source of...
Author: Maria7Steps
Hello, Richard!  God works in mysterious ways indeed.  My husband and I have been serving in the Music Ministry of Couples for Christ since our children were babies.  I believe their exposure to charismatic, contemporary Catholic & Christian, and traditional music plays an important factor for us being a family band now (more of ministers really).   FOREVER (for the sacrament of marriage) was composed by our two elder daughters on one of our anniversaries.  SONG OF...
Maria, I explored your website and your songs at iTunes. I posted this story for you, based on the member profile you submitted and some images I found on your website. I look forward to your participation here. We'd love to know more about your journey in music. How do you write and record your music? Where does your family band play? What have been your challenges, solutions and rewards with Catholic music? - Richard
Providence Health & Services sounds like a very good organization. I visited their website. I can see how your lyrics were inspired by their mission statement: "As people of Providence, we reveal God's love for all, especially the poor and vulnerable, through our compassionate service." Thank you for reminding us of the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew: "For I was hungry and you gave me food, and I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you took me in. I was...
Author: asiansa09
My inspiration to write this song lyric is through the services of Providence of God.
Some Catholic songwriters have achieved publishing deals with GIA, OCP and WLP. I would hope that there is always room for newcomers. A very good songwriter and musician. Paul F. Page, has been largely ignored by the leading Catholic music publishers. See Paul's bio here: Paul's "solution" has been to give away his music for free. I am inclined to do the same. I will endeavor to create here a professional service that will help...
Yor EP lineup looks good. Please publish as free offerings. Thanks for letting me share your good introspection with others. And best of luck with your hip-hop studio!
Author: asiansa09
I have never submitted songs for publication, however, do you think that the only way for people to accept songs for publication is when the song are become popular.  Do you have any experience submitting songs for publication before?  How does it work?
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Hi Richard,                     I arranged the songs in this order that we did: 1. Raw Faith 2. Blessings 3. Time Watch  4. What's Left Is Beauty 5. Blessing - Remix (your favourite one). I think that is a good enough EP and I listened to them in that order and I think it works out a nice little project. Would you mind if I shared them with the church (for free distribution) and credit your name as the voice? Also if you would like to...
Good to know a bit about your music experience. Really good to know about your studio and album plans. May that all happen in a way that gives glory to God. – Richard
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Hi Richard,                     When I was younger I used to play the drum a bit but I wasn't very good. Then I rapped for a few years for fun but didnt realy record anything that I was completly happy with. However I am planning to write and rap/record a full Catholic hip hop studio album.
Alex, have you recorded your voice narrating, rapping or singing? Do you play an instrument?
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Sounds like an interesting idea doing a folk pop song with some of my lines. Looking forward to hearing it. 
Not sure about the number of tracks. Maybe 5. I am thinking about taking your best phrases and doing a Folk-Pop song with traditional structure and styling.  You are the one telling your story. Be careful of too much repetition of certain phrases. Each song should tell a specific story about your journey. I could offer suggestions for tightening up lyrics and such, but then it wouldn't be so much you. I am normally quite formulaic, following songwriting prescriptions such as even line...
I'm carving a bit of new territory here and that's all good. Thanks for the latitude to experiment. I like Blessings (with the music bed) best so far. Sure, an EP.
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Very nice work Richard. You are really bringing my lyrics to life! How many tracks do you think we should do in total for this project?
I added my audio file to your original post, Alex. Hope it's OK.
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Hi Richard,                     I really enjoyed both versions of "Blessings". So far I think we are doing really well. You mix it up a bit which is great and each recording is unique. I almost have another song written too. Once again great stuff! Were you think an EP or Album we could put together? Kind Regards, Alex.  
Alex, I have attached my recording to your original post. Let me know how you like it. - Richard
Sorry, I have not yet submitted our two songs. André van Haren did finish the piano music score for "Enchristment" last week. We needed this engraved score in order to submit the song. We already have what we need for "God's Gift to All the World." I'll get back to you soon, Dan. I will post the piano-guitar score for Enchristment later today. I need to add the guitar chords above the voice staff.
