03/24/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 39(40):7-11 for the Annunciation of the Lord - Here I Am, Lord! I Come To Do Your Will |
Michelle Sambrano |
76 |
03/24/25 |
Story |
Solemnidad de la Anunciación del Señor - Salmo 39 - Aquí estoy, Señor, para hacer tu voluntad |
Richard Schletty |
1,009 |
03/21/25 |
Forum topic |
Act of Contrition |
Don9of11 |
43 |
03/21/25 |
Blog |
Take Up Your Cross |
ronsue |
36 |
03/20/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 102(103):1-4,6-8,11 for the 3rd Sunday in Lent Yr C - The Lord Is Compassion And Love |
Michelle Sambrano |
105 |
03/20/25 |
Story |
Domingo 3 Cuaresma C - Salmo 102 - El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso |
Richard Schletty |
1,054 |
03/18/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 88(89):2-5,27,29 for the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary - His dynasty shall last For ever |
Michelle Sambrano |
85 |
03/18/25 |
Story |
Solemnidad de San José, esposo de la Santísima Virgen María - Salmo 88 - Su descendencia perdurará eternamente |
Richard Schletty |
971 |
03/16/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 138(139):1-3,7-10,13-14 for the Solemnity of St. Patrick - If I Dwell At The Sea’s Furthest End, Even There You Watch Over Me |
Michelle Sambrano |
87 |
03/14/25 |
Blog |
Psalm 102 |
ronsue |
67 |
03/12/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 26(27):1,7-9,13-14 for 2nd Sunday in Lent Year C - The Lord Is My Light And My Help |
Michelle Sambrano |
115 |
03/11/25 |
Story |
Domingo 2 Cuaresma C - Salmo 26 - El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación |
Richard Schletty |
1,195 |
03/08/25 |
Blog |
Flawed Believer EP |
Alexander John |
45 |
03/08/25 |
Blog |
Oh Most Holy Trinity |
ronsue |
72 |
03/05/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 90(91):1-2,10-15 for the 1st Sunday in Lent Year C - Be With Me, O Lord, In My Distress |
Michelle Sambrano |
139 |
03/05/25 |
Story |
Domingo 1 Cuaresma C - Salmo 90 - Tú eres mi Dios y en ti confío |
Richard Schletty |
1,370 |
03/03/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 50(51):3-6,12-14,17 for Ash Wednesday - Have Mercy On Us, O Lord, For We Have Sinned |
Michelle Sambrano |
120 |
03/03/25 |
Blog |
HYMN OF THE MONTH – March: Ah, whence to me the bliss |
Don9of11 |
72 |
03/01/25 |
Story |
Miercoles de Ceniza ABC - Salmo 50 - Misericordia, Señor, hemos pecado |
Richard Schletty |
1,330 |
02/28/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 91(92):2-3,13-16 for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C - It is good to give You thanks, O Lord |
Michelle Sambrano |
121 |
02/28/25 |
Blog |
O All Holy Spirit |
ronsue |
66 |
02/25/25 |
Story |
Domingo 8 Ordinario C - Salmo 91 - Qué bueno es darte gracias, Señor |
Richard Schletty |
2,584 |
02/21/25 |
Blog |
True Love is Patient and Refines |
ronsue |
89 |
02/19/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 102(103):1-4,8,10,12-13 for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C - The Lord Is Compassion And Love |
Michelle Sambrano |
131 |
02/18/25 |
Story |
Domingo 7 Ordinario C - Salmo 102 - El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso |
Richard Schletty |
1,076 |
02/14/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 1:1-4,6 for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C - Happy The Man Who Has Placed His Trust In The Lord |
Michelle Sambrano |
137 |
02/14/25 |
Story |
Heal the Night, orchestral version – Schletty and van Haren |
Richard Schletty |
2,496 |
02/14/25 |
Story |
Domingo 6 Ordinario C - Salmo 1 - Dichoso el hombre que confía en el Señor |
Richard Schletty |
1,058 |
02/14/25 |
Blog |
When You Appear In Glory |
ronsue |
144 |
02/07/25 |
Blog |
We Follow You |
ronsue |
93 |
