Hail Holy Queen

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Hail holy queen - mother of mercy
Our life our sweetness and hope
To thee do we come - help us be
Holy, as the Father wills us to be

Without original sin you were conceived
You were created as the new Eve
The perfect daughter of the Father
The mother of all the living who believe

The son desired you to be his mother
The first of all your sons and daughters
You know each one of our needs
As our mother and queen you intercede

The first and best friend of the Lord
Your hearts were of one accord
You were close to him to the end
And suffered with him in sacrificial love

You know how we struggle with subtle pride
And how our enemy cunningly lies
We call on you as our powerful queen
Help us reject worldly utopian schemes
Now you reign in heaven with Jesus our king
And lead all the angels and saints to sing
the glorious praises of our Father
We join you on earth in his divine praises

Hail holy queen - mother of mercy
Help us to pilgrim through this vale of tears
On our way to the Father and  Son and you

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