Author: asiansa09
Is there any news about our submitting songs to Oregon Catholic Press.  Are they accept or denied our songs?
Thanks for sharing this. I like it. 
Author: Alex John (not verified)
The acoustic remix is also very nice. 
On my laptop, the percusssion in Remix was sounding a little too loud and sharp, making the voice hard to understand. I remixed it in Logic Pro X to tamp down the high rat-a-tat sounds. I have added Remix version 2 to the player. I also decided to post the narrated version I did the other day with gentle 12-string guitar strumming. Both Alex and I would like to know what other listeners think.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard,                     I created a seperate blog post for "What's Left Is Beauty" and also added the remix to it and credited you as the performer. - Alex
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Hi Richard,                     I will do that today. Also feel free to share our tracks where ever you would like to. Perhaps on your website? - Alex. 
Alex, please post "What's Left Is Beauty" as a separate blog post (as opposed to being buried in comments here). Then people can listen with the MP3 player. Then I'd like to direct a friend to your new blog post. Thanks.
Enchristment is now on the lineup at CME Radio (Catholic Music Express).
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Hi Richard,                     Sounds good. It's quite a bit of fun and I think we are getting some pretty good results. - Alex.
Alex, I do plan to run those other two lyrics you wrote. Gimme a couple days. Fun stuff. Hopefully will resonate with some. 
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Hi Richard, hope you are well. Just a quick message to ask you if you think the other two songs I have posted are worth recording? (Raw Faith and Blessings). If you want something else fresh let me know and I should have another track written by tomorrow. GOD Bless. - Alex.
Author: asiansa09
I keep thinking that this song is perfect for confirmation class for prayer.
Author: asiansa09
here is website of Providence that you might find interested in take a look at it
Author: asiansa09
This is so wonderful opportunity for us, please follow the direction of how to submit the song according to their website.  Please let me know if there is anything I can add for the cover letter. Look like we still need the music sheet (piano arragement) for the song Enchristment.  
Here is the quick reply from OCP: Thank you for contacting us with your request and giving us the opportunity to serve you.   We would be happy to review your submissions. You can see the details of the music submission process at this link:   Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.   Sincerely, Paul Senz Customer Service Representative Oregon Catholic Press
Dan, I just sent an email to OCP. We'll see if they bite! I sent Enchristment and God's Gift.
Author: asiansa09
I was going to ask you about it too. I saw the website I have the same question as you ask too.  I was thinking about it a few days ago too.  But I never submit anything for publication yet.   Will you make a phone call to them asking about the license of how to submit new song for publication.
Yes, I encourage everyone to share the song freely – both the recording and the sheet music. They are not for sale anywhere and I do not have a publishing contract with anyone. My songs posted here fall under a Creative Commons public sharing agreement. In other words, share freely but always give credit to the writers/arranger (me, you and André). Let me know how the community in Providence likes it. Do you live in Oregon? I appreciate their prayers. I wonder if we should submit the song to...
I had the same thought. Maybe use both in a project. Thanks for letting me explore like this. 
Author: Alex John (not verified)
As I thought it would be the narraration is spot on and I dig the hip hop style - especially since it's your first attempt. Which do you feel is better? I was thinking we could use both in our project (with the hip hop track being a "remix" or something. Great job! I will get to work on more lyrics. - Alex.
Author: asiansa09
I shared the song music sheet "God's gift to all the world," to associate members and sisters/nuns at Providence, Oregon when I went to the meeting.  I also asked them to pray upon Christ and Our Lady of Providence to pray for our team who worked on the song. I hope that is alright with you to share the song with others.
Well, not so sure this works. But here goes. I tried half-singing over a slow hip-hop soundbed. I also did a straight narration. What's-Left-Is-Beauty-hip.mp3 What's-Left-Is-Beauty-narrated.mp3
Alex, I'll be back at it with you in a few days. I hit a pothole here with work and income. 
