Heal the Night, orchestral version – Schletty and van Haren

MP3 Music Playlist: 


Heal the Night

Is there no one to heal the night,
dark night of the soul,
to bring to me a deepening insight,
to bring me up from despair and sorrow,
to bathe my mind in light?

There is no one to set me free,
save He who died for me.
He set me free at Calvary,
a gift to ever be.

In the still of the night
the Spirit comes.
Quite unexpected!

And now you know the grace of God
and are at peace.

Lyrics, melody, vocals ©2008, Richard C. Schletty
Orchestral arrangement ©2019, André van Haren



This was a wonderful piece. Thanks for sharing this Richard. It was truely beautiful. Hope you share it on other platforms too.

Heal the Night

Thank you, Alex, for listening and commenting. Grace and peace.

Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music | www.schletty.com


Beautiful! So grand. Loved this and the accompanying video. 

Heal the Night

Thanks, El Capitan. The words and melody came to me one night, out of nowhere. I first recorded it a cappella in 2008. See topcatholicsongs.com/heal-the-night

Several years later, my collaborator and mentor, André van Haren, added the beautiful symphonic soundtrack. André has posted blogs here at TCS which show how to engrave music with Sibelius. We have since both migrated to Steinberg Dorico. 

André is here: www.andrevanharen.com

Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music | www.schletty.com

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