Enfolds You

MP3 Music Playlist: 
                                             Enfolds you
The Nights coming on and you want to be deep in silence
                 And in the darkness, the rhythm bell crickets are chanting                                                                                                                                                                                                            
              The air is quiet and still the heavens are becoming star-filled
                    All Creation displays its splendor following His will
                  And in the stillness, you ponder the gifts and the giver
              Among the most precious the mercy He gives you a joker/sinner
You remember when you go astray deceived going your own way
                         The trouble and sorrow that comes your way
So you repent and confess and you're raised And you can give praise 
                   You’re called  to the joyful - the way of the simple
                     You’re called to perfection the way of the humble
             It winds through deserts, mountains, jungles, and battles
           Follow me he calls  In your weakness, doubts, fears. and all
You thirst, stumble, and fall But by His grace, you're raised up      
By His love you are called -  So you follow him day after day after day
And a quiet joy grows deep in your heart and He teaches you how you must 
play your part - He is the way, Truth, and Life - He becomes your divine 
delight - He gives you His Will and shares his Divine Life
So you follow him day after day after day. And become more attentive to 
what His Spirit in you has to say You’re slowly transformed -  you become 
more like Him each day His yoke  Is sweet and burden light The World 
taunts you to fight - The tempter in shadows awaits for his chance to take
So you follow him day after day after day - you’re slowly transformed your 
cross you carry each day. The World taunts you to fight - are you willing to 
lay down Your life. The Tempter in shadows awaits for his chance to take
                                  So you cry out Father in Truth
                                    As an adopted child in youth
             And your cry gives up to pure JOY as His love enfolds  you

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