Recent comments

Author: stevdrak
Captain, thanks for your lovely feedback and for taking the time to comment.   I'm happy that the music could transport you to happy days growing up.  God bless. audra from Color  
I grew up in an evangelical denomination that used only a cappella music and this song, especially the first and last parts with the call-and-response styling, reminds me of this same type of music we sometimes sang.  Enjoyed.  Thank you for sharing!
Father has a gift for weaving a great piece together. Catchy without being gimmicky. Excellent track. 
Author: stevdrak
Thank you Richard, I always appreciate whatever feedback you have to share.  Thank you as well for providing this platform for Catholic artists to minister.  May God continue to bless you 
Captain, you found what I found at St. James Music Press a few years back. A lot of very good music. I posted other stories in the past here at TCS highlighting their seasonal offerings. Just do a search here for St. James Music Press. James Music Press
I'm not involved in my parish's music ministry but what a great resource for those who are (and for Catholic music fans like myself).  Just wanted to point out you can see everything and hear many of the songs before you have to pay for the license.  The only risk to look around is the time it takes you to sign up.  Check this out!
Author: asiansa09
How do we get our songs to be in the litergy song book of Catholic church?
The last two songs here are my collaborations with Alex John. I adapted his poetry to create my own takes on his good sentiments re God and love. 22:39​ – Love 101 – by Richard Schletty and Alex John (home studio recording) 26:14​ – God Is On The Scene – by Richard Schletty and Alex John (home studio recording)
Author: Alexander John
Thanks for taking time to listen to my music and I hope you enjoy the EP. 
Author: balynch88
Liked your music, had to listen to a couple of the songs, will plan on sitting down and listening to the entire EP soon. Keep up the good work. 
Here are two Divine Mercy songs that Dan vi Nguyen and Richard Schletty composed: God's Gift to All the World (Nguyen, Schletty, van Haren) For the Love of Humanity: a Divine Mercy chant based on messages from Christ to St. Faustina
Author: balynch88
Thank you for listening, I also enjoyed the song you posted, great orchestration. Will keep an eye out for more of your work in the future. 
Author: Alexander John
That is very kind of you to say and I appreciate the lovely feedback. Im glad you enjoyed them! Stay safe and God Bless. I will also let my dad know that you dig his production. All the best, Alex.
Alex,  I've haunted this site for maybe a month and have enjoyed your tracks.  At one point I went back and found stuff from last year.  I enjoy hearing spoken word performance with your cool accent and of course I love the subject matter.  Oh, and your dad did a great job with the BGM.  
Enjoyed this approach to music.  It's familiar and yet different.  I like the "throwback" feel and your deliberate marketing using similar language to differentiate your music.  A couple weeks ago I had this on repeat for like 2 hours as I cleaned house.  When I clean house, I need to feel like I'm already walking on water as it's not my favorite task.  
Listened to this whole record last night and went kind of nuts over the "Don't Be Afraid to Shine that Light" track.  Also enjoyed the natural approach to vocals, I think it fits the style of your music.  For our vocals we had to comp like crazy and Melodyne the heck out of the General Secretary's Nephew's voice to get his privileged tail to sing in tune.   
Why can't more of you be like your Webmaster here?  Unsolicited positive comments to the General Secretary's Nephew's band.  We normally have to extract these types of comments after our forced education sessions. 
This reminds of Monty Python's Flying Circus when they'd say, "And now for something completely different." Your song is entertaining and didactic. I've been reading "Patrology" by Johannes Quasten so your short history of ecumenical councils, heresies and guidance by the Holy Spirit, all as part of Catholic Bible development, resonates with me. Thank you for sharing! 
Author: Nothingless
Thank you Richard, my friend it's a joy to receive your encouraging words blessings and prayers from Israel  
A rockin' reflection on all the goodness of our Creator that surrounds us throughout life's journey. Excellent mix and nice imagery. Happy Easter to you, my friend.
This is beautifully done.  Guitar and voice are simple and sublime. A heartfelt prayer. Thank you for sharing. I embedded your YouTube video for you. The instructions are in the blue box at the top of the home page.
