Listening to the wind

MP3 Music Playlist: 
God wills all to be saved (from eternal self-condemnation in hell). God takes no delight in the death(eternal self-alienation from him) of any person. In hindsight, we can see some of this in 
God's will(his judgments) and its interplay with our God-given freedom throughout history. This interplay of God's will and our freedom is always in the context of the best possible good - the salvation of the most souls. The best example of this is his incarnation and our rejection of his love resulting in his crucifixion. We know that his death and resurrection opened up salvation and the promise of eternal life for all people. From the very small number who did accept his loving intervention has grown countless numbers (only God knows) who have accepted him and have and are being saved from eternal death. 
We can see that as we grow at an ever faster pace in knowledge of the created world, the possibilities of both great good and great evil increase. Whatever God in his will does to intervene at any point is for that best possible outcome that was previously mentioned. We know of some possible events like nuclear war, worldwide pandemics, worldwide economic depression, widespread persecution, etc are before us. 
       Whatever happens, all things work out for good for those who accept and long to do his will. We are always being called to share with all his love and will so that more and more people will accept him and be de saved.
Listening to the wind - voices clashing of praise and sin- opinions run wild And truth is defiled and true love flies away ten million miles.
Yet In the heart of the children of God though their life may be hard and Persecution all around - true love and joy can be found. It’s getting colder We’re getting bolder and the weeds and wheat are harvest ready.
Your word prophets are over your actions are closer and judgement is near. But still you move your mercy is here and we can draw near.
We’re all in your hands. You know where we stand and all nature awaits Your merciful commands. As you purify and refine with pure justice your Judgement’s divine, you remind us your saving and merciful designs.
You will all men be saved the most hardened depraved and the part we must Play that your justice and mercy in us be displayed so that all may
Glorify your name. We’re all in yous hands. You know where we stand and
All nature awaits your merciful commands. As you purify and refine with pure Justice your judgement’s divine, you remind us of your saving and merciful Design. You will all men be saved the most hardened depraved and the part Must play that your judgement and mercy in us be displayed, so that all
May glorify your name.


Very well done

It is an interesting melody and wonderful lyrics.  Love still can be found!

Some one should do a cover with harmony.

In Christ,

Fr. St. Martin


The guitar rolls along nicely with the lyrics 
and the theological explanation provided
some insight that I had not considered before.



Thank you for your comment. I would like to have your song about bread posted. Do you know which one I mean?



No I don't Ron


Greg does.
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