02/05/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 137(138):1-5,7-8 for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C - Before The Angels I Will Bless You, O Lord |
Michelle Sambrano |
146 |
02/05/25 |
Story |
Domingo 5 Ordinario C - Salmo 137 - Cuando te invocamos, Señor, nos escuchaste |
Richard Schletty |
2,909 |
02/01/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 23(24):7-10 for the Presentation of the Lord - Who Is The King Of Glory? He, The Lord, He Is The King Of Glory |
Michelle Sambrano |
118 |
02/01/25 |
Story |
Fiesta de la Presentación del Señor ABC - Salmo 23 - El Señor es el rey de la gloria |
Richard Schletty |
1,133 |
01/31/25 |
Blog |
Trust and Rejoice |
ronsue |
256 |
01/24/25 |
Blog |
Let Us Be Light |
ronsue |
264 |
01/21/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 18(19):8-10,15 for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C - Your Words Are Spirit, Lord, And They Are Life |
Michelle Sambrano |
250 |
01/21/25 |
Story |
New "Ave Maria" composed by André van Haren (soloist Richard Schletty) |
Richard Schletty |
113 |
01/21/25 |
Story |
Domingo 3 Ordinario C - Salmo 18 - Tú tienes, Señor, palabras de vida eterna |
Richard Schletty |
81 |
01/18/25 |
Blog |
HYMN OF THE MONTH – January: O Cor Amoris |
Don9of11 |
118 |
01/17/25 |
Blog |
The New Heaven and Earth |
ronsue |
120 |
01/15/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 95(96):1-3,7-10 for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C- Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples |
Michelle Sambrano |
155 |
01/14/25 |
Story |
Domingo 2 Ordinario C - Salmo 95 - Cantemos la grandeza del Señor |
Richard Schletty |
2,161 |
01/13/25 |
Blog |
Our World So Beautiful (Christmas song) |
asiansa09 |
12,050 |
01/11/25 |
Blog |
Psalm 98 - 35 |
ronsue |
125 |
01/09/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 28(29):1-4,9-10 for The Baptism of the Lord - The Lord will Bless His People With Peace |
Michelle Sambrano |
152 |
01/08/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 103(104):1-4,24-25,27-30 for the Baptism of the Lord, Yr C - Bless the Lord, my soul! Lord God, how great You are |
Michelle Sambrano |
273 |
01/04/25 |
Story |
El Bautismo del Señor ABC - Salmo 28 - Te alabamos, Señor |
Richard Schletty |
3,127 |
01/04/25 |
Blog |
Psalm 89 |
ronsue |
157 |
01/01/25 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 71(72):1-2,7-8,10-13 for the Epiphany of the Lord - All Nations Shall Fall Prostrate Before You, O Lord |
Michelle Sambrano |
203 |
01/01/25 |
Story |
Salmo responsorial para Solemnidad de la Epifanía del Señor |
Richard Schletty |
4,413 |
01/01/25 |
Blog |
re: Joy to the Humble (Hark the Herald Angels Speak) |
ckelley |
330 |
01/01/25 |
Story |
Free Catholic music scores and audio samples composed by Paul F. Page |
Richard Schletty |
19,291 |
12/31/24 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 66(67):2-3,5,6,8 for Mary, the Holy Mother of God - O God, Be Gracious And Bless Us |
Michelle Sambrano |
116 |
12/30/24 |
Story |
Santa María, Madre de Dios ABC - Salmo 66 - Ten piedad de nosotros, Señor, y bendícenos |
Richard Schletty |
2,785 |
12/28/24 |
Blog |
Joy To The Humble |
ronsue |
422 |
12/26/24 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 83(84):2-3,5-6,9-10 They Are Happy Who Dwell In Your House, O Lord |
Michelle Sambrano |
156 |
12/26/24 |
Story |
Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia - Salmo 127 - Dichoso el que teme al Señor |
Richard Schletty |
1,845 |
12/22/24 |
Story |
Responsorial Psalm 95(96):1-3,11-13 for Christmas Day - Midnight Mass - Today A Saviour Has Been Born To Us: He Is Christ the Lord |
Michelle Sambrano |
197 |
12/22/24 |
Story |
Sleep, Baby, Sleep - orchestral version |
Richard Schletty |
10,022 |