MP3 Music Playlist:
- Love 101 - Richard-Schletty-Alexander-John 2024.1.mp3

I took the
Hip Hop lyrics by
Alexander John and with his permission adapted them to create a Country-Folk ballad.
Love 101
Country-Folk version. Lyrics, music and performance by Richard Schletty.
There used to be a coldness all around
But something kept my soul from going down
I've come to know a man I call My Lord
Who's telling me to lay down my sword
Suddenly, my frown is down side up
Bit by bit, I'm wakin' up
To the wonder and beauty all around:
Amazing colors, gentle sounds
Lord, you're the master of creation
Teach me how to dance with elation
I wanna shout, I wanna run
Guided by Love 101
Guided by Love 101
I've tried to use my heart and my brain
To bust on through the walls and the chains
That lock me into emptiness and pain
With God, I can change the game
Hate would burn as easy as dry sticks
A lotta push and shove – I took my licks
I'm tryin' to learn how to forgive
I simply want to smile as I live
Lord, you're the master of creation
Teach me how to dance with elation
I wanna shout, I wanna run
Guided by Love 101
Guided by Love 101
As I read the good book
I can start to see
How art is inspired
by the wisdom we desire
A world of fear is what I used to live in
Now I'm washed by tears the Lord has given
My joy has overcome the enemy
The Spirit, like a dove, floats over me
I believe He's here and always cares
That He knows me well and wants to share
His way to peace: to forgive my foes
That's the Book that I should never close
Lord, you're the master of creation
Teach me how to dance with elation
I wanna shout, I wanna run
Guided by Love 101
Guided by Love 101
Love 101
Original Hip Hop lyrics by Alexander John:
1st Verse:
The cold weather followed me around town
But I never sold my soul even though I was mostly down...
Then I got to know the lord
That's when I knew it was time to put down my sword
That frown turned upside down and I started to adore...
Everything around me - and it seemed magical
Was I in a dream - because life became manageable...
And beyond - this must be the answer
So I put love into every song and mess around like an amateur dancer...
Because very few opinions only matter to me
Life gave me a platter when I decided to be free...
Of the evil, the pain and attachment
People are meant to use our brain as well as heart but it's not mathematics
I want to do art inspired by certain tablets...
I guess I'm just venting
But don't stress because when it comes to love there is no pretending.
I have learned to forgive
Because hate burned me like a pile of sticks
But now I smile and live
And it took a while but I'd rather give.
2nd Verse:
The fear I used to live-in
Is washed away by too many tears but the lord has given...
Some of the best gifts possible
I don't stress because he knows what's best and his love isn't hostile
Provides a dove every time I say "have I lost you?"...
Because he is there
Because he cares
Because he knows our souls and wants us to bare....
Them - and I believe to people we know too
Evil will have no sequel so when it comes to part two...
It's Jesus all the way and his love for us
If I could write a thesis I would not rush...
Or finish because his infinite
Every minute with him is intimate...
So as this little piece comes to a close
I hope you find more than a little peace and forgive your foes.
Wonderful lyrics good country ballad song. Thanks for writing and sharing. You should do more like
songs like this. Ron
More songs like this.
Check out this one – another collab with Alexander John: God Is on the Scene.
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |