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In this forum we provide suggestions for songs for weekend Masses and other services, following the readings for the day, the Catholic liturgical calendar or a specific sacramental, praise or adoration theme. Included are hymns, responsorial psalms and Mass settings. We provide links to song texts (lyrics), guitar chords and piano sheet music, if available. We will try to note which songs are copyrighted and which are in the public domain. Some songs are demoed via YouTube or audio links.
4 | 5 | 2 years 3 days ago by Richard Schletty |
Visitors to our site have said they would like to improve their singing and playing of instruments in church. This forum provide tips for beginning as well as experienced cantors, choir members and musicians. Ask questions and share your knowledge!
4 | 4 | 8 years 29 weeks ago by Andre van Haren |