We welcome your suggestions for finding and showcasing Catholic songs

This is Richard Schletty. I am owner, admin and editor of TopCatholicSongs.com. I tend to this website in my spare time. I receive no income from this website because membership is free. I welcome your ideas for finding good Catholic songs in any genre written in past centuries or within our current generation. This website has the potential to be a good resource for discovering, learning and promoting Catholic/Christian music. 

What are we missing here? How can we improve accessibility?

I have been greatly hampered in making songs available to visitors due to copyright restrictions – especially the inability to show lyrics and guitar chord names for hymns and psalms. I have explored "mechanical licensing" that would allow me to display song lyrics, but the fees are way beyond my means, Well over $1200 a year. I have tried to provide guidance for accessing song lyrics and chords on this page: Liturgical Music Resources.

I welcome your ideas for making Catholic music more accessible. A big thank you to all who have joined TCS. Please keep talking to each other, and post your own original songs!

In the Spirit,
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