Alexander John's blog

Flawed Believer EP

Hello all,
                It's been a long time since I have been here, but I wanted to share a personal project I just finished about being an imperfect follower. Think of it as thoughts from the mind and heart that had to come out. I've attached a link for a free listen and/or download.

Hope you are all doing well,


Ebook collection of 17 Songs (free download)

The above link will take you to the Google store where you can download a collection of my written songs for free. Originally I wanted to record them but I wasn't happy with the recordings I did do so if you want to check them out in written form please do so by clicking the link. God Bless. Alex.

Never Miss A Beat (new lyrics 2019)

1st Verse:

To follow in his footsteps may seem like a challenge

But we are not hollow inside so he knows we can manage...

We try our best not to fail

And feel from what's high up above when we hail...


Hi everybody,
                         Just wanted to check in as it's been ages! I hope everyone is good and preparing for a wonderful Christmas. Looking forward to checking out the new tunes. God Bless. Alex.

Hi Richard

Hi Richard,
                   I hope you have been well along with everyone else contributing to this site. I'm just wondering how you feel about our collaborations and what we should do with what we have done and where to share them? It's good to see so people contributing here. All the best. Alex.

Learning Light

1st Verse:
I've cried so many tears that the river is full
But got back up and tried then got a shiver from the school...
Of the spiritual aspect
I have fruits to give in a lyrical basket...
But I'm just speaking from the heart
And never meaning to take the listener to the dark...
Because we have enough of that in life
But there is one more sort of being tough - the one without a knife...
Or fists
I saw myself in the mist... 

Stop The Hate

MP3 Music Playlist: 
1st Verse:
The light can still shine on the darkest of days
At night there may still be crimes but we continue to pray...
The love Jesus has for us
Is so open yet at times mysterious...
The hope continues
From writing this note with open windows
My coat is always yours and I'm sure it will fit-you...
Brothers and sisters
Cousins and teachers...
We all deserve love and... 

Love 101

Hip Hop lyrics by Alex were made into a Hip Hop song and a Folk-Country song. See how we did it! Richard has recorded two audio demos. See revised lyrics in Comments section. See the Comments section for the progression of lyrics and the two different song approaches. 

Love 101
Original Hip Hop lyrics by Alex:

1st Verse:
The cold weather followed me around town
But I never sold my soul even though I was mostly down...
Then I got to know the lord
That's when I knew it was time to put down my sword
That frown turned upside down and I started to adore...
Everything around me - and it seemed magical
Was I in a dream - because life became manageable...
And beyond - this must be the answer
So I put love into every song and mess around like an amateur dancer...
Because very few opinions only matter to me
Life gave me a platter when I decided to be free...

Happiness Can Be Found

MP3 Music Playlist: 
Richard has done a rough exploration of singing with guitar. See audio file below. It's not Hip Hop. It's just freeform singing and playing.

1st Verse:
GOD - I see you through the light from my soul
And I know I don't need to fight to know
Because even though life might be cold...
At times
I can do things like make rhymes
And put the breaks on the hate and accelerate the divine
I'm just trying to demonstrate what isn't mine...
I feel presents in his presence
Kneel before him and get a message not a sentence...

Pieces of Peace

MP3 Music Playlist: 

10-4-2017: Richard added a reading of Alex's poem.

1st Verse:

I've seen good and bad

Now I question myself should I be mad?...

At a world where light wants to shine in our lives

No more fights this time I want to embrace what is right...

Even though pain cannot be avoided

I want to see the same light everywhere which I see in the lord-and...

I don't know why we fear death... 

What's Left Is Beauty

A new track from Alexander John (lyrics) and Richard Schletty (performer). Hip Hop Remix is also included in post. Please take a few minutes to listen and comment.

What's Left Is Beauty 

1st Verse:
So we go on in this quest for answers
And hopefully do what's best by removing our spiritual cancer...
I don't know how love can't be the way
As I flow I hope you get to know me as I pray...
GOD's perfect design
Was worth the wait and time...
To be one of his children is more than one can ask for
As we build buildings and have fun that's doing a task and being more...
The way to the light may take time and patience 
And we may be in for a fight against the night but it all makes-sense...
These words touch the paper with heart
But the saviour is the real creator of the true art...
The freedom to be who we want to be
From preaching to teaching to basking in his glory
May seem like a task if you don't know the story
But when I asked him about the light I realised darkness was boring

GOD knows us better than anyone else
This track is more like a letter and I'm using my heart felt 

2nd Verse:
As the road gets more and more of a bumpy-ride
I know the core of it all is nothing-but-nice
So as I must-sing on this mic
It's like I'm hustling for the light...
But truth is I'm aware and I bet you are too
If you feel blue just stare at the world and you may see something new...
I only want to be
What GOD intended from me
I'm not pretending when I say all I want to see is peace...
So as I put the mic down after a track 
I look around for a good bite in town, praise GOD, he's got our backs...
The best thing about love is it's free
To rest and know a King is looking over us when we might see a dove it was all meant to be...
So paradise isn't too far away
Beyond the cameras-and-mics is where I wanna lay
And everyday until that day I will continue to pray

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