Please vote: Top ways you enjoy Catholic music

Please vote for the ways that you enjoy Catholic music. Up to 10 selections are allowed. If we have missed a way that you enjoy Catholic music, you may use the Write-in box at the bottom of the list. Other people will be allowed to vote on your write-in choice – "(write-in)" will be attached to all write-in entries. 

You can only vote as a registered user. Voting results appear after you vote. Thank you for your participation. This will help us make Top Catholic Songs a better web site!


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Thank you for this. I would like to see contacts and results of your survey. I am promoting Catholic artists as part of New Evangelization under and please sign up!

Results of your survey

Survey results are shown after a person has voted. Indeed, I would like for us to help each other promote Catholic artists. Send me a note here:

Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |

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