I've Just Come from the Fountain

I've Just Come from the Fountain, sung at St. Mary's Church  3/19/2017 by Richard, his daughter Anne, and Mary Joy. Song for Christian Initiation; Holy Name; Holy Spirit; Spirituals and Gospel Songs; Water Rites and Devotion. 

I've just come from the fountain,
I've just come from the fountain,
Lord, I've just come from the fountain,
His name's so sweet. 

1. O brothers, I love Jesus.
O brothers, I love Jesus.
O brothers, I love Jesus.
His name's so sweet. (Refrain)

2. O sisters, I love Jesus.
O sisters, I love Jesus.
O sisters, I love Jesus.
His name's so sweet. (Refrain)

3. Been drinking from the fountain.
Been drinking from the fountain.
Been drinking from the fountain.
His name's so sweet. (Refrain)

Source: This Far By Faith: an African American resource for worship #111

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