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Extremely well done! I have been wanting to put my work out there in glory of GOD and I think with this Collab we can reach even potentially non-belivers and for me if it makes one person think about GOD who didn't used to then it's worth it. 
I sing psalms and liturgical songs based on scripture every weekend at two Catholic churches. I appreciate our Catholic heritage very much. I was fortunate to have a Catholic school eduation with priests, sisters and lay teachers instilling in me a deep appreciation of the Trinity. My mother was a very devout Catholic.  Like you, Dan, I am in awe of the "ancient stories and places." What we must try to do is keep these precious narratives alive and relevant for us now, today, in our...
Author: asiansa09
i keep thinking about the joy and the treasure that I get to know about Christ and Sorrowful Mother Mary, especially they are from Jerusalem.  It is a far away place from where I came from.  I thought I found the king treasure for myself.  I am so honor to write about them.
Check out my "narrative" style of singing in this project: Especially: 1st Movement (starting at 2:35) 10th Movement 11th Movement 4th Movement has some good beats. So, you see that your words could be made quite epic!
Dear friend, you set before me songwriting challenges that few are willing to take on. You have inspired me.  Some might say that your lyrics are "badly written" with "broken English." They may say "that's just a poem...that can never be a song." But I am trying to demonstrate that it is possible to use ANYTHING as a launchpad for writing a song. As I work with your lyrics, I try to stay true to your intent. I use many of your phrases or individual words because I know they have great...
You are telling me to "leave it as it is." That is not what Pat Pattison at Berklee College of Music will be teaching you. To craft a really fine song, a person needs to keep revisiting it and perfecting it. "Write, rewrite, rewrite!" is our mantra.  Often, songwriters have their songs reviewed by peer songwriters. I went through many revisions on this song already. I am asking others here for their feedback. In fact, I want you to tell me how your friend with the guitar likes it. Is...
Author: asiansa09
I think you should leave it as original music that you sing the first time, don't loose the special moment that you think of the song when you first approach it.  Often people change it the second time, they change the purpose too.
Author: asiansa09
I am so grateful that we get to work on several songs for the past weeks. I notice that we are approaching different styles of the song lyric into music: 1.  "God's gifts for all the world" is beautiful done by Richard write his own song lyric for the song and Dan Vi Nguyen think of the original ideas for the song. 2.  "For the love of humanity" is a chant style of music. 3.  "Christ makes our world so beautiful" is a song lyric turn into poem style of music. 4.  "...
Author: asiansa09
Do you think we should leave this song as a poem or sing it?
Author: Alex John (not verified)
I think what you did with "Time Watch" was extremely effective and if it proves to be a bit difficult to add beats or music we can always keep that style. But I do like the idea of creating a new style.  - Alex.
Adding a beat and music will be more challenging because I have not done Rap or Hip-Hop in the past. Maybe we can create a new style: Soft-Rap, Soul-Rap or God-Hop. 
I'll lay it down and try to make your good words resonate. 
Yes, I have many voices. Glad you like it. Is it too fast or rocking?
Author: asiansa09
Don't change your singing voices for the song, because I think it is very different tone of voices compare to other songs you sing.  I like your voices the way you first pick it.  I surprised when I first heard it.
Author: Alex John (not verified)
If you want to use the other two tracks I upload aswell please do. I am in the process of writing some more material.  GOD Bless. Alex.
Thanks, Alex. I just reposted the MP3 file. I pitch corrected my solo voice at the very end. I also posted a simple lead sheet with guitar chords.
I posted the lead sheet (lyrics and guitar chords) here: I also reposted the MP3 file. I pitch-corrected my solo voice at the very end. 
Yes, I will provide sheet music soon. I will start with a lead sheet with chord names.
Author: asiansa09
Would you also provide sheet music for the song "Enchristment."  Someone is request me to provide sheet music so that they can play the song for him/herself.
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Well done guys on producing a beautiful piece.