You have been an inspiration me, Dan Vi. I sang two of the songs we crafted together on Divine Mercy Sunday at the Church of Saint Mary in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Author: Steve Byrne
What a beautiful piece!  Very well done, Jane.  
Author: asiansa09
It is such a treasure to tap into the sainthood direction. I guess I feel better just to be simple minded when I first know about Saint Faustina through the Divine Mercy of Christ.  But when I get to know more about the direction of sainthood in Catholic, I realize it is a tremendous resources that we haven't explore it throughly.
You are welcome. This is our original post from September 28, 2017. I sang this song on Good Friday at the prayer vigil sponsored by in front of Planned Parenthood's abortuary in Saint Paul, Minnesota. I also sang God's Gift to All the World.
Author: asiansa09
Thank you for mention me on your post.
Thank you, Filippo. I am glad you like this. The woman who inspired me to do this is Dan Vi. Her devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus runs deep. 
Author: Nothingless
This is beautiful!! I love the st Faustina writings, are really worthy to be sung, you created an intimate and appropriate acompaniement of her message
Thank you, Alex, for listening and commenting. Grace and peace.
Dear "zorahope", I'm glad you can help shed some light on the way this song should be sung. I was working blind, never having heard it before I attempted to sing it from the sheet music arrangement in Hymnal for Young Christians. I was confused by the cut time assigned to the piece. The verses seemed to go way too slowly, so that's why I sang them the way I did. I subsequently purchased Blue's original vinyl album. I might post the origonal recording – perhaps the...
Author: zorahope
I know I'm seriously late to this conversation (about 6 years late!), but I stumbled upon it looking for something else and these posts caught my eye because I, too, grew up singing and playing this song in our little Catholic church in North St. Louis, MO.  Richard, on your YouTube version, you are playing the verses twice as fast as your refrain. When I played it back in the day, I kept the same time signature throughout. We actually did it more as a 4 than as cut time, but that...
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard,                      Thanks for you kind feedback. If you don't mind putting up the YouTube links it would be very much appreciated because I have no idea how. So glad you enjoyed the songs and Thankyou for taking the time to listen to them. God Bless, Alex.
You can embed YouTube videos here. Instructions are at the top of the home page. If you can't figure it out, I would be happy to do it for you. 
Alex, I am very happy to hear your published God Hop tracks. You and your father did a great job on making your good words distinct and well-paced – with a nice underlayment of beats and instrumental sounds. These narratives speak well of your journey with Jesus Christ. I hope that lots of people listen. God bless.
Not bad for an iPad! It is beautiful. Have you created sheet music for this setting of Psalm 23? How do you intend to share/market your psalm settings? I am very much interested in your other psalm settings. 
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard,                      I upgraded my microphone to a Rode and I am liking it a lot more. We are almost half way through recording the ebook of lyrics I sent you a link for quite a while ago. There were 17 tracks written there and we are doing them one by one. We will pick our favourite 12 or 13 to put on the album and I will put a link on this site to it. Thanks for the feedback and hope you are well. All the best, Alex.
Definite improvement in the voice level and pacing. Good reflections on your journey with Christ. Congrats to you and your dad. Looking forward to the entire album. 
Excellent! I like the inspiration behind this song. Let's all endeavor to walk on water today, despite our self doubts!  FYI, you need to click on Source (top left of formatting toolbar) to enter the YouTube embed code into the source code editor. Please make the width 480 and height 270 (to accomodate small screens). I fixed it for you.  Also note that hitting Return gives you a line feed or break <br>. Hitting Shift + Return gives you a  new paragraph <p>....
You really went the extra mile for my little post! May God reward you... I'm using all digital recording equipment (much of the software is able to replicate that classic sound - compressors, amp simulators, etc.), but the vintage vibe comes primarily from the fact that I'm recording actual instruments (real drums, guitars, etc. and featuring others on real instruments like saxophone, harmonica, flute, etc.) and another reason is that I stopped listening to rock music (Christian or secular)...
