32 bit PCM signed WAV files Sampling Rate: 48kHz Bitrate: 3072 kb/s MTR

     I have WAV files encoded from the original WAV files I obtained when I was recording A Cup of Cold Water in my Studio at Resch Engineering, Inc. in Lincoln, NE during the Fall of 1998.  I would like to Share them with anyone who is interested in hearing my Tracks with Astonishing Clarity which are not Available for Download either on TCS or on my Bandcamp site.  Richard claims that the iTune app can handle this file type.  If you already have the iTune app for your operating system, or are interested in Downloading another Free app like Goldwave which runs on Windows natively, or on OSX with the help of a ShareWare app that you can also Download for Free on the Web (Google: Goldwave for MACImportant Note: You must be registered as a member of Top Catholic Songs to perform this next Procedure.  Click on the following Bitlink: bit.ly/MTRuserTCS and send me a private message containing your First & Last names and your Microsoft Account Email address (if you don't have a Microsoft Account you must obtain one to be able to Login to SharePoint).  I will then arrange for you to be Emailed an Invitation to Login using your Microsoft Account from my ReschEngineeringInc.SharePoint site for you to be a Visitor on my site with Read-only Download privileges so that you can Download any or all of my 13 Tracks with the above mentioned features by Right-Clicking the Sound File and choosing Download.  I offer you this opportunity because I am somewhat of an Audiophile who is Turned-on by the sound of Music as good as it sounded to me when I was recording it.  I am including with this Post a PDF of the Info & Lyrics to A Cup of Cold Water so that you will have something to read while you are Downloading files which have a size of around 100 MBytes each.  MTR

Info and Lyrics to A Cup of Cold Water MTR.pdf887.78 KB


I learned something New in this Post. MTR

I didn't know that rich-text format allowed the creation of Hyperlinks from typed in Bitlinks.  That;s new to me and a very useful feature.  Thanks Richard for designing that into the System here at TCS.  MTR


Well, I am not doing custom coding myself. I'm not that geek-smart. I use off-the-Drupal-shelf modules to hodge together the services I want. I did those hyperlinks for you manually using the hyperlink tool in Rich Text mode (it's in the tool bar). 

I did have a module acitivated for a couple hours which is supposed to automatically create hyperlinks from URLs but it messed up some Forum posts made last year by André van Haren. He did an extensive series of tutorials for Sibelius notation program. See Notation of Sheet Music (Sibelius).

Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music | www.schletty.com

Question: where is the tool bar?


I would like to create hyperlinks of my own using the hyperlink tool in Rich Text mode.  Unfortunately, I don't have a clue about where the Tool Bar is.  Could you explain to me where the Tool Bar is?  Thanks.  MTR

Making hyperlinks

A quick method to make a hyperlink is to include www at the beginning of your URL. E.g. www.topcatholicsongs.com. If the URL does not have www, then use the http:// prefix. E.g. http://MichaelResch.Bandcamp.com

Now on to the second method which gives you more control over hyperlink creation:

It looks like my site maintenance a few days ago resulted in change of "Input Format" from "Full HTML" to "Filtered HTML". The screenshot below shows you the toolbar that you should be seeing. You can click on "Input Format" to select "Full HTML." I will also make a change back to making Full HTML the default for site members. Sorry about that. So, to make a hyperlink, highlight the URL and click on the Link icon.

Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music | www.schletty.com

Customize This