Farther On

MP3 Music Playlist: 
As we travel through the desert
Storms beset us on our way
But beyond the River Jordan
Lies a field of endless days
Refrain 1                         
Farther on still go farther        
Count the milestones one by one                 
Jesus will forsake us never
It is better further on

Oh let us help each  other
Of the roughness of the road
Does our strength begin to fail us
Our Lord helps us bear our load

Every day without measure
you give us divine intimacy
Your life - our greatest treasure
In the Mass eucharistically
We work and sing together
In the Spirit of unity
As sisters and as brothers
We press on joyfully

To live in the Father’s will
You showed us how sacrificially
That we may be fulfilled
And live with you eternally
Father On still go farther
Till we see you and the Father
And live with you forever
In resplendent ecstasy

Adapted from a traditional hymn first noted in the 16th century
author unknown
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