
I invite you to participate. Do you have ideas for improvement of this site?

I am trying to encourage participation by members of this site. Perhaps some significant structural changes are needed in the way posts and comments areas are presented. Perhaps it needs to be more like a Facebook interface. Not sure. I know that people experience Internet overload and "fatigue." My hope is that members here would make collaboration a priority. Maybe a live chat feed would engage people. 

Here is an example of songwriting collaboration: I helped Asiansa09 with his English translation of a prayer he learned as a child.

I like to post photos and 1-minute videos at Instagram. Instagram is a nice model of social networking. 

However, here at TCS, we need to dig deep into Catholic music making and spend some time reflecting, sharing and helping each other. We have a Forum area being neglected

Your suggestions for enlivening this site are most welcome!

In Christ,


See finished song here:

I am on my knees
My eyes focus on you in your tabonacle
My heart close to you my Lord, Jesus Christ
In the moment of encharistment.

My God, my Christ, whom present in my heart
I praise you, oh Lord, I worship you
In your present at the tabonacle
For me to be with you forever more.

My God, my Christ, whom present in my mind
I pray with Mother Mary for virginity
And for others to receive your graces
For me to have faith in you throughout my life.

My God, my Christ, whom present in the church
I pray for mom and dad to live a faithful life
Upon the Lord, Jesus Christ, in heaven with the Father
And loves brothers and sisters as self.


I have seen water and blood flow from Christ's heart
The light radiate from the heart of our savior
To our brothers and sisters for generations.

Messages from Christ to sister Faustina
For the love of humanity
Christ wants to illuminate his love for all
To draw every heart of mankind to himself
That he will show his mercy for every soul
Wherever Christ pictures displace.

Message from Christ to sister Faustina
For the love of humanity
Christ shows himself to every soul
To whom sees the picture of Christ
Radian with his heart of light red and white
Represent blood and water flows from his heart.

Message from Christ to sister Faustina
For the love of humanity
Christ will save souls who comes for his mercy
He shows souls who is sinful will see the lights of salvation
Upon his heart he shows his mercy for humanity
The flows of water and blood from Christ.

On a Cross

On a cross You gave Your life
A ransom for my sin
A sacrifice amazing
New life for me to win
Jesus, let me comprehend
The gratitude I owe
For the great love You give me
And Graces galore

Sometimes I fail to listen
To Your voice in my heart
My selfish mind then reckons
And justifies my thoughts
Lord, I do regret my every sinful deed
Please, please forgive me
Humbly I plead


Often I fail to spurn
the tempter’s call
Help me to see the burn
Of my nonsensical fall
Strengthen my resolve to live within Your love
Grant me Your blessings
From heaven above


CCLI Australia Song No. 7024178

Holy Spirit

Chorus:  Oh, Holy Spirit
Call on children of the world

Verse 1:  Oh, Holy Spirit, call on children of the world
Be shine and bright
Day and night, walk in the light of Christ.

Verse 2:  Oh, Holy Spirit, call on children of the world
Listen to inner voices of Holy Spirit
Day and night, walk in the truth of Christ.

Verse 3:  Oh, Holy Spirit, children of the world
Follow the call of Holy Spirit
Day and night, walk in the way of Christ.

Post a blog entry? Why not just go to our blog!

Yes! That is a great idea! We have a LOT of music, stories and insights to share after 40 years of existence. Why reinvent the wheel? Go to our blog! Here is the link:

Thank you so much! See you there....
Peace & Love & JOY,
Mark LaJOIE! of Living Waters

Frequency Spectrum Analysis of A Cup of Cold Water - Catholic MTR

I thought it would be interesting to view the Frequency Spectrum of Wave PCM signed 32 bit, 48 kHz, 3072 kbit/sec Audio files I used to create a Playlist on YouTube of my new Album.  Below you will find a Color Visualization of that Playlist.  I hope you enjoy watching and listening to it.  MTR

Something New is coming to the iTunes Store | MTR

Something New is coming to the iTunes Store | MTR

Jesus Mary Joseph I love you save souls

I often pray the prayer line "Jesus Mary Joseph I love you save souls."  I hope that Mother Virgin Mary hear my prayer upon Christ and save Holy Souls to heaven.

