All stories, blogs and forum topics

Date Type Title Name Views
10/29/23 Blog Rejoice ronsue 449
10/28/23 Blog Be Still and Know ronsue 428
10/27/23 Blog Remember Me ronsue 417
10/26/23 Blog Maranatha link and lyrics ronsue 508
10/25/23 Story Psalm 17(18):2-4,47,51 for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - I Love You, Lord, My Strength Michelle Sambrano 447
10/25/23 Blog New Member songwriter ronsue 409
10/24/23 Story Domingo 30 Ordinario A - Salmo 17 - Tú, Señor, eres mi refugio Richard Schletty 488
10/18/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 95(96):1,3-5,7-10 for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - Give The Lord Glory and power Michelle Sambrano 384
10/12/23 Story I invite you to listen to the songs on my newest album - here is one of them Andrzej 492
10/11/23 Story Domingo 29 Ordinario A - Salmo 95 - Cantemos la grandeza del Señor Richard Schletty 1,590
10/11/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 22(23) for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - In The Lord’s Own House Shall I Dwell For Ever And Ever Michelle Sambrano 339
10/10/23 Story Domingo 28 Ordinario A - Salmo 22 - Habitaré en la casa del Señor toda la vida Richard Schletty 1,526
10/05/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 79(80):9,12-16,19-29 for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - The Vineyard Of The Lord Is The House Of Israel Michelle Sambrano 641
10/04/23 Story Responsorial Psalm Luke 1:46-55 for the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (Memorial) - The Almighty Works Marvels For Me. Holy Is His Name! Michelle Sambrano 459
10/02/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 24(25):4-9 for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - Remember Your Mercy, Lord Michelle Sambrano 390
10/02/23 Story Raw Faith Alexander John 520
10/01/23 Story Domingo 27 Ordinario A – Salmo 79 – La viña del Señor es la casa de Israel Richard Schletty 1,446
09/28/23 Story Domingo 26 Ordinario A – Salmo 24 – Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos Richard Schletty 1,446
09/20/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 144(145):2-3,8-9,17-18 for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - The Lord Is Close To All Who Call Him Michelle Sambrano 545
09/19/23 Story Domingo 25 Ordinario A - Salmo 144 - Cerca está el Señor de los que lo invocan Richard Schletty 1,380
09/14/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 102(103):1-4,9-12 for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - The Lord Is Compassion And Love, Slow To Anger And Rich In Mercy Michelle Sambrano 376
09/10/23 Blog Have Faith- A new song from the Barbados based group, Color stevdrak 2,001
09/09/23 Story Domingo 24 Ordinario A - Salmo 102 - El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso Richard Schletty 1,625
09/07/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 94(95):1-2,6-9 for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - O That Today You Would Listen To His Voice! ‘Harden Not Your Hearts’. Michelle Sambrano 689
09/02/23 Story "Nos defende", a rock song about the current state of the Church Guillaume 606
09/01/23 Story Domingo 23 Ordinario A - Salmo 94 - Señor, que no seamos sordos a tu voz Richard Schletty 1,386
08/30/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 62(63):2-6,8-9 for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - For You My Soul Is Thirsting, O Lord My God Michelle Sambrano 688
08/29/23 Story Domingo 22 Ordinario A – Salmo 62 – Señor, mi alma tiene sed de ti Richard Schletty 1,567
08/24/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 137(138):1-3,6,8 for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - Your Love, O Lord, Is Eternal: Discard Not The Work Of Your Hands Michelle Sambrano 687
08/23/23 Story Domingo 21 Ordinario A - Salmo 137 - Señor, tu amor perdura eternamente Richard Schletty 1,681
08/21/23 Story Faith Songs for Kids Richard Schletty 594
08/19/23 Story New EP Alexander John 524
08/18/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 66(67):2-3,5-6,8 for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - Let The Peoples Praise You, O God; Let All The Peoples Praise You Michelle Sambrano 636
08/17/23 Story Domingo 20 Ordinario A - Salmo 66 - Que te alaben, Señor, todos los pueblos Richard Schletty 488
08/13/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 44(45):10-12,16 for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - On Your Right Stands The Queen, In Garments Of Gold Michelle Sambrano 443
08/12/23 Story Solemnidad de Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María - Misa del día - Salmo 44 - De pie, a tu derecha, está la reina Richard Schletty 969
08/09/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 84(85):9-14 for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - Let Us See, O Lord, Your Mercy, And Give Us Your Saving Help Michelle Sambrano 574
08/08/23 Story Domingo 19 Ordinario A - Salmo 84 - Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia Richard Schletty 1,414
08/02/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 96(97):1-2,5-6,9 for the Transfiguration of the Lord - The Lord Is King, Most High Above All The Earth Michelle Sambrano 595
08/02/23 Story Fiesta de la Transfiguración del Señor ABC - Salmo 96 - Reina el Señor, alégrese la tierra Richard Schletty 462
07/27/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 118(119):57,72,76-77,127-130 for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - Lord, How I Love Your Law! Michelle Sambrano 453
07/26/23 Story Domingo 17 Ordinario A - Salmo 118 - Yo amo, Señor, tus mandamientos Richard Schletty 1,671
07/25/23 Story Song Lyric: From the Heart & Mind asiansa09 465
07/19/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 85(86):5-6,9-10,15-16 for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - O Lord, You Are Good And Forgiving Michelle Sambrano 585
07/19/23 Story Domingo 16 Ordinario A – Salmo 85 – Tú, Señor, eres bueno y clemente Richard Schletty 1,741
07/12/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 64(65):10-14 for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - Some Seed Fell Into Rich Soil And Produced Its Crop Michelle Sambrano 632
07/12/23 Story Domingo 15 Ordinario A – Salmo 64 – Señor, danos siempre de tu agua Richard Schletty 2,553
07/07/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 144(145):1-2,8-11,13b-14 for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - I Will Bless Your Name For Ever, O God My King Michelle Sambrano 539
07/04/23 Story Domingo 14 Ordinario A – Salmo 144 – Acuérdate, Señor, de tu misericordia Richard Schletty 1,657
06/29/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 88(89):2-3,16-19 for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - I Will Sing For Ever Of Your Love, O Lord Michelle Sambrano 703
06/29/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 33(34):2-9 for Saints Peter and Paul - From All My Terrors The Lord Set Me Free Michelle Sambrano 621
06/28/23 Story Domingo 13 Ordinario A - Salmo 88 - Proclamaré sin cesar la misericordia del Señor Richard Schletty 416
06/22/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 68(69):8-10,14,17,33-35 for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - In Your Great Love, Answer Me, O Lord Michelle Sambrano 480
06/21/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 138[(139):1-3,13-15 for the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist - I Thank You For The Wonder Of My Being Michelle Sambrano 603
06/20/23 Story Domingo 12 Ordinario A – Salmo 68 – Escúchame, Señor, porque eres bueno Richard Schletty 1,496
06/16/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 99(100):1-3,5 for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - We are His People, The Sheep Of His Flock Michelle Sambrano 704
06/14/23 Story Communist Songs Reimagined as Catholic Anthems Captain Hogcurl... 454
06/13/23 Story Responsorial Psalm 102(103):1-4,6-8,10 for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Year A - The Love Of The Lord Is Everlasting Upon Those Who Hold Him In Fear Michelle Sambrano 681
06/13/23 Story Faith Formation Songs for Kids at Richard Schletty 512
06/12/23 Story Domingo 11 Ordinario A - Salmo 99 - El Señor es nuestro Dios y nosotros su pueblo Richard Schletty 501
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