All stories, blogs and forum topics

Date Type Title Name Views
03/28/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 115(116):12-13,15-18 for Maundy Thursday - The Blessing-cup That We Bless Is A Communion With The Blood Of Christ Michelle Sambrano 224
03/28/24 Blog Wine Press ronsue 323
03/27/24 Blog Broken Body ronsue 265
03/25/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 30(31):2,6,12-13,15-17,25 for Good Friday 2024 - Father, Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit Michelle Sambrano 190
03/24/24 Story Hail! Holy Joseph, hail! ♫ (AI-generated) Guillaume 227
03/24/24 Blog The Paschal Mystery ronsue 285
03/20/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 21(22):8-9,17-20,23-24 for Palm Sunday - My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me? Michelle Sambrano 187
03/20/24 Story Domingo de Ramos ABC - Salmo 21 - Dios mío, ¿por qué me has abandonado? Richard Schletty 1,183
03/20/24 Story Psalms in Spanish for Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday Richard Schletty 1,574
03/20/24 Blog Psalm 91 ronsue 237
03/18/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 88(89):2-5,27,29 for St. Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary - His Dynasty Shall Last For Ever Michelle Sambrano 284
03/18/24 Blog New Psalms to Sing ronsue 271
03/16/24 Story Solemnidad de San José, esposo de la Santísima Virgen María - Salmo 88 - Su descendencia perdurará eternamente Richard Schletty 730
03/13/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 50(51):3-4,12-15 for the 5th Sunday in Lent, Year B - A Pure Heart Create For Me, O God Michelle Sambrano 390
03/13/24 Blog Over Jerusalem Weep ronsue 276
03/11/24 Story Domingo 5 de Cuaresma B - Salmo 50 - Crea en mí, Señor, un corazón puro Richard Schletty 232
03/10/24 Story Domingo 4 de Cuaresma B - Salmo 136 - Tu recuerdo, Señor, es mi alegría Richard Schletty 735
03/08/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 136(137):1-6 for the 4th Sunday in Lent, Year B - O Let My Tongue Cleave To My Mouth If I Remember You Not! Michelle Sambrano 302
03/08/24 Blog Our Dear Mother and Queen ronsue 325
03/05/24 Blog A Fullness of Time * ronsue 262
03/03/24 Blog HYMN OF THE MONTH – March: God of Mercy and Compassion Don9of11 319
02/29/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 18(19):8-11 for the 3rd Sunday in Lent, Year B - You, Lord, Have The Message Of Eternal Life Michelle Sambrano 230
02/29/24 Blog PSALM 104 ronsue 332
02/29/24 Story Domingo 3 de Cuaresma B - Salmo 18 - Tú tienes, Señor, palabras de vida eterna Richard Schletty 302
02/25/24 Blog As our dear spouse ronsue 321
02/21/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 115(116):10,15-19 for the 2nd Sunday in Lent, Year B - I Will Walk In The Presence Of The Lord In The Land Of The Living Michelle Sambrano 295
02/21/24 Story Domingo 2 de Cuaresma B - Salmo 115 - Siempre confiaré en el Señor Richard Schletty 356
02/20/24 Blog We long to see you ronsue 302
02/15/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 24(25):4-6,7b-9 for the 1st Sunday in Lent, Year B - Your Ways, Lord, Are Faithfulness And Love For Those Who Keep Your Covenant Michelle Sambrano 407
02/15/24 Story Domingo 1 de Cuaresma B - Salmo 24 - Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos Richard Schletty 306
02/15/24 Blog Come Holy Spirit of Truth and Love ronsue 315
02/13/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 50(51):3-6,12-14,17 for Ash Wednesday - Have Mercy On Us, O Lord, For We Have Sinned Michelle Sambrano 251
02/13/24 Story Miercoles de Ceniza ABC - Salmo 50 - Misericordia, Señor, hemos pecado Richard Schletty 1,079
02/12/24 Blog Be Still and Know ronsue 314
02/11/24 Blog Some Sing for Joy ronsue 288
02/08/24 Blog Psalm 145: 1-13 ronsue 332
02/07/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 31(32):1-2,5,11 for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B - You Are My Refuge, O Lord; You Fill Me With The Joy Of Salvation Michelle Sambrano 319
02/06/24 Story Domingo 6 Ordinario B - Salmo 31 - Perdona, Señor, nuestros pecados Richard Schletty 281
02/05/24 Blog The Lord of Pure Joy ronsue 305
02/01/24 Story Gifts and Talents from God asiansa09 585
02/01/24 Blog Hymn of the Month – February: Mother Dearest, Mother Fairest Don9of11 380
02/01/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 146(147):1-6 for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B - Praise The Lord Who Heals The Broken-Hearted Michelle Sambrano 393
01/31/24 Blog Listening to the wind ronsue 869
01/30/24 Story Domingo 5 Ordinario B - Salmo 146 - Alabemos al Señor, nuestro Dios Richard Schletty 286
01/30/24 Story Fiesta de la Presentación del Señor ABC - Salmo 23 - El Señor es el rey de la gloria Richard Schletty 874
01/29/24 Blog Peter's Song ckelley 367
01/29/24 Blog Psalm 130 ronsue 194
01/26/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 94(95):1-2,6-9 for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B - O, That Today You Would Listen To His Voice! ‘Harden Not Your Heats.’ Michelle Sambrano 404
01/26/24 Story Domingo 4 Ordinario B - Salmo 94 - Señor, que no seamos sordos a tu voz Richard Schletty 337
01/26/24 Blog Loved into Being ronsue 268
01/24/24 Blog Your Hand in Everything ronsue 350
01/23/24 Blog Psalm 33 ronsue 276
01/20/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 24(25):4-6,7b-9 for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (Sunday of the Word of God) - Lord, Make Me Know Your Ways Michelle Sambrano 474
01/18/24 Blog O Sacred Head ronsue 278
01/17/24 Story Domingo 3 Ordinario B - Salmo 24 - Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos Richard Schletty 299
01/16/24 Blog Thank You For Your Gift of Faith ronsue 320
01/13/24 Story Responsorial Psalm 39(40):2,4,7-10 for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B - Here I Am, Lord! I Come To Do Your Will Michelle Sambrano 226
01/13/24 Blog Psalm 34 ronsue 382
01/13/24 Blog In the silver silence ronsue 299
01/13/24 Story You're the One (Schletty, Page, Gomez) Richard Schletty 9,887
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