O All Holy Spirit

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Come now, let us sing to the Lord
With Mary and Joseph and all the angels and saints
Forever  we will sing in divine harmony 
 Pure joy-filled hymns to the all-holy Trinity

 1 )Divine Son all holy, source of all grace  
You  are the hope of the human  race
In patient endurance God’s love you fulfilled
And showed how to love our Father’s will

2 )You give us and teach us your most holy word
You give us,  you feed us your body and blood
You fill us with your own divine life
Your way of life is our path through strife

3 )Immortal, invisible,  God only wise,. 
In light inaccessible    hid from our eyes,
Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
Almighty, victorious, your great name we praise.

4 ) Great Father of glory, pure Father of light,
Your angels adoring, all veiling their sight;
We too, God invisible, offer our praise;
O light inaccessible, Ancient of Days

5 ) All knowing - almighty - all Holy Spirit
You are the love of the Father and Son
You are Truth and love who indwells all of us  
And inspires all good works out of pure love

6 ) You tell us you warn us through prophets and Popes.
That being lukewarm leads to faithless hope
Of hope in ourselves and the work of our hands
In  utopian folly and destructive plans

7 ) Life-giving Creator,  divine Father. Of  all
Most holy  redeemer -  true God and true man
Most dear Holy Spirit, you sanctify us
Three persons in God - divine holy love

Strophe 3&4  from: Immortal- Invisible-God Only Wise   
Walter  C     Smith,1824-1908, alt.
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