Newest TCS registered users

Welcome to our newest registered users at Please help them find what they are looking for. You may enter a comment here if you have suggestions or leads for any of the needs expressed by TCS members. Take a look through the complete registered users list here: List of TCS users

UserReason for becoming a registered userJoined
492919I want to sing songs in my morning prayers11/2015
benedictaluvsallAm a choir mistress in ma parish And am joining to become more enlightened in catholic songs.11/2015
Okon EdimI am Catholic and like to listen to catholic songs.11/2015
lani_ratabacacaI am a member of the liturgy committee in my Parish.11/2015
Martha Nassali 10/2015
Lulu Serrano-Kirit 10/2015

I direct a choir at St. Michael's Parish in Sioux Falls, SD, and am always looking for new music.

Tina Chassé

I help lead the congregation at St Patrick's of the Island in the diocese of Valleyfield in Quebec. Because we play the children's mass, we need to keep current with what is out there yet blend in traditional music to broaden our musical reach. I find the Advent and the Lenten seasons more of a challenge to find appropriate music without boring the children. This is where we need a bit of help.


Need info regarding obtaining keyboard accompaniment for John Michael Talbot hymns, etc. Thanks.

Kiggundu Xhosa

I am a parish priest


I am the music Director at St. Paul's Church in NL Canada and would love to listen to the suggestions here

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