Trust and Rejoice

MP3 Music Playlist: 
1 )You bid us rejoice  - and give us a voice
 To sing and glorify you - who are divine love and truth
2 ) You bid us trust - and invite us                           
 To love you with our whole heart and mind
For you are holy divine
This is your heart’s desire -  Filled with divine fire
That we know the depths of your love
Dying  for each one of us

3 ) Pray for all those - in authority
As to live in peace and quietly - that they obey me           
4 utopian illusions -  and subtle deceptions
Great golden crypto age -will flash, crash and fade

5 ) My voice you’ll know - and follow those
Who pine for their heavenly home -who seek my will to do
6 ) Pray and work  - to make progress on earth

Be one with my most holy will  as it is in heaven

7 ) in our exile we persevere - and await in joyful hope
For your return  in glorious splendor
To bring us home with you
8 )There we’ll  rejoice - dance and sing
In your presence  our Lord and King - for all eternity
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