Some sing for Joy- some are deep in despair- some lost in a maze in a Lukewarm daze and time runs out
So much suffering years of tears creation groans -come Lord Come Always you're near - to forgive and to heal - all we need to is ask and be Sealed by your Spirit - Lord have mercy Lord have mercy Lord have mercy Lord have mercy
You know us most keenly - our moves and our motives -you know us most clearly -you know us most dearly - calling on you- Sacred Heart Abyss of Love overflowing -quench our thirst
Tour close to the broken - in body or spirit - you’re close to the humble The proud fall and stumble - and we sing - son of God son of Mary
Lord and Lamb - Heart of fire
The world, flesh, and demond conspire against us - they can’t match Your power - if only we let you -let you be - be our way - be our truth
Be our life - be our hope
You send us the Spirit to convict and to comfort he works as with fire
To purge and inspire - Holy Spirit of the Father of the Son - teach us Love
Through seers and some signs in these days of the times - you tell us you’ve had it with the sleek and the lukewarm and you come on wheels
Of fire to overturn tables to rescue and free all hardpressed
You prepare us a place in your kingdom divine - we can’t even imagine the glory of heaven- we will sing -Holy Holy Holy God three persons in one