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Topics participated in | Top Catholic Songs

Topics participated in

# Title Replies Last Postsort icon
1 We Taste Heaven's Meal Aug 17 2024 - 20:50
2 My Biography - Dan Vi Nguyen 3 Apr 11 2024 - 09:42
3 New House New Year 2 Feb 4 2024 - 07:11
4 Gifts and Talents from God 1 Feb 1 2024 - 17:05
5 Song Lyric: From the Heart & Mind Jul 25 2023 - 14:16
6 Plan for Father's Day 3 Jun 19 2022 - 12:20
7 Song Lyric: In Heaven, Mother Mary, pray for us 21 Jun 4 2022 - 13:54
8 Song Lyric: HEART BEAT 4 May 8 2022 - 04:26
9 Song Lyric: Take Me In When I Am Homeless 3 Oct 15 2021 - 10:21
10 Divine Mercy Songs 15 May 7 2021 - 09:54
11 For the Love of Humanity: a Divine Mercy chant based on messages from Christ to St. Faustina 8 Apr 22 2021 - 12:54
12 Top Catholic Songs on PA Newsletters 1 Feb 12 2021 - 01:07
13 Table of the King 1 Nov 11 2020 - 15:41
14 Center of My Life (Paul Inwood) 2 Oct 14 2020 - 21:23
15 All Colors With One Wish 3 Sep 16 2020 - 22:43
16 God's Gift to All the World (Nguyen, Schletty, van Haren) 15 Aug 23 2020 - 12:55
17 God's Gift To All The World 1 Aug 22 2020 - 15:34
18 Song Lyric: For the World 3 Mar 1 2020 - 19:48
19 A song for Pentecost 2 Jun 11 2019 - 12:15
20 Songs from major Catholic hymnal publishers have been removed 5 Apr 2 2019 - 00:34
21 Christocentric 4 Mar 27 2019 - 21:31
22 Catechism of the Catholic Church book Mar 27 2019 - 14:28
23 Lift Up My Spirit In You 2 Mar 19 2019 - 12:29
24 Enchristment by Nguyen-Schletty 14 Mar 10 2019 - 18:46
25 Song Lyric: Table of the King 5 Dec 15 2018 - 12:58
26 MAS SongCasters episode 13 featuring Richard Schletty 3 Nov 21 2018 - 17:37
27 Song Lyric: Thanksgiving 4 Nov 16 2018 - 13:08
28 Our World So Beautiful (a new Christmas song) 25 Aug 3 2017 - 18:18
29 Song Lyric: We taste heaven meal Aug 2 2017 - 20:46
30 Sow The Seed 4 Jul 25 2017 - 18:08
31 Free verse poem 1 May 31 2017 - 21:59
32 How to write good lyrics 5 May 23 2017 - 13:46
33 Song Lyric: ENCHRISTMENT 11 May 22 2017 - 13:31
34 Holy Spirit 3 May 21 2017 - 17:35
35 Child 3 May 21 2017 - 16:03
36 Song Lyric: FINDING MY GROUND WITH CHRIST May 19 2017 - 11:44
37 Song Lyric: FOR THE LOVE OF HUMANITY 43 May 19 2017 - 06:33
38 Come and Recite the Rosary with me 2 Feb 10 2017 - 14:04
39 Jesus Mary Joseph I love you save souls 1 Feb 3 2017 - 12:00
40 Lift Up My Spirit In You 1 Jan 25 2017 - 13:55
41 Song Lyrics: Mother Virgin Mary 8 May 4 2016 - 21:50
42 Song Lyric: Jesus Mary Joseph 1 Apr 13 2016 - 23:17
43 Song Lyrics 1 Apr 13 2016 - 23:09
44 Father Son and Holy Spirit 1 Apr 13 2016 - 23:05
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