My Dear Guardian Angel

MP3 Music Playlist: 
The Catechism of the Catholic Church proclaims that "from infancy to death human life is surrounded by their [angels'] watchful care and intercession. Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life. Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united in God" (CCC, n. 336). Our dear guardian angels are a special gift to each one us  that  we should thank and pray for their protection and inspiration everyday

My dear guardian angel -  helping me all these years,
I thank you with all my heart for helping me know
 And do God’s most holy will
1 O holy angels bright  2 wh0 wait at God’s hand.        
3 when through the realms of light  4 Fly at your Lord’s command
1 Assist our humble song  2 For else the holy theme
2 Too high for us will seem  4 For our mortal tongue

1 You blessed souls at rest  2 who ran this earthly race
3 And now from sin release  4 behold the Savior’s face
1 His high praises sound  2 as in his blessed sight
3 With sweet and pure delight  4 you all divinely abound
1 Let all who toil below  2 Adore our heavenly king
3 Our joyful anthem sing 4 united in one accord
1 My soul, now take your part  2 acclaiming God above
3 And with a well-tuned heart  4 sing out the songs of love

1 Let all our earthly days  2 Till this life shall end
3 What're he wills to send  4 Be filled with his high praise
1 To the Father glory be  2 and to the Son                                                                 3 And to the holy Spirit  4 O most holy Trinity

 Some Lyrics adapted from text by Richard Baxter, 1731-1789
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