Come and Recite the Rosary with me

I made determination for the year 2017 to recite the rosary upon Christ and Sorrowful Mother Mary for everyone whom I know throughout my life.  Please join me in prayer for people I once know in my life.  I'll keep my blog post with information of what my prayer intention in everyday life here.

Creating a 501(3)(c) nonprofit charity called MTR, Inc. MTR

MP3 Music Playlist: 

     I intend to create a 501(3)(c) nonprofit charity called: MTR, Inc. to use my income from Downloads and Merchandise from my Bandcamp site: to help support Catholic Causes like : and other Catholic Faith-based causes.  I intend to file sometime in early 2017 if my Financial Situation improves enough that I can retain a Lawyer to file the papers for me.  Thanking you in advance for your kind support of my Mission, I remain,

Sincerely yours in Christ,


The Intended Listening order for the Tracks on SharePoint. MTR

There are now 13 Tracks on my SharePoint site.  11 from A Cup of Cold Water, and two Bonus Tracks from my derivitive work Ambient  Seashore.  They are designed to take you on a Spiritual Journey if you listen to them in the right order.  That order is:

1. Baptism Song

2. Ambient Seashore

3. Trinity

4. Meditation II

5. Communion Song

6. Song for Thomas

7. All my Trials

8. Prayer of St. John Paul the Great

9. River of Life

10. Morning of the Last Day

11. Take Five

The other two Tracks, with my acccompanying partner, Bill Hughes - Tenor, are Freebies taken from my Derivative work Ambient Seashore, which is intended to be of the Genre Christian Contemporary (it has all of the strictly Catholic Tracks removed so as not to scare away the Christians) are Roll Down the Ages & I Am the Vine. Those two Tracks are special because I lost them for a time, and my curious oldest son found them among the hard drives of our outdated Gateway computers with P5 166 MHz Pentium processors in them that refuse to die.  In any event consider them as Dessert.  I am including with this Post a PDF of the Info & Lyrics from A Cup of Cold Water to remind you of why you're willing to spend an hour or more (depending on the Download Rate of your Internet Connection.  I truly hope you enjoy listening to these Tracks the way they sounded on my SONY PROs when I recorded them.  MTR

32 bit PCM signed WAV files Sampling Rate: 48kHz Bitrate: 3072 kb/s MTR

     I have WAV files encoded from the original WAV files I obtained when I was recording A Cup of Cold Water in my Studio at Resch Engineering, Inc. in Lincoln, NE during the Fall of 1998.  I would like to Share them with anyone who is interested in hearing my Tracks with Astonishing Clarity which are not Available for Download either on TCS or on my Bandcamp site.  Richard claims that the iTune app can handle this file type.  If you already have the iTune app for your operating system, or are interested in Downloading another Free app like Goldwave which runs on Windows natively, or on OSX with the help of a ShareWare app that you can also Download for Free on the Web (Google: Goldwave for MACImportant Note: You must be registered as a member of Top Catholic Songs to perform this next Procedure.  Click on the following Bitlink: and send me a private message containing your First & Last names and your Microsoft Account Email address (if you don't have a Microsoft Account you must obtain one to be able to Login to SharePoint).  I will then arrange for you to be Emailed an Invitation to Login using your Microsoft Account from my ReschEngineeringInc.SharePoint site for you to be a Visitor on my site with Read-only Download privileges so that you can Download any or all of my 13 Tracks with the above mentioned features by Right-Clicking the Sound File and choosing Download.  I offer you this opportunity because I am somewhat of an Audiophile who is Turned-on by the sound of Music as good as it sounded to me when I was recording it.  I am including with this Post a PDF of the Info & Lyrics to A Cup of Cold Water so that you will have something to read while you are Downloading files which have a size of around 100 MBytes each.  MTR

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