Nick Alexander here... The votes have been tallied and counted, and according to the community of Top Catholic Songs, this is the list for the Top Songs of Mary. Each of these songs express a particular devotion to Mary, or are songs based out of her words from Scripture. The key to Marian songs, of course, is to honor her as one would honor one's own mother, but not to the level of worship (reserved for God only). It was her "Yes," after all, that opened the door for Jesus to come into the world, that, in turn, opened the door for salvation for all humanity.
- Queen of Heaven by Mark Mallett

You, you are the Queen of Heaven And we honor you ‘Cause you, you said “I will”, to the Father For all of us and you You take our prayers And you wrap them in your mantle of love Ya, you lead us to The only Son of God our Lord above O blessed are you among women O and blessed is the fruit of your womb
- Mary's Song by Sean Clive
We need to imitate Mary in her acceptance of God’s love and complete surrender of herself to the Maker of all things. Do we praise God enough for the good things He has done for us? I don’t. Not nearly enough for so many gifts. (Luke 1:26-56)
- Hail Mary, Gentle Woman by Gretchen Harris
This popular song by Carey Landry has such beautiful, gentle lyrics ... I love how our Blessed Mother is called "Peaceful Dove!" My ministry is Marian, with the desire to encourage Marian devotion and in turn inspire more frequent prayer of the Rosary, all in hopes of consoling our Blessed Mother.
- Medjugorje by Paul Harrigan
Our Blessed Mother Mary got a hold of my sick heart and brought me to her Son Jesus, our Divine Physician. And He has healed me! Please visit my YouTube page to view my EWTN performance of "Medjugorje."
- Mary (Magnificat) by Fr. Kent O'Connor It is based on the words that Mary speaks to Elizabeth at the Visitation. It is a duet with myself and a good friend, Steve Courtney. I wanted a version of the Magnificat that was a bit more upbeat than the versions that I often hear. Originally written a little more "rowdy," it was re-arranged, and now it is a song that starts gently but slowly builds to a joyful end. I also wanted to stay very close lyrically to the version that I pray every evening.
- Do Whatever He Tells You by Nick Cardilino
I originally wrote this song back in 2000 in celebration of the beatification of Fr. Chaminade, who founded the Marianists. "Do Whatever He Tells You" became Fr. Chaminade's motto and the way he tried to live. Mary's spirit of obedience to God's will was how he sought to live out his life. So, my hope in writing this song is to encourage all of us to turn to Mary as a model of true discipleship.
- Song to Our Lady of Guadalupe by Annie Karto
From the popular melody "Lord You Have Come to the Seashore" are beautiful lyrics honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of America. Trumpets and acoustic guitar add a Mexican flair.
- Ode to Mary by Mark Mallett

When I was born many years ago You were there to greet my cry Fruit of my mother’s womb You became the Mother of my life I was baptized, beneath your eyes With the Father, Spirit and your Son Full of grace... I turned my face O your work had just begun Hail Mary, Hail Mary, Mary mother to me Hail Mary, Hail Mary, you are the Queen of my life
- Ave Maria by Trish Foti Genco
Classic rendition of the Bach/Gounod. A favorite of mine to sing.
- Queen of Apostles by Nancy Krebs
This song won the EWTN Marian Song Contest in 2004, and went on to represent the U.S. in the XX World Festival of Marian Songs in Guatemala. I went there to sing it, and the song came in 5th among 24 nations. It was a great honor and a thrill to be there and to see how people from all over the region loved this festival in honor of the Blessed Mother.
Feel free to check out these excellent songs, and to deepen your devotion to Our Lady for this year.
I just want to ask if you
it's "Queen of the Universe"
The title of that song
The title of that song is "MARY QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE"
please help... it was a song
We used to sing that
We used to sing that in church when I was a child and it always comforted me so much. In my memory the second line was "in all my afflictions, I hasten to thee". Hope this helps. The closest I could find is this:
O Mary, My Mother So Tender
O Mary, my Mother so tender, so sweet,
In all my afflictions, I run to thy feet;
Thy heart is so gentle, so loving, so mild,
Thou canst not reject thy poor suppliant child.
O holy Mary, let me come,
Soon to be happy with thee in thy home.
O Mary, my Mother, I long so to see
The glory thy Son has bestowed upon thee;
That Heaven of glory, so purely thine own
The reward which thy spotless purity won.
O holy Mary, let me come,
Soon to be happy with thee in thy home.
O Mary, my Mother, sweet Mother most mild,
Remember how Jesus bequeathed me thy child;
Secure me 'midst dangers from enemies free,
And lead me at death up to Jesus and thee.
O holy Mary, let me come,
Soon to be happy with thee in thy home.
