
We long to see you

MP3 Music Playlist: 
In his book, Jesus of Nazareth (Holy Week -Ignatius press -2011- pp 288-292), Pope Benedict discusses the prayer ( Marana tha) for the definitive coming of the Lord Jesus, in the conclusion of the Book of Revelation. “It is the prayer of one who loves, one who is surrounded in the besieged city and can only wait for the arrival of the beloved who has the power to end the siege and bring salvation. Christian prayer for the Lord’s return always includes the experience of his presence. He is with us now, and especially close in the eucharistic presence. Yet conversely, the Christian experience of the Lord’s presence does include a certain tension toward the future when his presence will be definitely fulfilled.” He quotes St.

Come Holy Spirit of Truth and Love

MP3 Music Playlist: 
In this information age we can become overwhelmed and confused. There is so much knowledge available about so many things and that can be helpful. The one thing however that matters is growing in the knowledge of the Lord in Scripture and our intimacy with him. ST. John told us in the Book of Revelation that even the elect could be deceived. 
We call on you each morning n00n and night For help in this spiritual fight
For without you, we’ll fail to perceived
As lies what our enemy conceives
In these times of stark deception
Most media spew twisted perceptions  For those who know you not - are easily
deceived by lies inspired by our enemy

Be Still and Know

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Some Sing for Joy

MP3 Music Playlist: 
 Some sing for Joy- some are deep in despair- some lost in a maze in a Lukewarm daze and time runs out
So much suffering years of tears creation groans -come Lord Come Always you're near - to forgive and to heal - all we need to is ask and be Sealed by your Spirit - Lord have mercy Lord have mercy Lord have mercy Lord have mercy
You know us most keenly - our moves and our motives -you know us most clearly -you know us most dearly - calling on you- Sacred Heart Abyss of Love overflowing -quench our thirst
Tour close to the broken - in body or spirit - you’re close to the humble The proud fall and stumble - and we sing - son of God son of Mary
Lord and Lamb - Heart of fire

Psalm 145: 1-13

MP3 Music Playlist: 

St. Augustine says that “whole Christ” [totus Christus] prays the psalms. He explained, "By whole I mean with His body, of which He is the Head.” Head and body are Christ and the church. The two are united in one voice and inseparable.

In the Psalms, and not merely Psalms of praise, or general petition, but even (and especially) those on the brink of despair while alienated from God; they’re all on the lips of Jesus. He speaks for us, with us, as one with us. St. Augustine teaches us to pray the Psalms as those caught up in Jesus’ prayer and He in ours. The cross and resurrection are the life of the whole Christ; what goes for Jesus goes also for His Body, the church. This means that in our loneliness, abandonment, suffering, and even death, Christ is there with us and we are with Him, and we are in solidarity with each other.

With the Psalms, then, David prays, we pray, but above all — and with all of us together — Jesus prays. St. Pope John Paul II often repeated a quote from Vatican II that in his incarnation Christ identified with each one of us in a personal way. While on earth, Jesus prayed the Psalm with his parents at home, in the synagogue, and with his disciples. When we pray(sing) the psalms, Jesus is praying with us. When we sing any of the psalms we should imagine Christ leading us in the Psalm.

Psalm 145 is a joy-filled psalm that extols, blesses, praises, meditates on, and enumerates many of God’s divine attributes, his works, and his kingdom.

The Lord of Pure Joy

MP3 Music Playlist: 
A little tune celebrating humor. A Joy-filled gift from the Lord. that we need to develop and employ in our current times. LYRICS:
                                                                      The Lord of Joy
1) Your will unfolds for us in time 2) and us you purify/ refine 3You call us to rest in you 4and to share your Love and Truth
1)for in truth lies our freedom 2) and the glory of your kingdom 3)the powers of hell shall not prevail 4) as we undergo travail
1 Evil inspires a foul rumor 2) that dead is our sense of humor 3) the Lord of pure joy smiles 4) so we join him in pure laughter

Hymn of the Month – February: Mother Dearest, Mother Fairest

As part of my series on Catholic hymns, I have chosen a hymn that was widely used by evening novena prayer groups. The text of the hymn may have been inspired by verses  written by Father Frederick W. Faber. This is one of my favorite Marian hymns and it was sung by St. Mary’s Choir in Akron, Ohio on various occasions for more than thirty-five years. The words and music first appeared in 1883 and can be credited to a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur.

