Responsorial Psalm for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B - I Will Walk In The Presence Of The Lord In The Land Of The Living

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Responsorial Psalm 114(116):1-6,8-9 for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B


I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.


I love the Lord for he has heard

the cry of my appeal;

for he turned his ear to me

in the day when I called him.


I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.


They surrounded me, the snares of death,

with the anguish of the tomb;

they caught me, sorrow and distress.

I called on the Lord’s name.

O Lord, my God, deliver me!


I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.


How gracious is the Lord, and just;

our God has compassion.

The Lord protects the simple hearts;

I was helpless so he saved me.


I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.


He has kept my soul from death,

my eyes from tears

and my feet from stumbling.

I will walk in the presence of the Lord

in the land of the living.


I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.


Responsorial psalm lyrics and Entrance Antiphon taken from the English translation and chants of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


The music for the psalm is an original OLOR composition.


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Music by the Choir of Our Lady of the Rosary RC Church, Verdun, St. John, Barbados.


Music (c) 2021 Michelle A. Sambrano. All rights reserved.


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