
Song Lyric: For the World

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Ebook collection of 17 Songs (free download)

The above link will take you to the Google store where you can download a collection of my written songs for free. Originally I wanted to record them but I wasn't happy with the recordings I did do so if you want to check them out in written form please do so by clicking the link. God Bless. Alex.

Never Miss A Beat (new lyrics 2019)

1st Verse:

To follow in his footsteps may seem like a challenge

But we are not hollow inside so he knows we can manage...

We try our best not to fail

And feel from what's high up above when we hail...

Song of Peace

Hi everyone,
I present to you 'Song of Peace' used as part of a welcome to a liturgy and can get quite complex in that the song has two choruses that are sing at the same time, splitting th church up into two competitive halves (quite fun too!).

Catechism of the Catholic Church book

Here is the book that I took the Catechesis 101 class.  It might be helpful to find the key points in this book Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Also, if anyone interest in taking the online class, this is a helpful link


SONG LYRIC:  Christocentric
by:  Dan Vi Nguyen

In communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
We receive a divine mercy of Christ to be the center of our life.
Christocentric of the suffering, death, resurrection and accession.
To hold the church in Body of Christ that brought to life in Holy Spirit.

Center our life with the direction of Christocentric
Experience the life of Christ in his suffering, death, resurrection and accession.
In human flesh that he know humanity in weakness and sinful.
Forth, seek his forgiveness in the Lord, Jesus Christ.
To be purify as in Christ's image and likeness of God.


Song Lyric: Table of the King


Come, come to the table of the king

Come, come to the table of the king



Come to the table of the king

We all share the food and water we have

In thankful for God provides us with breads



Come, come to the table of the king

Come, come to the table of the king



Come to the table of the king

We offer thankful for his meals

To nourish our body mind and spiritual life



Come, come to the table of the king

Come, come to the table of the king



Come to the table of the king

We come to share our joy and happiness

All are welcome to join table of the king.


All are welcome, all are welcome.




Hi everybody,
                         Just wanted to check in as it's been ages! I hope everyone is good and preparing for a wonderful Christmas. Looking forward to checking out the new tunes. God Bless. Alex.

Song Lyric: Thanksgiving


Come to the table of the king
Together let make the sign of the cross
Before we eat and join together for the meal
In thankful for heavenly Father
On earth mother provides
For a meal we appreciation.

The meal we have on the table
Is our work and effort on earthly life
To sustain our body mind and spirit
We offer our work with men women and children effort
But heavenly Father provides us with in life Christ.

In thanksgiving spirit for life
Let first give thank to God
Our heavenly Father Son and Holy Spirt
For the food and water sustain us in life
For each breath we take for granted
In union with God in heaven.

Song Lyric: HEART BEAT

Song Lyric:  HEART BEAT

Precious treasure start from each heart beat
The life is treasure from each heart beat.

Precious treasure from the heart beat
Is the light of life on earth begin.

Every heart beat count for life
Precious treasure God gifts for man
For the beauty of God creation
For each breaths we take for granted.

For moment man woman conceive
A life potentially will spring up
In mother womb that being protected
For the light of life begin.

My heart beat with frequeny of life
For the life count base on heart beat
For every breath we take is a gift of life
From God is our appreciation.

Table of the Lord

Original Offertory song.

A Caribbean Rosary

The group COLOR, located in Barbados, has recently recorded a fully sung Rosary.  The mysteries are being released each week in October.  It is hoped that the music will support devotion to the Rosary and assist persons in improving their prayer life. Each mystery is approximately 1 hour long and is available free of charge.  Listen here  or via SoundCloud.

Read project update here:

Find out more about COLOR from their website

Hi Richard

Hi Richard,
                   I hope you have been well along with everyone else contributing to this site. I'm just wondering how you feel about our collaborations and what we should do with what we have done and where to share them? It's good to see so people contributing here. All the best. Alex.
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