AT The Name Of Jesus

MP3 Music Playlist: 
1 At the name of Jesus                                   4  Bore it up triumphant
                                                                                  With its human light
ev'ry knee shall bow,                                          through all ranks of creatures                                     

                                                                                  to the central height                                            
ev'ry tongue confess him                                   to the throne of Godhead

                                                                                   to the Father’s breast
King of glory now;                                                filled with the glory                                              

                                                                                   of that perfect rest                                      
'tis the Father's pleasure

                                                                              5 In your hearts enthrone him
we should call him Lord,                                   there let him subdue

                                                                                 all that is not holy                                          
who from the beginning                                   all that is not true

                                                                                  Crown him as your king   
was the mighty Word.                                        in temptation’s hour 

                                                                                 Let his will enfold you
2 At his voice creation                                        in its light and power
sprang at once to sight,                                    
all the angel faces,                                           6 Christians this lord Jesus 
all the hosts of light,                                           shall return again                                          
cherubim in heaven,                                            in his Father’s glory
stars upon their way,                                          with his angel’s band
all the heav'nly orders                                        At his voice the new creation
in their great array.                                              Will blossom in all glory
                                                                             His praises we’ll sing anew    

3 Humbled for a season                                      in glorious pure harmony                          
 to receive a name
from the lips of sinners                                    7 Christians this lord Jesus        
unto whom he came,                                           shall return again
faithfully he bore it                                             in his Father’s glory
spotless to the last,                                             with his angel band                                             
brought it back victorious                                Over will be the night
when from death he passed                            now endless light of life

                                                                                 We’ll dance and sing
                                                                                 With divine delight

text adapted from Author: Caroline M. Noel
  1817; d. St. Marylebone, London, England, 1877
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