I see you added the YouTube link. Normally, simply pasting in the YouTube video URL (address) will result in the video showing up on this web page. Optionally, you can grab the embed code and paste it into the "source code" view – but that is more geekish. Let's see if pasting in the YouTube video works here...
Author: Living Waters
Thank you so much! I am not sure what that means, but I more than willing to do anything to promote this video.
You can paste in the YouTube URL in your original post and it will show up as an inline video. Would you like to do that? It might draw more people to your post to have the embedded video. Looks good!
Author: Living Waters
Mark Lajoie here speaking for Living Waters! The video for this is now over 6000 plays on YouTube. For any who venture here we would be beholden to you if you go take a look at that and subscribe to our site! LET IT REIGN on LivingWatersUtube!
This is awesome, Michael. The lyrics overflow with emotion. What a testimony to the transformative power of the Body of Christ. Well produced, well sung! I can see this being perfromed on stage. Thanks for sharing.
Fr. Maximilian, these songs sound very good. Sung with passion and artistry. Did you use some classic analog equipment to record? SiteGround recently switched this website to a different web hosting space – from Apache to NGINX. It has caused some problems with serving up certain files with spaces and caps. I noticed that A Battle Cry Goes Out.mp3 wasn't playing in the MP3 player so I re-uploaded it as A-Battle-Cry-Goes-Out.mp3. I hope to have a fix soon. I also just...
Author: Andrzej
Thank you, Richard, for taking the time to listen/watch and for your kind comment - I appreciate it very much!
Thank you, Andrzej, for sharing your evocative music and beautiful imagery.
Dan Vi, congratulations for being mentioned as a Catholic songwriter in your Providence Associates newsletter. Keep making songs of faith! Here is the paragraph about your songwriting from the PDF file you sent: "Dan Vi Nguyen has devoted time and creative energy to writing lyrics to uplifting and spiritual music. She collaborates with other artists who compose the music and/or perform the songs. Her lyrics are her personal song of praise and she is happy that these are being shared...
Thank you for your feedback Richard!


Stephanie, this is a very artistic and spirit-led song. Thank you for sharing. Welcome to Top Catholic Songs!
Author: Alexander John
This was a wonderful piece. Thanks for sharing this Richard. It was truely beautiful. Hope you share it on other platforms too.
Author: Alexander John
Unfortunately I'm not very tech savvy but want to learn more about mixing and even beat making myself. I want to research and learn about music theory. I think I will start with some instructional videos from YouTube. Thanks for feedback it all helps as you know what your talking about. I'm not sure if I mentioned but my dad lives in England so our Collabs are not done in person but it's a great way to still feel extra connection with him from a far. All the best. Alex.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, this sounds a lot clearer and flows and finishes nicely in the mix. I appreciate you adding some nice touches. I'm glad you liked the tracks. I haven't recorded any more but still working out what to do next. Blessings and thanks again. I will send a link to my dad. All the best. Alex.
Alex, I think your voice needs a boost in Track 1. I ran your audio file through Adobe Audition and used Center Channel Extract to bring up your narration so it's not drowned out by the music. See what you think. Albin can adjust this in the original mix. Richard Schletty
Dan, this is very nice. Your songs are being very nicely produced by John Johnson from TuneDesigner. I like the theme of a banquet where we find rest and renewal with the Spirit of the Lord.
You are creating some nice dramatic moments with this melding of reflections and sound effects. The tubular bells could be a little less loud. Your voice always needs to stay "on top" of the mix. Blessings,  Richard
Alex, keep up the good writing. Your Dad is creating some nice soundbeds that support your reflections on God's mercy and love. 
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard,                     That is very true. Just wanted also to let you know that once I have finished the album I will share it rather than putting up one song at a time. So far we are 5 songs into it with 12 remaining. Thanks for the feedback, it really is helpful. Check in again soon. God Bless. Alex.
You are welcome, Alex.  There are a couple "rough edits" in the remix I did of your Dad's version. Maybe I'll smooth out a couple transitions and re-upload the song. Good job! I like your speaking voice and the resting spaces you now have in your delivery. There is no need to emulate the frantic pacing of hip-hop music. Find your own voice and tempo. When we pray internally, our thoughts are not an contant stream of words. We have many resting points as we ponder our...
