Domingo 3 de Pascua C - Salmo 29 - Te alabaré, Señor, eternamente. Aleluya

Learn how to sing psalms in Spanish! Get your free download of guitar lead sheet and audio demo for Domingo 3 de Pascua C - Salmo 29 - Te alabaré, Señor, eternamente. Aleluya

Anthony Moran recorded his lead voice with a Zoom digital recorder. He sent his file to me. I added extra voice and instrument tracks in my basement studio using Apple Logic Pro. That's virtual collaboration! Please visit Catholic Liturgy in Song to get free downloads of guitar lead sheet and audio demos.

Los textos de la Sagrada Escritura utilizados en esta obra han sido tomados de los Leccionarios I, II y III, propiedad de la Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana, copyright © 1987, quinta edición de septiembre de 2004. Todos los derechos reservados.

The texts of the Sacred Scripture used in this work have been taken from Lectionaries I, II and III, property of the Episcopal Commission of Liturgical Pastoral of the Mexican Episcopal Conference, copyright © 1987, fifth edition, September 2004. All rights reserved.

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