Oh Most Holy Trinity
March 8, 2025 - 3:36pm — ronsue
MP3 Music Playlist:
- Praising the Most Holy Trinity for creating and redeeming us to share in their life and glory.
1 ) Oh most Holy Trinity - You created us to be
Holy and love like you - reflecting your glory
And after rejecting you, and becoming slaves to sin
You promised to redeem us - and our freedom win
O divine Son, you assumed our nature
And died to set us free - To live for ever
To give you praise and glory
2 )Oh God beyond all praising
We worship You today
And sing the love amazing
That songs cannot repay
For we can only wonder
At every gift you send
At blessings without number
And mercies without end
We lift our hearts before You
And wait upon your word
We honor and adore you
Our great and mighty Lord
3)Then hear, O gracious savior
Accept the love we bring
That we who know your favor
May serve You as our king
And whether our tomorrows
Be filled with good or ill
We'll triumph through our sorrows
And rise to bless you still
To marvel at your beauty
And glory in your ways
And make a joyful duty
Our sacrifice of praise
Strophe 2 & 3 from Oh God Beyond All Praising
Author: Michael A. Perry 1982 © 1982, Hope Publishing Co
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