Oh mary my mother, of thee do
Please Help... i don't know
Do you know the lyrics
I would add what is commonly
I am looking for a country
Could it be Mary Did you
Hi. I'm searching for a
Magnificat: As the Rain Rushes Down
Please see this story which I posted today after doing some Internet searching. I found the words and the chords, but I don't know the melody:
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
I am looking for a song that
I think the lyrics go: when
Hello, my question is this.
Queen of Heaven, Blessed May Thou Be
Here are some leads:
Also see this:
Virgo, Rosa Virginum, Tum Precor Filium (Queen of Heaven, Blessed May Thou Be)
Words: English Traditional, Before 1536
Source: Edith Rickert, Ancient English Christmas Carols: 1400-1700 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1914), p. 23.
1. Queen of heaven, blessed may thou be,
For Godës Son born He was of thee,
For to make us free.
Gloria Tibi, Domine!
2. Jesu, God's Son, born He was
In a crib with hay and grass,
And died for us on the Cross.
Gloria Tibi, Domine!
3. To our Lady make we our moan,
That she may pray to her dear Son,
That we may to His bliss come.
Gloria Tibi, Domine!
Translation from Rickert: Gloria Tibi, Domine is translated as "Glory to thee, O Lord."
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Looking for song: The Guardian of Mary
I am looking for a song The Guardian of Mary sung by the Josephites. Thank You
Dear Guardian of Mary
At the above link, note that there are scanned versions of the hymn that appeared in various hymnals throughout the years.
Dear Guardian of Mary
Verse 1
Dear Guardian of Mary! dear nurse of her Child!
Life's ways are full weary, the desert is wild.
Bleak sands are all round us, no home can we see.
Sweet Spouse of our Lady, we lean safe on thee.
Verse 2
For thou to the pilgrim art father and guide,
And Jesus and Mary felt safe at thy side.
O Glorious Patron, secure shall I be,
Sweet Spouse of our Lady, if thou stay with me!
Verse 3
God chose thee for Jesus and Mary, wilt thou
Forgive a poor exile fro choosing thee now?
There's no saint in heaven, St. Joseph like thee,
Sweet Spouse of our Lady, do thou plead for me.
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Unborn Butterfly song
Unborn Butterfly
Richard Q'zeromen c. 2013
You're sitting in a room looking at the wallpaper
and the water from the ceilin' is fallin' down like rain
and Its insane
Its insane
You've got your hand on your belly and thinkin' of the unborn child
and the water from your body is about to break
and Its insane
Its insane
In the womb of a woman, God, plants seeds
In the womb of a woman, God, will bleed
You're sitting in a room and wondering what its all about
and its nothin' that a pen can ever cross out
Its just insane
Its insane
Yes, where living in a world that's drivin' in the fast lane
and nobody wants to stop and explain
Yes- its insane
Its all insane
In the womb of a woman, God, plants seeds
In the womb of a woman, God, will bleed
A Butterfly unborn, is a child of Jerusalem
A Butterfly's no thorn, it just wants to be born
It just wants to be born
You've got your hand on your belly thinking it's just a mistake
You can hear the rattlin' sound of the Devil's evil snake
Its all insane
Its insane
You're writing on a pad and thinkin' of the things you'll need
but can you trust yourself to believe in Jesus Christ
Its not insane
Its not insane
In the womb of a woman, God, plants seeds
In the womb of a woman, God, will bleed
A Butterfly unborn, is a child of Jerusalem
A Butterfly's no thorn, it just wants to be born
It just wants to be born
Repeat Chorus
I am looking for a the words
Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above (Salve Regina)
Hail, holy Queen enthroned above, O Maria.
Hail, Queen of mercy and of love, O Maria.
Triumph, all ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!
Our life, our sweetness, here below, O Maria!
Our hope in sorrow and in woe, O Maria!
Triumph, all ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!
To thee we cry, poor sons of Eve, O Maria!
To thee we sigh, we mourn, we grieve, O Maria!
Triumph, all ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!
Turn then most gracious Advocate, O Maria!
Toward us thine eyes compassionate, O Maria!
Triumph, all ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!
The cause of joy to men below, O Maria!
The spring through which all graces flow, O Maria!
Angels, all your praises bring, Earth and heaven, with us sing,
All creation echoing:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Hail Holy Queen enthroned
This is one of my favorite
The words of the Hymn to Our
I am looking for lyrics for a
PLEASE HELP! There is a song
Re: "Gently, she carries her
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Hey im looking for the gospel
I heard it sung by him also
Hail Mary, Queen of Flowers by Manny Lapingcao
Hail Mary, Queen of flowers by Magpalacir Choir with lyrics
Hail Mary, Queen of Flowers, to you we offer
our love song filled with colors with so much splendor.
