Trust and Rejoice

MP3 Music Playlist: 
1 )You bid us rejoice  - and give us a voice
 To sing and glorify you - who are divine love and truth
2 ) You bid us trust - and invite us                           
 To love you with our whole heart and mind
For you are holy divine
This is your heart’s desire -  Filled with divine fire
That we know the depths of your love
Dying  for each one of us

3 ) Pray for all those - in authority
As to live in peace and quietly - that they obey me           
4 utopian illusions -  and subtle deceptions
Great golden crypto age -will flash, crash and fade

5 ) My voice you’ll know - and follow those
Who pine for their heavenly home -who seek my will to do
6 ) Pray and work  - to make progress on earth

Be one with my most holy will  as it is in heaven

7 ) in our exile we persevere - and await in joyful hope
For your return  in glorious splendor
To bring us home with you
8 )There we’ll  rejoice - dance and sing
In your presence  our Lord and King - for all eternity



Our hearts deapest desire was mentioned in the second reading of the Office of Readings today.  Also that line about crypto is so good.  It is the translation of the eternal in the now; calling out the evil in every generation.  No fear.

Flash crash and fade crazy crypto and all deceptions.

Office of reading for February 1 ordinary time

From Vatican ll document Gaudium et Spes it teaches: " Certainly, the Christian is faced with the necessity, and the duty, of fighting against evil through many trials, and of undergoing death. But by entering into the paschal mystery and being made like Christ in death, he will look forward, strong in hope, to the resurrection." Speaking out against
an evil is part of our witness as Catholics. 
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