Take Up Your Cross

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Take up your cross and follow me.   
obedient  and humble be 
Deny yourself, the world forsake,   
 Then After you die you'll live forever   
 With me in my Father's Glory

1 ) In this time of trial and testing
By a thousand snares surrounded
Never let us be confounded
For we put all our trust in you

2 )Take up your cross, let not its weight
Fill your weak spirit with alarm;
My strength shall bear your spirit up,
Shall brace your heart and nerve your arm.

3 )Take up your cross then in my strength,
And ev’ry danger calmly brave,
I’ll guide you to a better home,
And vict’ry over death and grave.

4 )Take up your cross and abide in me,
Nor think till death to lay it down;
For only he who bears the cross
May hope to wear the glorious crown.

5 )Abide with us that through this life
Of suff’ring and of pain
An Easter of unending joy
Your church may at last attain.
6 ) You died for us out of compassion
For all our sins and in your passion
You were perfected and became the way
To eternal life with you in Glory
7) In this time of trial and testing
By a thousand snares surrounded
Never let us be confounded
For we put all our trust in you
8 )To you, great Lord, the One in three,
All praise for evermore ascend;
O grant us here below to see
The heav’nly life that knows no end.
Some Text adapted from   Charles William Everest 1861 hynm -Take Up Your Cross 
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