Your beauty, it lingers. God's blessings please shower unto us.
Hail Mary, Queen of Flowers, you're sweet as roses,
red roses, pink and yellow, white and scented.
Forever and ever your sweetness will linger as time goes on.
Hail, Holy Mother, our Queen of Flowers.
You are the gentle drop of rain refreshing our lives
that have benn dried up, showering your freshness on us all.
So for a lifetime, even beyond time,
we will sing to you our love.
And with blessings from above
we'll move through life with you, our Queen. (2X)
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Hi there. I am looking for a
Hi, Valerie. I have asked our
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Hi Valerie, I'm confused. Do
Good point, Nick.
Good point, Nick. There are sheet music services that offer music scores in several different key transpositions. I think Valerie wants a more contemporary setting that is in English. It needs to reflect the sorrow of Mother Mary at the foot of the cross. I believe she wants to be able to sing it at a church service. I found a beautiful song called "The Most of All" written by Sophie Riccio Kozak, sung by Katy Feeney. It can be used for Christmas or Stations of the Cross.
The Most of All
Listen now, my baby, I’ll sing you soon to slumber,
For it’s not for you to wonder what will tomorrow bring,
Tonight, just be my baby, tomorrow be their king,
And just for now I’ll love you most of all,
Just for now I’ll love you most of all.
For someday soon you’ll live in palace halls,
Still for now within these stable walls,
I’ll hold you near my baby, for day will soon be breaking,
And your kingdom will be waking to claim you as it’s own,
Tonight you are my baby, tomorrow you’ll be grown,
And just for now I love you most of all, just for now I love you most of all.
And if there comes a time when all goes wrong,
Will you then recall a mother’s song,
Of long ago, my baby, when earth was filled with sorrow,
And I gave it you to borrow to be it’s newborn joy.
But first I ask you baby, become my little boy
Before they love you soon the most of all,
Let me love you soon the most of all.
While not specifically written from the viewpoint of the sorrowful Mother Mary, this song resonates and is quite accessible:
"In the cross of Christ, our glory" by Marty Haugen
Found in: Gather (3rd ed.) #111 - GIA Publications, Inc.
Practice version of song:
In the cross of Christ, our glory, Christ, our story, Christ, our song, Christ, our song.
Let your mind and heart be one with Christ, who emptied himself, for us became a slave, accepting death upon the cross.
He was pierced for our iniquities, and crushed for our sins. He died to make us whole, and by his suffering we are healed.
Come, behold the cross of sacrifice on which Jesus died -- the Savior of us all -- to save a lost and broken world.
May we never boast of anything, save the cross of Christ, by which we die to sin and rise to life in Jesus Christ.
Now in Christ, we who were aliens, have been reconciled; as members of God's house, we live as God's own dwelling place.
In the cross of Christ, our glory, Christ, our story, Christ, our song, Christ, our song.
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Stabat Mater from Via Crucis
Stabat Mater from Via Crucis by Katholicus comment has been promoted to a story here: here
Dear Mr. Schletty,
Blessings in Our Lord. I am Adam Miller of the Catholic rock music project, Katholicus. I saw Valerie's note about needing a Stabat Mater. I offer you my version used in the Sixth Station from the compilation CD, Via Crucis, released by But I own the copyright. You can adapt the words from the other stations to this melody. You can also change the key to fit your vocal range if this key doesn't work. I have it attached. Let me know if it works for you.
Stabat Mater text: "Can the human heart refrain from partaking in her pain, in that Mother's pain untold?" (This is the common English translation of the Latin.)
Album notes here:
Here is the YouTube video for "Veronica" (but w/o the Stabat ending):
Adam Miller
To listen to Adam's Stabat Mater, go to 4:44 of this soundtrack:
Via Crucis, The Way of the Cross
VI - Veronica - Katholicus
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
These are wonderful
Re: "I heard it sung by him"
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
hello everyone, does anyone
hello everyone, does anyone know the title of this song" i know someone, who cares for me, and im sure im not alone for she's my mother dear, is she beautiful, is she wonderful, is she smiling charming lover, lady Mary, dearest mother, thank you, thank you evermore" i really really love this song, its quiet old, and i dont hear this being sung in churhes, and i miss this song so much, thanks in advance.
I know someone who cares for me
I looked around but couldn't find it yet. Sounds like a nice song. I hope you can track it down.
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Help to find a song about Mary…..
I am looking for a song that has something about in Mary's soul she has the reflection of Jesus and the light from Jesus comes thru Mary like the Eclispe of the sun. I think it had something about the sun in the title. I heard it on a retreat and can not remember it. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks so much!!
