Consume Our Will

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Come now fill us with your will divine
Consume our will by your Spirit refine
that we may live now as you will                  
all we desire, think, say, and do
   Jesus, you subjected your human will
To your will divine and to your Father.
You said your food was doing all
that your Father willed/ you to fulfill

I live no longer, but Christ/ lives in me
Like St. Paul, you’d love us to be
O to see how you will us  to see
O to hear as you will us  to hear
To understand as you will us to
 to react as you will us to
 to be silent as you will us to
 To speak as you will us to

That all may see and hear you
 In what we say and do
 So that all who see and hear us
 See and hear you -  loving them

 That we may pray as you will
 Thay we may desire as you will
 That In all things large and small
 You will be all in all

O most glorious Holy Trinity
To you all praise and glory be
Of one will in divine unity
We long to live fully in thee

You delight in us living in your will

Contemplating you - being still
We delight in the works you will
In doing them we are fulfilled

 O most glorious Holy Trinity
To you all praise and glory be
Of one will in divine unity
We long to live fully in thee
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