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Below I've attached another track that I thought (when you have time) you could record. It's one in particular I felt gave a strong message. Anyway thank you for agreeing to the collaboration and I too hope it draws some folks in. GOD Bless. Alex. What's Left Is Beauty  1st Verse: So we go on in this quest for answers And hopefully do what's best by removing our spiritual cancer... I don't know how love can't be the way As I flow I hope you get to know me as I pray... GOD's perfect...
Yes, Alex. I'd be interested. I have limited time (due to trouble making money) but this is important work, God's work. I, too, felt that this is a fresh, non-Nashville, non-GIA approach. Might draw some folks it. Kinda related, in a way, to cool poetry readings from decades ago. Kinda theatrical, too. A soliloquy like the one in Carousel.  Check out the Spirit-driven meditation song I just finished with Asiansa09. Gives you an idea of the extra voices in my head! Plus I play guitar "...
Author: Alex John (not verified)
Hi Richard,                    Would you be intrested in putting out a small project together using my lyrics and your voice (in the same spoken word form you did previously)? I played the track for some of my friends and they think it's a fresh approach to a way of using lyrics and reading to glorify GOD. I was think an EP or something similar. Hope you are well and GOD Bless. - Alex.
Thank you for mentioning that. I just changed a couple more words to make it even easier for children.
Author: asiansa09
I really like the way you write the song lyric, I get the feeling that the song lyric is easy for young people to relate.  Words is not hard to remember, which is good things.
Prosody is the process of melding words and music together to form a song that flows easily and naturally. With good prosody, the words will be as effortless to sing as if they were spoken. And with good prosody, the music will support and reflect the mood and meaning of the lyrics. In talking about the message that you want to convey, we should call that the storyline or theme or subject. I hope I am staying faithful to your intended message. I try to imagine myself in a church or a...
Hi. Just looking at your lyrics now. Not sure what you mean by asking if they are stable or unstable. One approach to songwriting is to first decide what meter and pace you want for the song. You can set up a 3/4 or 4/4 beat with a drum track or metronome. Then speak the words and see if they flow naturally. Pay attention to stressed and unstressed syllable. Important words should be stressed or accented. Unimportant words like "the" or "on" should be unstressed. Multi-syllable words should be...
Author: asiansa09
I think the prosody for the song lyric is that I try to convey a message involve myself and Mother Mary church.
Pat Pattison was our presenter at an MAS songwriting workshop here in St. Paul a few years ago. He gave very good tips about prosody and how a song should "gain weight" as it progresses. I am so glad you are taking Pat's course. I will start to explain more about my songwriting process as I collaborate with you and other people here at TCS. I am on the board of MAS – the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. I am the organization's tech coordinator and I do post-production for our...
Thanks for posting this church version. Sounds great. It helps to increase faith in us through the faithfulness of Mary.
I will definitely help you with this pro-life song! I am working on Enchristment right now. It is coming along nicely.
Author: asiansa09
VERSE From mother wombs I heard the voices Echo in the water and blood of her womb For a child about to enter the world. VERSE From the moment you conceive in me Made by my blood and water in her womb Your bone is from the man at heart. VERSE The Father in heaven knows your name He calls you the moment you conceive He knows you by your name.
I had tried a ceramic drum underlayment but it didn't sound so good. I'll think of something else. Glad you like my "reading."
Author: asiansa09
I am now taking the Songwriting courses at Berklee Music teacher Pat Pattison. But I still have so much challenges in writing as you know.  
Thank you, Christine, for posting the song lyrics by Fr. Smithbower. I also received your email. Peace and joy. 
Author: Christine McCabe (not verified)
MARY, MY MOTHER - by Fr. Warren Smithbower (refrain) Mary, my Mother, my queen, my love Mary, my Mother, the mother of God. Keep me close to Your Son above, Mary, my Mother, my queen, my love. Jesus told me, you were a queen, When at the wedding in Cana, Galilee. He took your word from His Father above And changed the water to the wine of love. (refrain) In Nazareth town, He when young Called you mother in Aramaic tongue On Calvary's height, He saw you there And gave us all into your care. (...
