Advent Top Songs

Here are the top Advent songs as voted upon by the TopCatholicSongs community. We had nominated Advent-oriented songs from our own repertoires, and then instituted a vote as to which songs were the best.

These artists represent the best that Catholic music has to offer:

  1. Promised Messiah by Gretchen Harris
  2. O Come O Come Emmanuel by Kitty Cleveland, (a medley with Coventry Carol)
  3. Comfort Comfort by Maureen and Bill Hayes
  4. Holy Is His Name by Lynn Geyer
  5. A Child Shall Lead by Lynn Geyer
  6. Something's Gonna Come by Joel Stein
  7. Waiting for the Christ Child by Nancy Krebs
  8. Magnificat by Trish Foti Genco
  9. In the Stillness by Trish Foti Genco
  10. Day of the Lord by Deacon Chuck Stevens.
  11. Wait With Me by Susan Bailey.

Advent is a joyous, hope-filled, incredible Season, that makes participating in the Christmas Season all the more precious. I cannot reccommend these songs highly enough, and see these songs as a helpful reminder that Christ's coming to us, first as a baby in the manger, and second from the clouds.


Another outstanding Advent

Another outstanding Advent Song that is a must is Susan Bailey's "Wait With Me" from her CD, "Wait With Me" Advent of the Promised Son. I find this song prepares my soul for His coming more than any song I have heard for Advent! annie


Song Title: "Hosanna" Hear @ URL:

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