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard,                     Thank you for getting this online. There are more on the way. I received your message and when the next track is done I will upload it the way you showed me. Thanks again and God Bless. Alex.
I actually recorded this a couple years ago. This OCP song is in my GIA Gather 2 and 3 guitar books. Good to hear from you! – Richard
Author: asiansa09
I am glad that you still keep in touch with Oregon Catholic Press (OCP).
Steve wrote: "Many thanks for your encouragement, Richard.  This site really is an excellent source of material and has really enriched my own ministry in my parish.  God bless." You are welcome. And thank you for your musical contributions to TCS.
Author: asiansa09
The song lyric, All Colors Wish One Wish, recorded at Nashville Song Services.
Author: asiansa09
I find the treasure of our Father Who stand tall for his believe Freedom for mankind leading the nation with no slaves Wild rides with his ambition for the nation. All colors with one wish No segregation when it comes to the colors of skin We all the same in our heart That we are special create under God’s image We should respect each other once and for all That we belong to one human race of mankind Father once said, let freedom ring for all nation Start with a dream where mankind is united as...
Author: Radio Hymnal (not verified)
Muy buena mandolina. Buen canto. Me gusta.
This is really good. And a very timely message in this time of political rancor, civic disturbances, and fading spirituality. I am so glad the lyrics finally came to fruition as this song. Your singer is excellent. Be sure to give proper credits to musicians and producer. And I would like to see the lyrics posted here so we can follow along. I hope this song will help to bring us together and heal wounds. I pray that reverence for God and mutual respect among men, women and children will...
Author: Nothingless
Thank you Richard!!! You are always positive, so kind and encouraging! God bless you!!!
I really like this snapshot of contemplative, spiritual journeys. Good music. Good imagery. Thanks for sharing. This should cause us all to take time to focus on God and the gifts of nature and human life. 
Author: Nothingless
The lyrics of this song are really beautiful. It is very well recorded and sung, but the melody and style of the song were not so catchy to my ears. Then I went on Margo's website and I discovered there is plenty of beautiful songs, and a lot of variety of styles and moods, and I really loved some of them. I appreciated a lot also she offers everything for free, I definitely recommend to visit her website and browse her songs. 
Author: Nothingless
Yes, His love perdura eternamente! Thanks!!! 
Author: Nothingless
Very nice song, creates a nice spiritual atmosphere. I loved the way you play and sing
Looking forward to your voicing of this. Peace. 
Author: asiansa09
The song, "God's Gift To All The World," posted on reach international audience. Sign up for and search for Vi Nguyen to hear songs.
Dan (TCS member Asiansa09) posted this in a separate blog article. She expressed her joy:   Hi Richard, I just want to share with you my joy regard to the song, God's Gift To All The World, that we worked together on the song a few years ago that I posted the song on that I recently received a recognition for 200 times plays on the radio.  I am also gratified by this news. We hope and pray that our collaborative song to bless many – Richard
So happy to know that our song has been getting airplay. Thanks for the good news.  Read about the making of "God's Gift" here:
Author: Steve Byrne
Many thanks for your encouragement, Richard.  This site really is an excellent source of material and has really enriched my own ministry in my parish.  God bless.
Steve, this is very smooth and infused with devotion to Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ. Thanks so much for sharing. You have a great voice and excellent audio mixing/mastering. May this song bless many.
Author: msmith
Richard, you are doing a great job keeping the site going!  Thank you for your kind words regarding my voice.  Margo
Margo, I felt very fortunate when this site was handed over to me by CAM "charter member" Nick Alexander. I have tried to keep it going as best I can with my limited resources and time. The technology the website runs on is old, but it hasn't broken yet!  Your voice sounds really good! What a blessing when God's gift of singing persists.
Author: msmith
Richard, thank you for your kind words. Thank you also for providing this site for songwriters to share their songs. It's a very generous service you provide for us. Thanks again. Margo
Margo, this is a beautiful song. Well written, well played, well sung. In this current age of rage we all need to be reminded of the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. It could pave the way to all sorts of healing. Great to hear from you!