Marian Songs with guitar chords
I'm looking for the guitar chords of the song Queen of the Universe. I've been looking for it and Google does not have it. I'd like to teach it to my students. thanks
Link to Queen of the Universe?
Can someone post a link to the song Queen of the Universe? I'm not familiar with that one.
Link to Queen of the Universe
I found two recordings of Queen of the Universe at YouTube.
The first rendition is with piano. I wish I could find the words for the second verse that Earthlywizard Christine sings. Very hard to understand what she is singing.
This second version is performed with guitar by bam gars. Her recording is better quality. I might be able to figure out verse 2 from this:
I am guessing it is a song popular in the Phillipines but have not found a hymnal wherein it is published. It should be pretty easy to figure out guitar chords for it.
Here's what I have so far:
Queen Of The Universe
Mary, queen of angels and the stars above
A light to shine our way from the darkness of the night
Mary, you're the one to whom we give our hearts
Teach us how to pray and to speak our part.
You're the queen of the universe
You're the shoulder of all creatures of the world
You're the woman of all the earth
Oh, loving mother pray for us
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
This is a very pretty song,
This is a very pretty song, and thanks for the videos Richard. I should have time this week to take a crack at the chords. But don't just wait on me if someone else is motivated! :)
Transcribing Queen of the Universe for guitar
Rob: Please do your thing. Not sure when I'll get at it. It would be interesting to compare and possibly merge our chording ideas.
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
My chords for Queen of the Universe
My chords for Queen of the Universe, based on rendition by "Bam Gars" at
A - E - F#m - F#m - D - E - A - E
A - E - F#m - F#m - D - E - A - E
D - E - A - A7 - D - E - A - A7
D - E - A - F#m - D - E - A - E (last time A)
Mary, Queen of angels and the stars above
A light to shine our way from the darkness of the night
Mary, you're the one to whom we give our hearts
Teach us how to pray and to speak our part.
You're the Queen of the universe
You're the shoulder of all creatures of the world
You're the woman of all the earth
Oh, loving Mother, pray for us
Lady of the heavens, intercede for us
Bread of our heart, don't keep us apart
Lady of creation, shine your gracious heart
Mother of the world keep us in your love
You're the Queen of the universe
You're the shoulder of all creatures of the world
You're the woman of all the earth
Oh, loving Mother, pray for us
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Sheet Music for this
Dear friends, I am a string player [violin & viola]. I would like to find the sheet music for Mary Queen of the Universe.
Thanks for all your help.
Mary, Queen of the Universe sheet music
I wish I could help you. I did a search last year and searched again today. I can't find any instrumental sheet music. I did transcribe the chords that you see above from a couple YouTube videos. Hopefully, someone else can help you locate a score with strings. Otherwise, I could ask my colleague André to prepare an original arrangement for you. Do you have a budget for this? André can create a score using Sibelius. Thanks.
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
upbeat Marian song
Any suggestions, I would appreciate it.
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Upbeat Marian song
I also like "I Sing a Maid" but it's a little more challenging. Composed by M. D. Ridge in 1987.
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Mary Most Holy
I've been looking for the sheet music for Mary Most Holy for piano accompaniment. I'm wondering if you have had it at all?
Lady of Love
She's the lady of love,
She's the queen of peace,
She's the mother of my Lord.
She carried Him to Bethlehem,
Gave birth in a place unadorned
That's all I came up with. I have been searching for it as I teach preschool at a Catholic School and think it would be perfect to teach our youngest students (ages 2-3). I would love to find this on an audio cd or even a digital version. Thanks for any help.
Lady of Love hymn for children
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Unable to find "Lady of Love" hymn
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
Hi. I was in the United
Southern Indiana is where my
An original song by a local songwriter?
Here's a thought: Contact the church/school and see if the music director has a file cabinet of old songs. Maybe Lady of Love is in there! It is very helpful to know that it's a simple guitar-driven song for kids. I was looking in very old traditional Catholic hymnals. I also looked in hymnals from GIA and OCP.
By the way, if you remember the melody, you could record a snippet and send me an MP3. I'd love to get an idea of how it goes. Send MP3 file to
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
I am looking for a Hail Mary song that we used to sing at church
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with you,
Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb,
Blessed is the fruit of your womb
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death,
Hail Mary, full of grace, Hail Mary...
Hail Mary
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |
I am looking for a Hail Mary song that we used to sing at church
Hail Mary sung in church
I have sung it often with my church choir.
Allow me to put in a pitch for a song I helped record and publish. The melody is by Tony Moran:
Hail Mary (track 16)
Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |