O Divine Spirit

MP3 Music Playlist: 
​​​​Rerecorded some new lyrics. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord
O divine creator spirit holy one
Spirit of the Father and the Son
O breath of their divine love
In you/ they live now in us
Inspire us to sing pure love songs
And of heaven for which we long
songs of sorrow and of hope
Psalms pleading for your mercy

In creating the earth you had in mind
It’s recreation in the fulness of time
A new heaven and earth all glorious
You will create by your will divine

In creating Adam and Eve you had in mind
The incarnation of your Son divine
And the immaculate conception of Mary
 the resurrected glory of our bodies

In sending Moses to  form in time
a covenant people, you had in mind
Of sending  the Son in the fullness of time
To form a new covenant people for all time

The son sends you O Paraclete,
the holy gift of the Father’s love,
Our  wellspring of divine fire,
You fill our hearts with holy desire

Your divine gifts are sevenfold
You teach us the new and the old
You infuse the core of our being
With wisdom divine understanding

With council to know God’s will
With fortitude to do his will
When it’s so hard to fulfill
with knowledge of the Lord and his church
With piety to praise the Father joyfully
In the high prayers of the liturgy
With filial fear of our divine Father
Like that of the Son our brother                                                                         

You infuse the core of our being
With desires for our heavenly home
Of knowing as we are known
Of sharing in your divine life

Drive far from us our evil foe
Help us bear the evils that purify
Help us discern goods from the Good
To lose our goods noy to lose the good
May our last eathly breath be                                                                                 
Glory to the Most Holy Trinity

To the Father and Son and Thee
All glory be all glory be



New recording

Recorded with some new lyrics.

Good Morning

I would consult with the Poet Susan St. Martin to understand the art of capitalization better.  She is a trustworthy source and a kind helper indeed.

It doesn't look at all right to me and is almost irreverent captitalization.  It is at least confusing.

If you don't know what I am refering to please consult with Susan St. Martin.

In Christ,

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