Vanity: a music video by Mayne Champagne in response to Kendrick Lamar's mockery of Jesus Christ

This story is posted on behalf of Jermaine who reached out to me via our contact form. – TCS editor Richard Schletty.


My name is Jermaine Lawrence. I am a recording artist based out of Montreal, Canada that goes by the name of Mayne Champagne. Recently I put a together a song named Vanity. It is in response to rapper Kendrick Lamar mocking Jesus Christ by wearing a diamond crown of thorns and insinuating Jesus Christ co-signs abortions in 2022 as he states:

"They judge you, they judge Christ. God's speed for women's rights."

Here is a link to my song:

Below is a write-up on me from a Christian based Montreal pro-life organization Campagne Quebec Vie. (It's written in French.)

If you could pass this song/message amongst your organization it would be greatly appreciated. I find as time goes on, mainstream media has pushed the boundaries of mockery of Jesus Christ and all that He stands for. He certainly does not cosign abortions in 2022, contrary by popular belief.

Mayne Champayne (Jermaine Lawrence)

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