Funeral music suggestions

ckovackop wrote: 

I plan the Funeral liturgies for the sisters of our congregation. We have a license (One License) that is printed on our music booklet but in planning I explore a variety of sources before deciding on a specific song.

I wrote back to Carla to welcome her input on funeral music planning. I am webmaster and cantor at the Church of St. Matthew and we have put together a funeral planning page with some music suggestions. It still needs more work.

I thought it might be helpful to copy over the above list of hymns to a new story here at TCS. I welcome everyone's suggestions for hymns to add to this list!

God's peace,

Richard Schletty
TCS owner/editor


Numbered selections are from the GIA hymnal "Gather Comprehensive, 2nd Edition"

Ave Maria - Schubert
Ave Maria - Gounod
May the Road Rise to Meet You - Lori True
Take Me Home - Haas (Gather #760)

(Many songs listed in other sections are also effective as prelude music. Instrumental music is acceptable also.)

Gathering/Sending Forth
Amazing Grace/Newton/NEW BRITAIN (Gather #586)
Be Not Afraid/Schutte (Gather #596)
Blest Are They/Haas (Gather #636)
For All the Saints/How/SINE NOMINE (Gather #791)
Here I Am, Lord/Schutte (Gather #671)
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name/Franz/GROSSER GOTT (Gather #519)
How Great Thou Art/Hine (Gather #496)
I Know That My Redeemer Lives/Haas (Gather #863)
I Know That My Redeemer Lives/Medley/DUKE STREET (Gather #454)
Make Me A Channel of Your Peace/Temple (Gather #721)
Now Thank We All Our God/Rinkart/NUN DANKET (Gather #545)
On Eagles Wings/Joncas (Gather #593)
Sing With All the Saints in Glory/Irons/HYMN TO JOY (Gather #442)
Take Me Home - Haas (Gather #760)

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 23: Shepherd Me, O God/Haugen (Gather #23)
Psalm 27: The Lord Is My Light/Haas (Gather #29)
Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting/Joncas (Gather #43)
Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful/Cotter (Gather #58)
Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful/Haugen (Gather #59)
Psalm 116: The Name of God/Haas (Gather #62) (refrain III)
Psalm 122: Let Us Go Rejoicing/Joncas (Gather #68)

Alleluia/Gospel Acclamation
Celtic Alleluia/O’Carroll (Gather 266)
Easter Alleluia/Haugen (Gather 447)

Preparation of the Gifts
Be Not Afraid/Schutte (Gather #596)
Eye Has Not Seen/Haugen; (Gather #616)
Here I Am, Lord/Schutte (Gather #671)
Make Me A Channel of Your Peace/Temple (Gather #721)
On Eagles Wings/Joncas (Gather #593)
Shelter Me, O God/Hurd; (Gather #634)
We Shall Rise Again/Young (Gather #762)
You Are Mine/Haas (Gather #627)
(Optional: instrumental music)

Mass Settings 
Mass of Creation/Haugen (Gather 147 - 152). Not current mass setting in hymnal but musicians have the octavo for correct language
Mass of Remembrance/Haugen (Gather 214-220). Hymn book does not have the 2010 mass setting but inserts in front/back of hymnal have correct language.

Amazing Grace/Newton/NEW BRITAIN (Gather #586)
Be Not Afraid/Schutte (Gather #596)
Blest Are They/Haas (Gather #636)
I Am the Bread of Life/Toolan (Gather #822)
On Eagles Wings/Joncas (Gather #593)
One Bread, One Body/Foley (Gather #813)
Eye Has Not Seen/Haugen; (Gather #616)
Shelter Me, O God/Hurd; (Gather #634)
We Shall Rise Again/Young (Gather #762)
You Are Mine/Haas (Gather #627)
(Or use any of the Responsorial Psalms)

Song of Farewell/Final Commendation
The Lord is Near/May the Angels/Joncas (Gather #599)
May the Angels Lead You Into Paradise/ Hughes (Gather #861)
The Hand of God Shall Hold You/Haugen (Gather #862)
Go Silent Friend/Bell/ LONDONDERRY AIR (Gather #868)
(Any of these also can be a nice transition w/procession to the columbarium or closing song)

Sending Forth (closing song)
See "Gathering/Sending Forth" section above

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