Author: Nothingless
Thanks for the encouraging comment!
Filippo: The song is excellent! I love your breathy, inspirited styling and beautiful guitar backing. Bravo.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, thanks very much for taking the time to give feedback and I have started putting pauses between phases in my recordings and your right it makes it much better for the listener to digest I actually e-mailed you a track where I did that, it's a bit of a downer of a track and isn't a catholic one but I think you might like it. I will post up a track with that format soon and yeah my dad has been taking care of all the instrumentals. Hope you and your loved ones are OK during these hard...
Another good track. "When my pockets are empty you fill my heart." Post the lyrics so we can follow along! Keep up the introspective rapping to keep Satan from entrapping. (I just made that up)
Good words to ponder. "I make sure to worship the Lord and His mercy is the cure." Amen! Your mixes are getting better. I like the background soundbed. Is this one also done by your Dad? Once again, I urge you to put some space in between phrases. It will make the track even better!
Good to have both lyrics and chords. Well done!
Author: asiansa09
For The World Lead Sheet Intro: G - D/F# - Em - C Verse 1: G   D/F# We are in debt for our sin upon Christ Em         C But the cross is the only light that shines       G         D/F# To pull us on the path of closer to God Em       C For his mercy of forgiveness our sin C add (b5) We get to become union with God. Chorus:     G               D/F# When the Lord, Jesus...
Dan and Chas: This is very good. Excellent lyrics and musicianship. It would be nice to see the lyrics for the song within your post. Did you publish this at YouTube? God bless you always.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, thanks for the feedback it's much appreciated. I will try put pauses in the right spots on the next recording I do. Thanks so much for the RCS Cut. It was great to hear and I loved the effect you put on my vocals. I tried about an hour ago to upload it several times but it didn't work. Hope your well and will try again tomorrow. All the best, Alex.
Interesting soundtrack with juice harp (Jew's harp) and chorus. I like how your voice is out front on this one. Again, please think about adding more pauses between phrases. The listener needs time to digest each choice thought-morsel. Keep up the good work of expressing your faith journey poetically, accompanied by a music thread.
No problem as far as the lyrics. Looking forward to your album! 2020 has been good so far. Hoping the same for you and yours.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, unfortunatly I don't know what I did with the lyrics for this track! The first time I have lost some written verses. My dad did the instrumental to this track and we are going to collaborate on a album/mixtape together with him making the beats and me the vocals. How have you been? Hope 2020 has been good for you so far. All the best. Alex. 
Sounds good, Alex. Your voice is a little hard to understand in some places where the music and chorus are a bit too loud. At least that's the way it sounded on my MacBook Pro. Might be better understood if I listen in headphones. Thanks for sharing! Posting the lyrics here might be a good thing so we can follow along.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, I uploaded one more which is more like spoken word than hip hop.
Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, after a few years I have finally shared one of my few Catholic Hip Hop recordings. I used to rap prior to being catholic about more negative things so I wasn't sure how to approach putting God worship words to a beat but it's here now and would love your feedback. The instrumental and hook/chorus came from somewhere else but I'm allowed to use it as long as it's not for profit or download. Hope you like it and I might upload another one soon. God Bless and trust you are doing well!...


Author: Alexander John
Hi Richard, what I might do is re-record the two I have left that I kept as I'm still not very happy with them. Give me a week or so as I'm sick at the moment then I will re-record over maybe different instrumentals. I would appreciate the pointers too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too. God Bless.
Alex, if you like you can send me a sample or two of your recording attempts. Maybe I can give you some pointers. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the Holy Spirit be with us and guide us.
Author: Alexander John
Thanks Richard, have a blessed Christmas also with your loved ones too! Unfortunately I'm not too happy with how my recordings are sounding so I'm hesitant to post them. I don't know what it is, I used to get great pleasure in recoding with a passion but now as I just like writing them and I have lost the drive and enthusiasm to lay down a good track. Anyway I did put up a link for an ebook I put out with an albums worth of material. Have a safe Christmas and New Years Richard and God Bless....
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