Recent blog posts

Domingo 4 Adviento C – Salmo 79 – Señor, muéstranos tu favor y sálvanos
Stars, How Do You Feel About Being Small? Lyric video.
New Christmas Song
Domingo 1 Adviento C - Salmo 24 - Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos
Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo B - Salmo 92 - Señor, tú eres nuestro rey
Domingo 33 Ordinario B - Salmo 15 - Enséñanos, Señor, el camino de la vida
Look To the Chair of Peter
New Mass Setting
Upbeat campfire song - my bluegrass single "Serve the Lord"
When Necessary Use a Guitar
When Necessary Use a Guitar
Domingo 28 Ordinario B - Salmo 89 - Sácianos, Señor, de tu misericordia
Domingo 27 Ordinario B - Salmo 127 - Dichoso el que teme al Señor
The Catholic Church Is Right about Everything
Come play your original songs on stage
Domingo 26 Ordinario B - Salmo 18 - Los mandamientos del Señor alegran el corazón
Would make a great Palm Sunday song
Population Growth and Catholicism
"His Love Endures Forever" - blend of fusion jazz and vintage pop
The Joy of Grace (Schletty, Gómez Sanz, Ayuso Domingo)
CME Radio: listen to contemporary Catholic music
Domingo 25 Ordinario B - Salmo 53 - El Señor es quien me ayuda
BMG Music agrees the Chinese Communist Party isn't worth a few cents on YouTube
When It Hurts The Most
Our Father by Burn and Cami Benjamin
Salmo responsorial Solemnidad de Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María – Misa del día
Hail Mary, Mary
Animation video - "My King and Redeemer"
Top Catholic Songs Is Great for Catholic Artists (Exposure, Connections, Promotion)
"Now Is the Acceptable Time" - another uplifting vintage vibe tune
Domingo 16 Ordinario B - Salmo 22 - El Señor es mi pastor, nada me faltará
He Gave His Body
The Catholic Church Is Good
New Music: Bread of Life from St. James Music Press
O Lady a lovely queen of May (request by Yolanda)
Folk/country/acoustic song - new lyric video
Just Some Lyrics
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