Finishing up the engraved score: House styles part 4

1d: Adjusting the text format and position

Now the text is placed in the score, all we need to do is to give it the correct format and position according to the publisher’s wishes. Here is how it looks like right now:

score result after wildcards placementsfooter score result after wildcards placements

Here is the list with the publisher’s formats:

House style for publishing anonymous

Title: Raleigh, bold, 30. 12 mm from top page margin.

Subtitle(s) and instrument in the score: Raleigh, 14. Position freely under the title.

Dedication: Times New Roman, 12 – Italic. Position freely under the subtitle.

Lyricist, arranger or editor: Raleigh, 11 Italic. 

  • Horizontal position: right page margin snapped.
  • Default positions, vertical distance to staff: 6

Composer name: Raleigh, 11 Italic

  • Horizontal position: right page margin snapped
  • Default positions: vertical positions relative to staff: 9
  • Tempo text: Raleigh, 12, bold

Copyright: Footer inside edgeRaleigh, 9.5

© Copyright 2013 by Publishing Anonymous, Worldwide

Header after 1st page: Raleigh, 11.6

Composer – title – instrumentation

Sometimes, the changes we are going to make are not always showing correctly in the score. To be sure that changes are being applied after every change, select the adjusted text and from the Layout menu, choose Reset Position and after that Reset Design:


Looking at the publisher’s house style list above we can see that the main used font is Raleigh. We can assign the main font in House-style/Edit all fonts:

edit all fonts

In the window that opens, choose Raleigh from the Main Text Font menu…

edit all fonts 2

And click OK. All the text in the score has now changed to the Raleigh type, exactly how our publisher wants to have it.

To assign the correct size to a text style, first select a text in the score, let’s do this with the Title text, and then from the House Style menu, open Edit Text Styles:

edit text styles

In the Edit Text Styles window that opens, the Title style will already be selected. Click the Edit button:

edit text styles 2

Title size

In the General tab that opens, fill in the title’s format: Raleigh, bold, 30. The size values must be filled in the Score/absolute box. Check the Keep Absolute check box to be sure that the text will always be the size that you fill in. When not selected, the text size will be calculated according to the staff size, meaning that if you would change the staff size, the text size will also be changed and that is not what we want.

title size

Title position

To set the title text 12 mm from top page margin, click the Vertical Position tab. Here we can let Sibelius place the text at the top or bottom of the page and at which distance from those page margins in mm. Here is how it looks like for our publisher:

title position

The values must be filled in the Score box, you can ignore the Parts box for now. Repeat the above steps for the subtitle, dedication and tempo text.

Outside Edge Footers

According to the publisher’s wish-list, the Copyright text must be placed as footer outside edge, meaning at the bottom outside of the page. Right now though the text is centred, but this is easy to change.

With the copyright text selected, open the Edit Text styles windows, click the Edit button and set the absolute size to 9.5. The position change we have to make from centred to Outside Edge is a Horizontal one and clicking the Horizontal Position Tab shows us this:

outside wedge footers

The text is indeed centred!

Clicking the Outside Edge radio button will give us what we want and after clicking the OK button, our footer looks like this:

copyright footer

The Copyright text is now nicely placed in the Outside Edge of the page.

Default positions: text positioned relative to the staff

Till now, we worked only on positioning text in relation to the page margins, however the publisher tells us that the Composer and Lyricist name must be positioned at a set distance from the upper staff. This way, if we would drag the upper staff lower or higher the distance between text and staff will always be the same.

Placing text in relation to a staff is done in the Default Positions window which can be found in the same Layout menu:

default positions

Let’s start with the lyricist name, here is again the publisher’s wish for the Lyricist text:

Lyricist, arranger or editor: Raleigh, 11 Italic. 

Horizontal position: right page margin snapped.

Default positions, vertical distance to staff: 6

We know by now how to set the text size, style and horizontal position. Do this first. After that open the Default Position window from the House Style menu, select the Text Style radio button and choose Lyricist in the list:

text styles

In the window at the right we can set the distances for the selected text style relative to the staff. See in the screenshot below how the publisher’s value is filled in: vertical distance to staff: 6

vertical position

To be sure that this vertical distance is applied above the top of the staff, check if the Above top of staff radio button is selected:

above top of staff

Now do the same with the Composer’s name:

Composer name: Raleigh, 11 Italic

  • Horizontal position: right page margin snapped
  • Default positions: vertical positions relative to staff: 9

Here is how it should look like right now:

result 2

The subtitle and dedication text are dragged on their places as described in the publisher’s house style. Next on the list is the Header after 1st Page.

Header after 1st page

The header after 1st page text style gets his name from the fact that it starts after the 1st page, meaning that it’s  hidden on page one and starts on page two. This is done to prevent the 1st page from becoming too cramped with too much text at the top, it already has a title, subtitle and dedication in our example. Looking back at the publisher’s house style page, this is how he wants the header being defined:

Header after 1st page: Raleigh, 11.6

Composer – title – instrumentation

Unlike the other text styles, it’s not possible to enter this information in the Score info window, but we can combine the wildcards that we used already, create the header and paste it simple into the score. In wildcard format, the header above would look like this:

\$composer\ – \$title\ \$subtitle\

Copy the above wildcard combination.

In Sibelius, choose Header (after first page) from the menu Create/Text/Other System Text/

other system text

Click somewhere on the first page and paste the text. The header is now entered into the score but because there is only a single page, it’s not visible.

To make it visible, go to the View menu and choose Hidden Objects:

hidden objects

And there is our header aster 1st page:

header after 1st page

Select the header and use the change it to Raleigh, 11.6 as we did before with the other text styles. You may need to apply Reset Design before you see the changes.

Looking at the final result, the 1st page looks like this:

final results 3

As you can see, there is an invisible page number at the top right which is a standard publishing practise. Page numbers are always invisible on page one and placed at the top of the page on the outer edge, meaning at the outside of the pages. The simple reason for this is that when you flip through a book you can always see the page numbers, which wouldn’t be possible if they were printed on the inner edge (inside the book).

A last correction we should make is chancing the size of the instrument name for the violin part. As you can see, it’s smaller than the other instrument names and this is because we choose a small staff size during the setup of the score. To keep the names the same size, open the Edit Text Styles from the House Styles menu, selectInstrument names in the list and hit Edit. In the General Tab, check the Keep absolute check box in the Size panel:

name size

  • See Sibelius score 1.3 for the result which can be found here:

In the next step, we will look at how to export the house style we just created and import it in another score.

Have a nice day!


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