O Holy Spirit intercede For Us
October 19, 2024 - 8:41am — ronsue
MP3 Music Playlist:
- Asking the Holy Spirit for aid in times of distress or personal drought
All creation groans in labor pains,
And longs to be set free
From its cycle of futility
By God’s promise, it will be
We also groan within ourselves
As we await that glorious day
The recreation of our bodies
glorious like our Lord’s body
His word and promise sure
It gives us hope that endures
That perseveres come what may
And gives us inner peace secure
O Holy Spirit come to our aid
For in our human weakness
We know not how to pray
As we ought in spirit and truth
You O Spirit intercede for us
With inexpressible sighs
The Father answers them all
As they accord with his holy will
Throughout the ages, you’ve raised up for us
Doctors, seers, mystics, and saints
Revealing yourself and your will
Deepening our Faith, Hope, and Love
Throughout history, you’ve inspired us
To know the science of your creation
To use our knowledge for our common good
and give you praise for all your gifts
We’ve not always used your gifts
For our good or give you praise
But to use and abuse each other
And glorify our own will
We’ve reached a point in history
Where we could destroy all we’ve done
To advance our common good
rejecting you as our dear Father
In rejecting you we reject others
As our sisters and our brothers
and think we've created ourself
And others as rivals or enemies
O Holy Spirit intercede for us
To praise our Father for creating us
Out of his pure divine love
and for redeeming us in his Son divine
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