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Comparison of 15 Traditional Catholic Hymnals by Daniel Craig
Responsorial Psalm 15(16):1-2,5,7-11for the 3rd Sunday in Easter, Year A - Show Us, Lord, The Path Of Life
I invite you to listen to some of my new songs - I hope you will enjoy them
Domingo 3 de Pascua A - Salmo 15 - Enséñanos, Señor, el camino de la vida
The Joy of Grace
Responsorial Psalm 117(118):2-4,13-15,22-24 for Divine Mercy Sunday, Year A - Give Thanks To The Lord For He Is Good, For His Love Has No End
Domingo 2 de Pascua A - Salmo 117 - La misericordia del Señor es eterna (Divina Misericordia)
Divine Mercy Songs
Domingo de Pascua de la Resurrección del Señor – Salmo 117 – Éste es el día del triunfo del Señor. Aleluya. Misa del día.
Responsorial Psalm 117(118):1-2,16-17,22-23 for Easter Sunday, Year A - Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Lamb of God - new music setting and electronic remix
Responsorial Psalm 30(31):2,6,12-13,15-17,25 for Good Friday - Father, Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit
Responsorial Psalm 115(116):12-13,15-18 for Maundy Thursday - The Blessing-cup That We Bless Is A Communion With The Blood Of Christ
Responsorial Psalm 21(22):8-9,17-20,23-24 for Palm Sunday - My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
My Shepherd, My Lord by Edgar Villavert Combong
Responsorial Psalm 129(130) for the 5th Sunday in Lent, Year A - With The Lord There Is Mercy And Fullness of Redemption
Domingo 5 de Cuaresma A - Salmo 129 - Perdónanos, Señor, y viviremos
Responsorial Psalm 88(89):2-5,27,29 for St. Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary - His Dynasty Shall Last For Ever
Responsorial Psalm 116(117) for the Feast of St. Patrick, Bishop, Missionary - Go Out To The Whole World; proclaim the Good News
Responsorial Psalm 22(23) for the 4th Sunday in Lent, Year A (Laetare Sunday) - The Lord Is My Shepherd: There Is Nothing I Shall Want
Domingo 4 de Cuaresma A - Salmo 22 - El Señor es mi pastor, nada me faltará
Christian sheet music and lessons at
Responsorial Psalm 94(95):1-2,6-9 for the 3rd Sunday in Lent, Year A - O That Today You Would Listen To His Voice! ‘Harden Not Your Hearts’
Domingo 3 de Cuaresma A - Salmo 94 - Señor, que no seamos sordos a tu voz
Holy Week Hits (New and Old) – from St. James Music Press
Responsorial Psalm 32(33):4-5,18-20,22 for the 2nd Sunday in Lent, Year A - May Your Love Be Upon Us, O Lord, As We Place All Our Hope In You
Domingo 2 de Cuaresma A - Salmo 32 - Señor, ten misericordia de nosotros
Responsorial Psalm 50(51):3-6,12-14,17 for 1st Sunday in Lent Year A - Have Mercy On Us, O Lord, For We Have Sinned
Salmo 50 – Misericordia, Señor, hemos pecado para Miercoles de Ceniza y Domingo 1 de Cuaresma A
Responsorial Psalm 50(51):3-6,12-14,17 for Ash Wednesday - Have Mercy On Us, O Lord, For We Have Sinned
Responsorial Psalm 102(103):1-4,8,10,12-13 for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A - The Lord Is Compassion And Love
Responsorial Psalm 118(119):1-2,4-5,17-18,33-34 for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A - They Are Happy Who Follow God’s Law!
Domingo 6 Ordinario A - Salmo 118 - Dichoso el que cumple la voluntad del Señor
Responsorial Psalm 111(112):4-9 for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A - The Good Man Is A Light In The Darkness For The Upright
The Divine Mercy Chaplet - New Music Setting - Piano and Layered Male Vocals
Domingo 5 Ordinario A - Salmo 111 - El justo brilla como una luz en las tinieblas
Responsorial Psalm 145(146):6-10 for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A - How Happy Are The Poor In Spirit: Theirs Is The Kingdom Of Heaven
Domingo 4 Ordinario A - Salmo 145 - Dichosos los pobres de espíritu, porque de ellos es el Reino de los cielos
Catholic Electronica: Look to the Chair of Peter [Rome Is Home Electro House Mix]
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