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Topics participated in | Top Catholic Songs

Topics participated in

# Title Replies Last Postsort icon
1 The Joy of Grace (Schletty, Gómez Sanz, Ayuso Domingo) 12 Oct 15 2021 - 07:17
2 The Beauty of All Things – Schletty and Gómez 2 Jun 14 2021 - 15:53
3 I will not be afraid ( Psalm 23) 2 Apr 22 2021 - 09:57
4 Hail Mary 4 Sep 16 2020 - 22:45
5 Song of Peace 3 Oct 26 2019 - 14:59
6 Songs from major Catholic hymnal publishers have been removed 5 Apr 2 2019 - 00:34
7 Gethsemane 3 Nov 30 2018 - 16:45
8 MAS SongCasters episode 13 featuring Richard Schletty 3 Nov 21 2018 - 17:37
9 Table of the Lord 3 Nov 21 2018 - 17:04
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