
True Love is Patient and Refines

MP3 Music Playlist: 

True love is patient, truth-filled, and kind
Suffers and bears  all things and refines
us to live  more deeply  in your life divine
Purifies us - heart, soul, and mind

When You Appear In Glory

MP3 Music Playlist: 
Psalm 102 was likely written during the Jewish captivity in Babylon, around 550 BCE. The psalm expresses the feelings of many Hebrews during this time. It prophesies the glorious coming of the lord at the end of time when all the nations and peoples of the earth will be gathered together before the Lord.

We Follow You

MP3 Music Playlist: 
O Holy Spirit  we follow you
You are ineffable love and truth
You give us hope a guiding star
Of our true country from afar

Trust and Rejoice

MP3 Music Playlist: 
1 )You bid us rejoice  - and give us a voice
 To sing and glorify you - who are divine love and truth
2 ) You invite us to   - trust in you                          
 To love you with our whole heart and mind

Let Us Be Light

MP3 Music Playlist: 

1)You Lord we pine to see
in darkness surrounded we be
in our exile                    
Hear us, we humbly pray,

HYMN OF THE MONTH – January: O Cor Amoris

HYMN OF THE MONTH – January: O Cor Amoris

Singing Latin hymns in the Ordinary Form of the Mass was a cherished tradition at St. Mary’s in Akron, Ohio for more than 30 years. This was our way to help preserve the devotional hymns that once were so popular. Beginning in the late 1970s and the years that followed, St. Mary’s continued to preserve these beautiful hymns and incorporate them into New Liturgy.  Please take a few moments to read about one Latin hymn in particular that was a favorite among the choir members and parishioners.

Please visit my website Mother of Mercy Catholic Hymns and click on HYMN OF THE MONTH.

Be sure to read about these other fine hymns appropriate for Offertory and Communion in the Ordinary Form of the Mass.

Jesus Teach Me How to Pray
I Need Thee, Precious Jesus
In This Sacrament Sweet Jesus
O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine
Hide Thou Me

The New Heaven and Earth

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Isaiah lived about seven hundred years before Christ. He gave the breathtaking prophecy that God would create a new heaven and earth and gave some details of what that would be like. There was nothing like this in the ancient world, no speculation or ideas. St. John the Apostle/prophet tells us in the book of Revelation (eight hundred years after Isaiah) that he actually SAU the new heavens and earth and gave some details of what he saw.

Our World So Beautiful (Christmas song)

MP3 Music Playlist: 

NOTE: We originally published this post in May of 2017. We submitted this song to Oregon Catholic Press ( but it was not accepted.

Our World So Beautiful is a Christmas song co-written by Dan vi Nguyen, Richard Schletty and André van Haren. Dan posted her lyrics here and asked if anyone could make a song out of her words. Richard Schletty rewrote the lyrics to give them a consistent rhyme, line length, metrical pattern and overall poetic structure. Then Richard came up with a melody. Next, André van Haren wrote a beautiful piano arrangement based on an a cappella recording of the melody by Richard. Using Sibelius, André engraved the sheet music not only for piano and voice, but developed the song fully by adding guitar chords and two additional instruments: flute and cello. He also engraved a version of the song with optional SATB harmonies in the refrain... 

Psalm 98 - 35

MP3 Music Playlist: 

O sing to him, sing his praise;
tell all his wonderful works!           
Be proud of his holy name,
let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice - rejoice

Psalm 89

MP3 Music Playlist: 

 Psalm 89

Ant. Wherever you are, Lord, there is mercy, there is truth.

I will sing forever of your love, O Lord;
through all ages, my mouth will proclaim your truth.
Of this I am sure, that your love lasts forever,

re: Joy to the Humble (Hark the Herald Angels Speak)

MP3 Music Playlist: 
re: Joy To The Humble (ronsue's blog) 

Thanks Ron for helping us look at the classic Christmas songs in new ways!

Joy To The Humble

MP3 Music Playlist: 

 1) 1 Joy to the humble and the meek
2 Who for peace and mercy seek
3 for all the poor in spirit and pure of heart
4 who long to be truly free
 5 and live life fully

O Come Divine Messiah

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Lyrics adapted from original lyrics of Simon Joseph Pellegrin (1663–1745) - an old French tune  

O Holy Night

YouTube video:

St. Mary's Choir from Akron, Ohio

In many of my HYMN OF THE MONTH write-up’s, I have mentioned with much affection St. Mary’s Choir, of Akron, Ohio.

I have included bits and pieces about the organist and choir members from time to time. As I grow older, and Christmas or Easter comes around, I remember them even more and so I thought I would take the time to share a little history and a few anecdotes with you while I am still able.

Please take a moment to read about St. Mary’s Choir as I remember them and listen to some wonderful recordings.
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