asiansa09's blog

Our World So Beautiful (Christmas song)

MP3 Music Playlist: 

NOTE: We originally published this post in May of 2017. We submitted this song to Oregon Catholic Press ( but it was not accepted.

Our World So Beautiful is a Christmas song co-written by Dan vi Nguyen, Richard Schletty and André van Haren. Dan posted her lyrics here and asked if anyone could make a song out of her words. Richard Schletty rewrote the lyrics to give them a consistent rhyme, line length, metrical pattern and overall poetic structure. Then Richard came up with a melody. Next, André van Haren wrote a beautiful piano arrangement based on an a cappella recording of the melody by Richard. Using Sibelius, André engraved the sheet music not only for piano and voice, but developed the song fully by adding guitar chords and two additional instruments: flute and cello. He also engraved a version of the song with optional SATB harmonies in the refrain... 

We Taste Heaven's Meal

MP3 Music Playlist: 
Proudly present the song, We Taste Heaven's Meal written by Dan Vi Nguyen and recorded at Diamond Garden Music.

Plan for Father's Day

I am planning for a family gathering at my house to celebrate Father’s Day on 06/19/2022 for our family members and relatives in the spirit of Saint Joseph, the worker.
I want to emphasize the importance of the father in the family upon the Holy Family.
Remember, among our family members, there are widows and single moms or single dads raising our children.  So be hopeful to plant the seed of fatherhood in the house upon the Holy Family.
The role of fatherhood in the family must be very important as the daddy defend the family upon Christ and the Holy Family.  In the house, mommy is driving the wave as she cares and leads everyone on the way.  But the role of the father must be recognized and appreciated by the Holy Family.

Song Lyric: In Heaven, Mother Mary, pray for us

In heaven, I'll pray for you upon my son, Jesus Christ.
In heaven, I'll intercede for you upon my son, Jesus Christ.
Trust in me, my child.

My honor to receive good news from Angel that my Mother Mary conceived a child.
A child who will be for mankind's salvation.
A child will bring peace to the earth.
A child will bring joy to the world.

Good news for those who hope in heaven in Christ through Holy Water & Holy Spirit.
Christ's mission with his disciples on earthly life presents his promise of hope for mankind's salvation.
He promised to be with men, women, and children in his tabernacle in the eucharist.
He suffered on the cross to prove his obedience to his father in heaven that save us through the cross.

Glory be to the Lord, Jesus Christ, who had risen to save us through the cross.
Now his Mother Mary is also honored in Heaven with him.
Pray for us in heaven, Mother Mary, and remember us.
Intercede for us now that you are in heaven, Mother Mary.
Pray for us my Mother Mary, intercede for us. 

See version 1 of the hymn:

Top Catholic Songs on PA Newsletters

I am glad that I get to mention on PA Newsletters as a songwriter at Top Catholic Songs.

Table of the King

MP3 Music Playlist: 
G     Am      C        G

G                         Am
Come to the table, come to the table
C                      G
the table of the King
G                      Am
All are welcome, come to the table
C                     G
the table of the King

1st verse
Em      D                     C
We all share with each other

All Colors With One Wish

MP3 Music Playlist: 
Song lyric, All Colors With One Wish, written by Dan Vi Nguyen.
I got inspired to write this song lyric since I had a chance to visit Washington DC, USA in 1998 when I met with politians and others at the Capital of United States of America.  I realized the vision and mission of the presidents of the country.  Until 2011 that I wrote the song lyric, All Colors With One Wish, and I wasn't expected that the song turned out so great.  

God's Gift To All The World

MP3 Music Playlist: 
Hi Richard,

I just want to share with you my joy in regard to the song, God's Gift To All The World, that we worked together on a few years ago. I posted the song on  I recently received a recognition for 200 times plays on the radio. 

Song Lyric: For the World

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Catechism of the Catholic Church book

Here is the book that I took the Catechesis 101 class.  It might be helpful to find the key points in this book Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Also, if anyone interest in taking the online class, this is a helpful link


SONG LYRIC:  Christocentric
by:  Dan Vi Nguyen

In communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
We receive a divine mercy of Christ to be the center of our life.
Christocentric of the suffering, death, resurrection and accession.
To hold the church in Body of Christ that brought to life in Holy Spirit.

Center our life with the direction of Christocentric
Experience the life of Christ in his suffering, death, resurrection and accession.
In human flesh that he know humanity in weakness and sinful.
Forth, seek his forgiveness in the Lord, Jesus Christ.
To be purify as in Christ's image and likeness of God.


Song Lyric: Table of the King


Come, come to the table of the king

Come, come to the table of the king



Come to the table of the king

We all share the food and water we have

In thankful for God provides us with breads



Come, come to the table of the king

Come, come to the table of the king



Come to the table of the king

We offer thankful for his meals

To nourish our body mind and spiritual life



Come, come to the table of the king

Come, come to the table of the king



Come to the table of the king

We come to share our joy and happiness

All are welcome to join table of the king.


All are welcome, all are welcome.


Song Lyric: Thanksgiving


Come to the table of the king
Together let make the sign of the cross
Before we eat and join together for the meal
In thankful for heavenly Father
On earth mother provides
For a meal we appreciation.

The meal we have on the table
Is our work and effort on earthly life
To sustain our body mind and spirit
We offer our work with men women and children effort
But heavenly Father provides us with in life Christ.

In thanksgiving spirit for life
Let first give thank to God
Our heavenly Father Son and Holy Spirt
For the food and water sustain us in life
For each breath we take for granted
In union with God in heaven.

Song Lyric: HEART BEAT

Song Lyric:  HEART BEAT

Precious treasure start from each heart beat
The life is treasure from each heart beat.

Precious treasure from the heart beat
Is the light of life on earth begin.

Every heart beat count for life
Precious treasure God gifts for man
For the beauty of God creation
For each breaths we take for granted.

For moment man woman conceive
A life potentially will spring up
In mother womb that being protected
For the light of life begin.

My heart beat with frequeny of life
For the life count base on heart beat
For every breath we take is a gift of life
From God is our appreciation.
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