Author: asiansa09
Pro-life:  I believe that child is beginning at the moment of conceive. I hope that I am able to express myself in the song lyric above the message that a child is beginning life the moment he and she conceived.  God bless!
Author: asiansa09
Song Lyric:  HOLY SPIRIT CHORUS Oh, Holy Spirit calls on children of the world Oh, Holy Spirit calls on children of the world Oh, Holy Spirit calls on children of the world Oh, Holy Spirit calls on children of the world. VERSE Day and night, Holy Spirit calls on children of the world To walk in the light of Christ. VERSE Listen to inner voices, Holy Spirit calls on children of the world To walk in the truth of Christ. VERSE Follow the call, Holy Spirit calls on children of the world To...
Author: Alex (not verified)
I'm humbled, Thankyou for bringing life to my words. Your voice is very good. Let's see what we can do with an instrumental. Alex.
Alex, I spoke your lyrics, more like a poem than a hip-hop song. I added the MP3 file to your original post. Just wanted to lay it down to explore the feelings you penned. Maybe someone would like to take my vox track and lay it over a beat. Let's see what happens.
Author: Holy Chorus
Thank you so much Richard for your encouraging comments.
Author: asiansa09
Will you sing this song for me and write music sheet for it too? I am hoping that once it done, I will share it with others to pray the prayer after communion at mass.
Of course, language is a bit of a barrier. I probably misinterpret some of the words you write. Sorry about that. I do the best I can. I try to make the lyrics tell a story. I try to make the words flow naturally. I try to give the words deep meaning, based on my own experience and understanding of faith and God. Thank you for allowing me some freedom in interpreting your lyrics and adding my own insights.  Our song "God's Gift to All the World" has just been added to CME radio! ...
Author: asiansa09
It is very interesting that when I first write the song lyric, I had the song lyric in my mind with different meaning, but when you receive it and write it in your own words, the meaning of the song also change accordingly.  I find that very interesting, and that makes the song more interesting in collaboration with one another.
Yes, I will post the sheet music here. Good idea.
Author: asiansa09
When you record the song, can you also write the music sheet and post on here. That way, if anyone like to play guitar or piano, they can have the music sheet to follow.  
Here are your lyrics adjusted for spelling and grammar, but not for prosody. 5/22/2017: My first mix of the song. It is a lot faster than I had originally envisioned, but I felt a need to give the song a drive and a lift.  Enchristment by Richard Schletty Enchristment CHORUS On my knees, I humbly pray. I love to feel your radiance. My heart is one with you, O Lord, in this moment of Enchristment. VERSE 1 My God, my Christ, you are in my heart. I praise you, I worship you. Your...
You are welcome! We'll see what happens.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard,                     Thank you very much for taking the time to read and comment on my lyrics. It would be great to hear what you come up with and please keep in touch.  GOD bless, Alex.
Author: asiansa09
Thanks for all your help to make my dream become a reality, that is, I always hope to find someone collaborate to write song lyric/poems and turn it into a wonderful song.  I am so grateful, God Bless.
Sounds like a good prayer that stuck in your memory from childhood. In English it is spelled Enchristment. When I get time, I'll take a look at it. I also hope other members here at TCS will take on the songwriting challenges that are suddenly popping up. I think it's an excellent way to learn all about prosody. If you (a site visitor or site member) are reading this and don't know what prosody is, look it up! You will thank me for making you aware of that word. It has everything to do...
Alex: Good job on the lyrics. Any ideas about what sort of musical style you'd like to impart to these lyrics? Are you open to any genre or styling? I see you mention hip-hop, so perhaps that is what you are thinking. I haven't done hip-hop or rap myself. Maybe it's time I give it a go. I'll set up a beat and speak your mind! Let's see what happens. I won't try to emulate anyone. I'll use my own voice and styling. 
OK, thanks for your reply. I'll keep it as is.
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