The Lord's Day
July 19, 2024 - 11:47am — ronsue
MP3 Music Playlist:
- Waiting in Joyful Hope and patient endurance
On the last day when you come
In Glory brighter than the sun
With all the angels and the saints
We’ll sing that new eternal song
1 Heaven and Earth you will transform
And into glory, we will be born
Help us now to seek and to long
For you to whom our hearts belong
2 This day most sacred and most blessed,
shines forth the first of eternal days,
The day of your rest and peace
Of your divine marriage feast.
3 Blessed are you Father for revealing
To children the mysteries of your kingdom
Now we await as your children
The fullness of your son’s kingdom
4 For the marriage feast we long eagerly
To which you father directs all history
conform us to your glory, Lord,
that we may know you as you are,
5 O Jesus raise our souls to you;
first grant that we may share your life,
then make our bodies rise to you,
forever free from second death.
6 That soon we may be carried up
to meet you, Christ, on heaven’s clouds,
to live with you forevermore,
our Resurrection and our life
Glory to the Father and to the Son
And to the Holy Spirit
As it was and will be forevermore
Text of strophes 5 and 6 come from:
Text: Primo dierum omnium, 6-7th c., © 2023 ICEL
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That great day is coming ever closer. This song helps ster in us the hope for our own salvation and glorification.
That will be a great and ever new glorious song.
And even our bodies will be saved!
To be carried will be great. No more trying and striving.
Thank you!
radiant glory! Congratulations on your new archbishop Richard Henning!