Though not originally written for novenas, the hymn was incorporated into the evening novena programs as early as the 1930s. In addition to the traditional words and melody, I found four other melodies that were used for this hymn.

Please take a few moments to read about this wonderful Marian hymn and visit my website Mother of Mercy Catholic Hymns and click on HYMN OF THE MONTH.

Listening to the wind

MP3 Music Playlist: 
God wills all to be saved (from eternal self-condemnation in hell). God takes no delight in the death(eternal self-alienation from him) of any person. In hindsight, we can see some of this in 

Peter's Song

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Psalm 130

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Antiphon *I cry to you Lord for mercy
You know all my sins - I’m guilty
Jesus I Trust in You - and Your divine mercy

Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord, * Lord, hear my voice!
O let your ears be attentive *
to the voice of my pleading.
If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt, * Lord, who would survive?
But with you is found forgiveness: * for this we revere you.
My soul is waiting for the Lord, *
I count on his word.
My soul is longing for the Lord * more than watchman for daybreak.

Let the watchman count on daybreak *   and Israel on the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy * and fullness of redemption,

Israel indeed he will redeem *from all its iniquity.
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord, * Lord, hear my voice!
O let your ears be attentive *
to the voice of my pleading.

Loved into Being

MP3 Music Playlist: 
A reflection on the good Lord's divine creativity and plan for our being brought into being - our redemption, and his and our glorification. This was revealed to us by Christ and The Holy Spirit.
Down through salvation history 2) through prophets, saints & your Holy Church
3) revealing yourself ever more deeply 4) and your loving plan for your and our glory
1)O Holy Father, Son, and Spirit 2) you Love each other eternally 3) And from that Love, you poured forth 4) your divine creativity
1) You loved into being all of creation 2) and gave it a touch of your glory 3) Especially angels and man 4) You made in Your image and likeness
1) for us to know and share in 2)your Love divine and creativity 3) Giving us an intellect and will 4) able to love like you freely
1) deceived by the fallen angel 2)that we were your equals
3) rejecting you as our loving creator 4) we tasted pride -  self idolatry

Your Hand in Everything

MP3 Music Playlist: 
Romans 8: 28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,[a] for those who are called according to his purpose. Keeping our hearts focused on the good Lord we have the Faith perspective we need trust in His Providential care in all things.

Psalm 33

MP3 Music Playlist: 
I substituted missile for horse and great power for great strength as the psalmist's intention to speak to us today.
1)Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous;
2)it is fitting for the upright to praise him 3)Praise the LORD with the harp;
4)Make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre.
1)Sing to him a new song;
2)play skillfully, and shout for joy.
3)For the word of the LORD is right and true; 4)he is faithful in all he does.
1)The LORD loves righteousness and justice; 2)the earth is full of his unfailing love.
3)By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, 4) their starry host by the breath of his mouth.
1)He gathers the waters of the sea into jars 2) he puts the deep into storehouses.
3)Let all the earth fear the LORD;
4) let all the people of the world revere him.
1)For he spoke, and it came to be;
2) he commanded, and it stood firm.

O Sacred Head

MP3 Music Playlist: 
The hymn is based on a long medieval Latin poem, Salve mundi salutare. The last part of the poem, from which the hymn is taken, is addressed to Christ's head and begins "Salve caput cruentatum" The poem was translated into German by the Lutheran hymnist Paul Gerhardt (1607–1676). The hymn was first translated into English in 1752 by John Gambold (1711–1771), an Anglican vicar in Oxfordshire. His translation begins, "O Head so full of bruises". In 1830, an American Presbyterian minister, James Waddel Alexander (1804–1859) made a new hymn translation. Alexander's translation, beginning "O sacred head, now wounded", became one of the most widely used in 19th and 20th-century hymnals.

Thank You For Your Gift of Faith

MP3 Music Playlist: 
Thank you for your gift of Faith and a share in your suffering In your death in your Life
Deep inside in places unknown, You await, patiently, for me to open -to open more to your Love
Let me serve show me how what to do in everything to do Your Will - I’ll be free - I’ll be free
Please teach me the spirit of poverty, chastity, obedience Devotedly - joyfully
Shepherd me in charity, humility, and solitude So I can be one with You - one with You
You're in control make me whole - burn my soul and
Prune me back let me start to see the sparks - know your Heart
Our Mother pleads to fast and pray like never before
More and more - keep it simple and raise a score for God’s Mercy - for God’s mercy
All your children everywhere near and far are the stars
Of your family - bring us HOME - for Your glory - for Your Glory
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