Each month I feature a short story on a Catholic devotional hymn with a short biography on the author, the composer(s), and a short reflection. I have been doing these short write-ups for a couple years.
As part of my series on Catholic hymns, I have chosen a favorite hymn of mine,
Mary! How Sweetly Falls That Word. This is a beautiful hymn that honors the Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Take a few moments to read about the author and composer of this beautiful Catholic hymn and be sure to share this story with all your friends.
Many of the hymns that I feature are hymns that I sang in St. Mary's Choir (1977-2010) and new hymns that I have added to my repertoire. These hymns have kept me grounded in my Catholic Faith and I turn to them in good times and bad. They are a source of comfort and spiritual nourishment to me, and I hope for you as well. I want to share them with you because some of you may never have heard them. They are prayerful and meaningful with approved texts by the Catholic Church.
Please visit my website
Mother of Mercy Catholic Hymns and click on HYMN OF THE MONTH.
Treasured old hymns
I see that the St. Mary's Church where you sang was in Akron, Ohio. I sang at St. Mary's in St. Paul, MN, for a dozen years.
I have dozens of old hymnals that I have collected over the years. I will enjoy bookmarking the songs you feature in these old songbooks.
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music | www.schletty.com
Hymn of the Month
Thanks for sharing this song. Ron
Don, check out this article:
Free download of 49 Catholic hymnals
Links to 49 old Catholic hymnals, listed at Corpus Christi Watershed:
Please visit the Corpus Christi Watershed web site for updates. The following list will continue to grow & be updated. Most of these are Catholic hymnals; some are Anglican ones. Many were scanned and made available by Corpus Christi Watershed, others by Google.
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music | www.schletty.com
Free Catholic Hymnals
I am aware of the Corpus Christi Watershed collection of hymnals. You might want to visit this website if you like devotional music. The Devotional Hymns Project